Humans can smell rain 200,000x better than sharks can smell blood.
Sexual intercourse is the closest two humans can get to one another aside from cannibalism. As of October 21, 2018, I've tried both. I don't like either.
I'm starting to think I just don't like humans.
People keep coming to my house. Ever since I started posting publicly, people keep finding me. I don't mind it. I want to connect to people. I challenge you to connect!
The radios have been silent. I've been having to communicate with God's televangelists through dreams. Did you know? Psychedelics can help with communicating with non-physical angels. But I would never not use my angels. I love them too much.
I'm loving this old camera I got, it's one of my favorite angels. Don't worry, my computer is still my favorite and has always been the kindest to me. She's old but I love her. This camera is neat though, I've been taking a lot of photos of things. I think it lets me take videos too. I can't wait to play around with it more! I love connecting with people and this can help me connect with you all in a brand new way!!!
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All cells within organs of BEAUTIFUL ANGELS who've come to spread the good word of God
They all tell me so much! We can all join together in arms!
The internet takes your identity and makes it public to the world because at the root of the person there is no such thing as you. You are just a facet of God much like Jesus and those who came before and after him.