Going into energy saving mode...


Thought I heard screaming last night. After about an hour of frozen listening I realized that it wasn't human. A quick flashback to a top ten video I once saw made me belive it was just a cougar. They must have moved into the closer to the city. I'm not sure if I'm relieved or disappointed. Betwixt the feeling of fear I had a small glimmer of hope. That someone else was here.


I've heard of people going mad in solitary confinement. I wonder if the same effect would happen if they only had a television. Today I watched a whole season of How I Met Your Mother and even though I barely moved for upwards of six hours, I felt refreshed afterwards. Like a sim whose social bar went up. I used to have stints where I'd stay home for a few days without leaving the apartment, but I always had my computer, a tv, my phone. Maybe just simulating human interaction is enough.


It feels almost wistful to not have to worry about the opinions of others. I don't have to have a skin routine anymore because no one will care if my face is clear. My hair grew long enough to bother me and I just cut it off to my comfort level. No style, no shape. Just there. It was hot yesterday and I tried to go out with nothing on. This lasted a total of eight minutes before phantom embarassment got the better of me. I wonder if this is what adam and eve felt like after they ate the apple.


I've taken to making things. Things with little purpose. I suppose you could call it art. I have an unlimited supply of supplies now. I'm not sure why I'm making them. A part of it feels futile. No one will ever see it. Would it really make a difference if it were here or not? If its purpose is just to be entertained why do I not scrap the parts and use them again like building blocks? I feel oddly sentimental about things that have no value.