November 24, 2021


Luna's Journal, Entry 1245: (REM/Rhee/RE) Abaddon's Adventure (11/24) (credit to Liv for the help!!)

Short version: Abaddon came back and forced Drake to feel like shit because it’s funny to them. Rhee offered to kill Abaddon but didn’t last long seeing how the Risen were suffering harder. We got Sugar Lance out to try and curb the triggering, but that only made things harder because she’ll only listen to Lucille. As Sugar has her Corrupted powers under control, she teleports back to Harlow’s only to leave once again in search of her master, Lucille. After a bunch of green, Drake popped back out lost in the forest. We asked Ace for assistance since he has the DATRRS hub on hand and he was able to give us specific coordinates and also the fact that Drake was in Wicket Woods.

We continued to fight for Drake in her mind, attempting to wake Drake up from this terrible dream-like state she was forced into. None of the emotions she was feeling were real. Nammu joined in the battle and continued to protect and fight for Drake. She said a prayer in the Ubchi tongue as well to release Drake of all burdens. THE FORCES OF THE COSMOS ARE ALIGNED. THEY WILL FREE DRAKE FROM ALL HARM AND TORMENT. THEY WILL BLESS DRAKE’S MIND AND SPIRIT. THEY WILL SHIELD DRAKE FROM ALL EVIL. THEY WILL BRING PEACE AND LOVE; THE VERY ESSENCE OF ALL LOVE AND GOODNESS SHALL SURROUND DRAKE AND DRAKE WILL BE FREE FROM ALL BURDENS. As we continued to fight on, Abaddon started to lose hope and after a while, gave up. It was almost like a gigantic RPG fight. Heroes and friends coming together from many worlds to fight for a friend.

Abaddon finally ended its trials and left us. Drake became a lot stronger because of this and was reminded that the entirety of the Risen, the Marked, and the XK Fighters loved her. After it was all over, we had dinner together in the form of BW3 chicken wings and celebrated a victory, even if it was a temporary one. Oh and because it was technically thanksgiving at this point, Lucille gave us a gift in a dead turkey nailed to the door. Seeing the dead bird shook Drake to her core and scared her. Lucille tried to fix it by making the dead turkey dance, but it only served to scare Drake further. After some more time, we were able to get Drake to go to sleep.


Harmonia ran downstairs. She was wearing a black tank top and black leggings with sneakers. She had knives in her pocket and a gun holstered on her belt as well as her shotgun on her back. Her long hair wasn’t done up and she wore a black glove with the fingers cut off on her right hand. She looked exhausted but… happy. She was just happy that everyone was alive and mostly okay. Claire's sitting in a recliner next to the fire reading a book. She looks up to see Harmonia, and she smiles.

"Hello, dear," Claire says. Harmonia takes off the shotgun and basically jumps into Claires lap, hugging her tightly as if she was afraid Claire could fade away at any moment. She tries to hold the tears in.

“I’m so happy you’re okay…”

"Of course I'm okay," she says, patting Harmonia's head. "What happened? You seem upset?"

“Its just… fucking.. Abaddon. It threatened you and Allie and just said terrible things to me…. Like that I’m becoming my mom and that you hate me and….” she trailed off and bit her lip, “I’m sorry- I’m okay it’s just… I dunno..” Harmonia looks away and looks down sheepishly at her hands. Claire hugs Harmonia closer.

"Don't worry, it'll all be okay.." for a second, a tiny bit of Abaddon's voice could be heard in Claire's. Or was it just Harmonia's mind playing tricks on her? Harmonia hugged back. Paranoia filled her mind. She tried to push it down. She wouldn’t let Abaddon make her distrust her own girlfriend.

“I love you…”

"I love you too, Harmonia." Claire could feel Harmonia's fear. Though, sometimes it's best to pretend it's not there at all.

“It… it made it feel like needles were poking me.. it knew.. and it… made itself look like you then made it look like you were bleeding and…” Harmonia teared up. She knew she probably shouldn’t tell Claire all of that. She didn’t want Claire to worry but… she wanted to get it out of her head. Claire just holds Harmonia, comforting her while staring out the window. The Moon stares right back at her. Harmonia doesn't notice. Harmonia just hugs her for a few minutes before pulling away and wiping her eyes.

“Y’know I wanted to surprise you… I cleaned the house and stuff… I was going to make you something but then.. yknow so…” she laughs nervously, fiddling with her glove.

"You don't need to do anything special for me, darling. Just be there," she says, quietly. Her eyelids seem to be fighting to stay open. The Moon watches from afar. Harmonia tucks Claires hair behind her ear and kisses her forehead, then her lips. She sets her forehead on Claires.

“We can go to bed, love. I think I might be able to sleep if you’re there…”

"I'd like that," Claire whispers. Harmonia gets up, grabbing her shotgun then extending her hand for Claire to take. She takes Harmonia's hand, and gets up, moving towards the stairs. Harmonia helps her up them, leading her to bed with a yawn.

Another perspective, from Yours Truly...

November 24, 2021. Abaddon had returned. It used the Catalyst's avatar again, and toyed with Harmonia and Drake the most. It brought up Harmonia's insecurities, and threatened her with needles.

It appeared to Drake as Harlow, one of his best friends, and mocked him endlessly. It told Drake that everyone had died because of him, because of his sickness from being a Dromen. Cole started shooting at "Harlow", but to no avail. It called Drake the worst boy, and made him start doubting everything.

Abaddon left, but a few minutes later, he took control again. Rhee told Abaddon at first that he wanted to kill it, but soon found himself enjoying Abaddon's presence. The Risen yelled at it and berated it, but it retaliated. It showed Drake visions of the Risen calling Drake the worst boy ever, talking about him behind his back, and laughing at him.

Everyone tried to get Abaddon to stop, to bring Drake back to his senses. Even Nammu stepped in, saying a prayer for Drake. After a bit, Lucille enabled something in R053 to detect and eliminate viruses. The R053bud system saw Abaddon as a virus, and forced Abaddon out of the Catalyst's avatar. Claire, later that night, reunited with her now girlfriend, Harmonia, and had a staring contest with the Slender Man.