April 27, 2022

"I'M RUNNING I'M RUNNING" Frank mumbles as he fucking sprints like an Olympic gold medalist. Melody CLINGS to him and makes sure Smores isnt dropped. Smores is screaming.

"YOUGUYSWANNAGOHIDEINTHEWOODSI'MRUNNINGOUTOFBREATH" Frank says, trying to catch his breath but still running.

"YEAH THATS GOOD-" Melody clings to his shirt.

"OK I CAN HIDE WELL-" Smores yells. Frank brings them into the woods, and Melody spots a good tree for hiding.

"That one! Let's climb it!" Melody says.

"BET," Smores jumps off of Frank, as four bug-like arms extend from his sides and he climbs the tree with ease. Frank puts Melody down and starts climbing like his fucking life depends on it. Teeth are being used for extra grip. Melody climbs after them, almost gracefully.

"...So how long are we gonna stay up here?" Frank asks.

"I dunno," Smores' bug arms retract into his sides.

"I guess until we haven't heard any screaming for a while?" Frank says.

"I mean, I can ask the others once it's over,," Melody whispers.

Melody eyes Smores, "Do you taste good?"

"I taste like electricity I think"


Smores fixes his hair, revealing two very shortly cut horns. He taps one of them, slowly lifting his finger. It creates a mint green arc of electricity.

Melody's eyes widen, "Thats amazing!"

Smores blushes slightly, "R-really-? It's,, uhh,, it's just a normal thing I can do,,, uhh,,,, I can do more cool things, if you wanna see,,!"

"Show me please!!"

Smores lifts his shirt slightly, revealing four dark spots. Two on each side of his torso. They extend out into long, spider-like limbs, perfect for latching onto things and hugs!

"Woah!!!! Youre so cool!!" Melody grins, clapping.

"Hheh, thank you,,!" he blushes, darting his eyes away and pulling at his collar a tiny bit.

"Whats wrong!!"

"Nnothing I'm just,, not used to praise," he whispers.

"I'll praise you!!" Melody pats his head, ruffling his hair a bit.

Smores flinches at the touch, but after leans into it, "Uhm,, thank you,,, Melody, right?"

"Yep!!" Melody smiles at him.

"Hhheh, uhm,, I like your name," he whispers



Melody grins, happy stimming, "I like yours!!"

Smores curls up a little bit, scratching his hands and trying to look away, "Thhankyou-"

"Of course!! So what was your life like before here?"

Smores thinks for a second, "Uhhm,, I was 'born' in a lab and was raised with all the other kids in my generation until I turned 10 then school started until I turned 14 and was sent off to work and I've been living in testing block 23 ever since! It's pretty nice there, I have the place all to myself most of the time. I get to just sit back, relax, and watch movies or play games until I'm needed."

"You didnt have parents?" Melody looks surprised.

"...what are parents?"

Melodys eyes widen, "They're the people who gave you life and take care of you! They're... they're family!!"

"A machine gave me life and the ladies in kindergarten 17 took care of me,, but Memphi says everyone at Catacombis is family,,"

Melody tilts her head, "Well... we can be your family too! I can be your family!" She smiles.

"Uhhmm,," He curls up a little more, trying to hide "I,, but Memphi wouldn't want me to even hang out with people outside I shouldn't even be here,,, Redaxx was sent after me I,,,"

"Well... Memphi doesnt need to know! Ill protect you from her! From all of them! You can do whatever you wsnt here and and Ill love you and praise you no matter what!"

"Hhhhhh,,,,," He curls up more

"Sorry.." Melody looks at her hands. "I'm being too much aren't I..."

"No!! I'm just,, aghhbfjkernkjnrhkbfer" Smores buries his face in his hands. He's blushing, his face a bright pink.

Melody reaches over and pats him, "Are you okay?"

Smores flinches at the touch again, "I,,don't know,,,"

Melody pulls away again and just watch, "I'm sorry..."

Smores whispers, just barely understandable, "wwaitno," He scoots over closer to Melody, "I,, uh,"

Melody tilts her head, "D-do you want pets?"

Smores scoots a little closer, nodding, "Jjust,, be a little careful,,, please,,"

"Okie,," Melody gently pets him.

Smores starts to lean his head on Melody's shoulder but stops himself, "Ccan I,,?"

"Yes,," Melody hugs him gently. Smores rests his head on Melody's shoulder as he's hugged. He starts to sob silently. This is.. the closest he's ever been to anyone. The most he's ever really felt loved. It's so... alien to him. It only feels right to just... sob, in this moment. And so he does. Melody just holds him gently, feeling her heart tug for the varian. She would be there for him. She would never leave him. Frank's fucking around with a Rubick's Cube as he waits for the all-clear.