May 17, 2022

Luna exits the house looking for the weird ~ 👁️ person. Wormwood, who'd just posted a meme on DATRRS... somehow. They have been standing in the front yard for a week. Wormwood stares at Luna.

"Are you slapping," Wormwood asks.

"Slapping? No, but I am curious about a tweet I saw online."


"Sup Wormwood."

"I fuking say hi"


"Are you slapping"


"Tilde eye emoji"

"Knew it." Luna pulls out her phone and shows Wormwood the tweet, "How the heck did you do that???"

"My dude drinking a uranium / hydrochloric acid smoothie," Wormwood says, "Diet dr pepper"

"Indeed. Especially that chocolate black cherry diet. Shit was terrible for acid reflux," Luna sighs.

"Poor bus admin t the type of goofy ahh fellow to shout Aww nuts!" Wormwood smiles.

"Please don't show me your nuts." Luna says.

Lock sits up in her tree, "the fuck?"

A paper plate appears on the ground before luna. Upon it is a raw ham and cheese sandwich with several radishes on the side.

"Let's fuckin go!!!" Wormwood says.

"Uhhhh... what?" Luna asks, "eww radishes."

"You're a cat right? You live in a banana... you live in it.... a banana home...." Wormwood says.

"I am a cat yes. More like a banana boat, but go off queen." Luna replies.

"Bad news." Wormwood says.


"Donkey rhubarb"

"Chocolate Pepper." Luna retorts.

Wormwood begins to sob, "Would you guys still like me if I had scurvy?....... Argh... you probably wouldn't.... whatever....just forget it..."

{-Lunes, she's just quoting Poor_bus memes.-}

There's a flash of green distortion as Spider appears, "Luna did you see the new tweet?"


"Unidentified meat," Wormwood says. Lock is watching....learning.

Luna turns to Wormwood, "Would you vote for a smoker for a president?"

"I'd rather the smoker have a president."

"Based." Luna winks.

"Ah, they're back," Spider sighs, looking at Wormwood.

"Erfurt latrine disaster. It will happen again here in 97 days. Mark my words." Wormwood threatens.

"The Henry VI one?" Luna asks. Wormwood nods, and Luna says, "Ew. So many died in the shit."

"Harvest, rescue." A dvd copy of full house appears in Wormwood's hand.

"Anyway, I wanted to know. How did you manage to tweet that using DATRRS? That's really impressive," Luna says with a smile.

Wormwood lunges at Luna, pushing her backwards. She clips into the ground!
