March 23, 2022

Luna appears in a dark, crimson forest, coated in a dense, gray-blue fog. She is in full control of her body. Luna tries to teleport back home.

>!! You cannot fast travel while enemies are nearby!

"...shit. Guess I'm moving forward." Luna checks her belongings. Does she have her sword on hand? Everything she was carrying before is on her now. Nice. Luna unsheathes her Marked sword and moves forward through the fog. "No fear. Abaddon wants a reaction. I refuse to give it that."

"Uh-huh," she hears a voice say from behind her. It's a shadowy figure in a red cloak. She's unable to make out any features, except for one bright, glowing eye. "Doesn't just want a reaction. Wants chaos. Anything outta the norm."

"Pretty muc-- wait what? Who are you?"

"She never gave me a name. People just call me Emissary. But I'm off duty right now. So, you may call me as you please, Grimalkin-to-be." Their voice is deep and raspy. Luna can make out what appears to be dark vines growing off of them.

"Grimalkin to be? Bruh, I haven't seen Eris in over a month now." Luna readies herself for a potential fight with this Emissary jackass. "Okay Emissary, why am I here?"

"Einfield, probably. He was assigned to your group earlier today. He's been up every night waitin' to go and torment you fucks. Normally, he just screws with idiots who play with Ouija boards, this is his first assignment. Go easy on him, k? He's a good kid."

"I see. Well, aside from the spiders and the loud noises, he was alright. And I can't promise the rest of my group will be so kind." Luna sighs. "So how do I get out of here? The fog is very pretty, but kinda dense."

"Only one who can do that is a demon that isn't a Fogbringer or lower. TL;DR, find a well, knock on the right brick." They chuckle. "They'll take you where you wanna go."

"And how will I know it's the right brick? Unless it's literally the brick on the right side?"

"You'll see. Just knock around. If one seems to excited, go to the next one."

"I see. Just knock on all of them until one works." Luna pauses for a sec, "wait, so you're not a demon above fogbringer rank then?"

"I am a Fogbringer, Luna," they laugh, raising their arm. Through the dense fog, you can see vines hanging off of their arm. They pull back their hood and exhale, fog coming out, blurring their face more.

"Ah. What a pain." Luna continues to walk through the dense fog, ignoring whatever those vines were. Her goal is to find a well. The breeze is cool, and it carries whispers. Luna can occasionally feel something move underneath her shoes. The trees creak. She focuses on her destination, not allowing the many voices in her surroundings to affect her movements. "At least this forest is really pretty." Eventually, she comes across... a field. The grass is tall and red. There's something within the grass, a... structure!?!?!?!?!? Not that kind of structure, but it is a structure yeah.

"Oh hey. A structure. I hope there's a rake chillan in it!" She calmly walks towards the structure. It's a well! Made of bricks. "Aww no rakes chilling at the structure... Oh well, time to knock on every single one of these bricks." Luna begins to knock on every single brick looking for the correct one.

Some of them grumble. One starts speaking immediately, "Hey, what's up?"

"Uhhh hey. I'm trying to get home. I'm not from this Hell but rather the other one. Some entity... erm what was its name? Emissary? Told me to knock on you guys."

"Ohh, I gotcha, just tell me where home is and I'll getcha there!"

"Oh! um, Harmonia's House in Meridian, Mississippi." Luna smiles. This was easier than she thought.

A small arm comes out of the brick. "Take my hand!" She does exactly that. Just casually handholding with a literal brick... thing?

It chuckles. Luna appears in a large room. There's lava waterfalls in each corner, paintings and statues of various monsters and demons, and in the middle of the far wall...

Abaddon. He leans over to look at Luna up close. "What the fuck happened to you???"

"Me? Um. I got transformed into a cat demon randomly?" She refuses to match eyes, even if Abaddon's got a bunch of em.

"Wtf lmao." Abaddon chuckles, sitting back in their seat, leaning their head on one of their hands. "That's fuckin weird. Okay, so, you just became a demon. Gotcha." Abaddon shakes their head, smiling. "Here, watch this," she whispers to no one in particular. Luna is shown Pure Horror. Alastor's horror would be considered heavily watered down to... whatever this is. Luna does not react. Or at least really really tries not to...yeah it didn't work.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT????" Normally, Luna is a horror buff, loves Horror. But this... this is just fucked up man. Luna tries to look away. The Horror engulfs Luna. It is Everywhere. It is Everything. Luna shuts her eyes, trying to deflect the horror. She refuses to be broken, "I REFUSE TO LOSE." Oh, but she can't help but look! It's like a car crash. Just can't look away. She forces herself to think of anything else. Her eyes are still completely closed. "I WILL NOT LOSE TO YOU ABADDON" Unfortunately for Luna, her focus is drained. And the horror finally takes effect. The Horror is ugly. It's loud. It's beautiful. It's quiet. It's Everything and Nothing. It is the Beginning and the End. It is. Too much stress, too much... everything. It was too much of a direct hit. Luna passes the fuck out.
