Luna's Journal

XK-U: Airship Antics (11/28)

Cracks of thunder and a deep whirring sound could be heard from the sky. We all went outside to investigate. Rain began to fall and a mechanical claw picked up Claire and took her up into the sky! I complained about it, saying it was like some weird Dr. Wily bullshit. Something else broke the sky and we saw what took our friend. An airship with an evil laugh playing through its speakers. We all traveled up to the skyship and encountered our first fight of the day.

Aboard the airship was a dastardly fellow wearing a funky suit and a top hat with golden goggles atop it. His mustache was twirly, and he's holding a cane. Behind him was Claire, curled up in a Mario-esque cage. Harmonia, being the badass she is, decided to skip over all of this dude’s EVIIIIILLL monolog and one tapped him with her gun. BOOM HEADSHOT! Knight decapitated the man and Claire was saved from the cage. Claire was safe but something was amiss. Her eye was bleeding and quickly turned black upon contact with her hand. We decided to go back home together.

For some reason, as if the sun vanished, the lights all went out and we found ourselves in a black-stoned hallway with three thrones at the very end of it. Lots of doors lined the hallway and loud noises could be heard coming from them. We sprinted down the hall together and arrived at the thrones. As if on cue, Drake joined us in the hall with a confused expression. A few of us sat in the thrones and Drew poured holy water on one of them only to get bitch-slapped by a tendril on the ground. After some time, we decided to split up and investigate the various routes through this place. Harmonia, Drake, Spider, and I took the black door; Chris, Knight, Cole, Photo, and Aesop took the yellow door; and Drew, marching to his own beat of his own drum, took some black paint and painted the red door black, then went through it.

Inside of the Black Door, we found some weird hallway with moist yellow carpeting and the low hum of fluorescent bulbs, almost like The Backrooms from internet lore. We continued on into another room with a chair and two doors. I flipped a coin and it landed on heads for the left door. It was a dead end, so we went through the other door. In this room, there were five doors to pick from. We chose the leftmost door and arrived in an abandoned mall. We walked through the mall and came across the food court with a ball pit. Harmonia jumped in it and disappeared. Spider, Drake, and I followed in pursuit. We arrived in a room with tiled floors and a pool filled with water. We all jumped in, though I was a bit uncomfortable with getting wet. After some fun, we left through the door on the far side of the room and went into an arcade. Another door and we found ourselves in a school gymnasium. Another set of doors and into a school foyer we went.

And then through those doors, we found ourselves outside. The grass was black and the sky was blood-red. Our moods were less than positive at this point, and we began fighting amongst ourselves. Afterwards, we continued pushing forwards and made it into a forest. It started raining and a dense fog set in. Continuing forward, we arrived at another clearing this time with normal grass and a hill. There was also an entity with two glowing eyes in the sky. It came down and we were able to better understand what it was. A tall, thin figure in a cloak. It watched us. Drake and Harmonia stared at it in its eyes. As Drake is a Corrupted, sickness cannot be spread to her. Harmonia wasn’t so lucky and began coughing. Drake got closer and gave the figure a hug. After that, we followed the figure through the woods and arrived at one more door, a black one. Upon entering, Drew was already in the hall, so we waited for everyone else to arrive.

We described our adventure to Drew and relaxed for a bit. Drew’s adventure was much shorter and he got to graffiti a water tower, lucky bastard. Just then, the Yellow Door group entered the hall and told us they got held up by Abaddon. They told us the ‘Claire’ from before wasn’t Claire at all but instead Abaddon in disguise.

Abaddon appeared on the throne marked with its seal. Instead of attacking head on, it subjected us all to our worst fears… well not exactly. Most everyone got their worst fear. I got a fuckin’ cucumber, which okay I admit, scared me initially until I took a deep breath and actually touched it. And it was harmless. And in fact… I learned that cucumbers are just pickles, something I love! After some more time, thinking it over and taking some deep breaths, I faced my fears and broke through Abaddon’s spell. Thankfully, I wasn’t the only one who broke through. Chris, Knight, and I focused our attention on helping everyone else get past their traumas. Most were able to break through with help and hugs, but Drake was especially resistant. Turns out seeing everyone call you the worst girl ever AND watching Harlow decay in front of her is insanely effective and can break even the most positive people. I had an idea on how to break Drake from her prison.

I went into Drake’s Mind and asked Terminal for help with her. Terminal accepted and began fighting alongside us internally, trying to break Drake free from the torment. After some time passed, it worked perfectly! Drake was awake and released. We all gave her a big hug, thankful for the ending of that nightmare. Unfortunately, Abaddon is extremely devious. She entered Drake’s Mind herself and continued her assault on her psyche, doing whatever she could to extend her hold. And that’s when I had a terrible idea that… in hindsight, was pretty much the worst play possible. I summoned Sugar Lance to the front of her mind. Sugar Lance is highly resistant to triggers and I thought she’d fight for us. Unfortunately, I underestimated Abaddon, for even she is able to affect Sugar’s mind and force her to attack us with Corrupted powers. Knowing what was going to happen, we instinctively pulled out our weapons and fought against Sugar at her maximum power.

We began unloading attacks upon Sugar, but they were ineffective. A tentacle attempted to strike me, but I was able to dodge with skill. I ran in and sliced one of the tentacles off. Unfortunately, being a close-quarters fighter, means entities are able to strike back easier. A tentacle wrapped around my neck and Knight’s as well. I tried to fight it off, even going as far as chomping it but it didn’t work. A frigid cold feeling enveloped my throat which made it difficult to breathe. Cole raised his max temperature higher and higher and hugged Corrupted Sugar, attempting to fight ice with heat, dealing as much damage as possible. Sugar took heavy damage from this fight, even coughing up blood. Cole went in to heal Sugar, but I stopped him, worried that healing her would only cause the fight to continue. Cole dressed her wounds instead and gave her a blanket to try and warm up. The blanket caught fire however and Sugar’s temperature reached lower levels than we’ve ever experienced. We’ve reached phase two.

Once again, my throat was wrapped with a freezing cold tentacle, which stopped me from breathing. That said, the Risen are more than just the fighters. Many people came in to help, spamming her with Green to snap out of this state. We tried to fight back ourselves, overwhelming her with as much green as possible to bring back Drake and put an end to this nightmarish boss fight. Abaddon gave Photo permission to let us escape, saying her fun was spoiled. We all arrived back in Harmonia’s house and went to sleep.