Luna crashes down into a dumpster full of empty cardboard boxes. The fall isn't fatal, nothing breaks, it just sucks to experience. Fall damage doesn't exist, apparently!

She does get hit in the face and body by a bunch of bones and vines, though. Envy got unraveled.


Luna tries to move her left arm but it's no use. Fuckin broken, her nose too. Envy you're a cunt.

She tries to get up, but it's impossible. Best she can do is try and call for help.

"Heeeeeeeeeeeeeelp, anyoneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!"


"..yeahillgocheckitout.gimme a minnute.."

Luna can hear a door open, then a loud yawn.

Luna stifles the need to yawn herself. She tries to use her right hand to lift herself up, but the torture from Envy was a bit too much.

The now broken dumpster lid is lifted up and glowing, navy blue cat eyes peer down at her.

"..what. the fuck..???"

Luna is a crumpled heap of blood and broken bones at the moment, there’s a fucking wholeass skeleton on her plus vines.

"hiiii im in a lot of pain, help please."

Her ears have folded down on her head, no bueno moments.

Luna is picked up and taken out of the dumpster, the bones and vines are left behind.

"What the??? FUck??? happened to you???"

A nonferal cat demon with nubby horns and big fangs looks down at her with intense worry. She has large fluffy ears that are a bit like a mix between a cat's and a bat's. She possesses a cat tail and large bat wings on her back. She herself is indeed fluffy, wearing a heavy winter jacket, pajama pants, and slippers. Also, stockings instead of normal socks.

She is being held. The cat demon is like... 5'7 or so.

Luna speaks in a soft voice, weakened heavily through that torture fight with Envy.

"envy happened. broken bones, pain."

"Oh. Great. A druggie loon. Perfect."

"fuckkinn,,, hold on."

She gets carried inside. She didn't realize how freezing cold it was outside until the comfy warmth of the inside overwhelms her.

So warm and comfy. Woah.

"im not a druggie. i was tortured by leviathan"

She's set down on a soft couch and covered in a heavy heated blanket. There's a bee pillow pet that she's resting her head on.

She's in the apartment of an average college student! Basically 3 rooms. A living room, a small kitchen, and then a bathroom. That's it. There's a tv, a table, a carpet, a bookshelf... and a fuuuckktonn of pillows and blankets.

"Sure you were! sure. Let me get you a cup of hot chocolate..."

She walks off.

Luna can barely move but from what she can see, this place is comfy, kinda like the apartment she used to live in... also hot cocoa? win!

She enjoys the comfy couch, making sure to position her dead left arm on top of her body.

The tv is on, quietly playing a news broadcast.

Luna turns her head towards the TV and watches whatever's playing. The news? Sounds good.

She sees a penthouse. The channel is broadcasting what appears to be a brown furred, large eared, huge winged, punkassy bat demon laying on her couch. Luna recognizes her as one of the demons watching from the balcony during the tournament, on the right of Goliath.

"Soooo, guys. Quick checkup. You doin 'alright? Everything going good? Gimme or the gang a call if you need help, I've heard Envy was open, then disappeared. Doesn't affect us much all the way down here, but it's worth noting! As always, keep off the streets, take it easy, love y'all."

The scene changes to one of those moody fireplace broadcasts. Calming fire crackling noises mmm.

The cat returns, holding a big thermos full of fresh hot chocolate.

She sits down on the couch next to Luna and places the thermos down on the table.

Luna, with a very nasal voice, says "fank you... im sorry. im Luna"

"I'm Erin. Just... Erin. Considering the fact you still look a bit like a human, are you new here? Not fully corrupted yet? You're lucky! I've heard this is the best layer."

She grins, a comfortable, tired grin. Worry still in her eyes.

"...Still, however you got here has gotta be an unfortunate story. I won't ask about it!"

She relaxes.

Luna slightly exhausted says "Well they talked about how i got here on the news. Envy was opened but then disappeared. There was this... bat demon...thing that talked about it."

"You appeared in Envy? How? The Prince has been dead for years, disappeared around the same time as Mammon..."

"..Oh, Bel? She's great! Abba's been gone for... a while, apparently. According to the elder demons here, but Belphegor took up the job and her and her gang have made it a real cozy place to live!"

"Sleep, party, have fun.. That's her ideology, I think..?"

"Sounds like a nice way to live. But uh apparently Leviathan isn't dead, considering I was tortured by him. Even broke my arm and nose then sent me down here."

"He wanted me to suffer for... mere jealousy?"

"Also I think flowers bloomed under my skin or something, it hurt really really bad."

"...huh. weird."

She seems strangely unbothered by this news, as if she could care less.

"Are the flowers gone now? Feeling all right? Aside from the... bones being broken. That sucks."

She grabs the hot chocolate and gets up.

"Can you drink it or do you need my help?"

"Thankfully, my right arm still works, just need help sitting up."


She hands Luna the thermos and helps her sit up.

As Luna is sitting up, she takes a sip of the hot cocoa. Her smelling senses don't work so well unfortunately, but it still tastes good!

"Oh wow, this is good. Thanks Erin."

"you're welcome."

She gives a warm smile.

"Sooo this is sloth then? It's really comfy here. Also"

Luna blushes.

"You're cute as heck."

She snickers and blushes also.

"damn, alright. Thanks for being upfront about it, haha."

"Yeah, it's sloth.."

She sits back down next to Luna, yawning.

Luna yawns as well. The pain from torture she received from Leviathan coupled with just how comfy this place is makes her really tired. She slowly drifts off to sleep.

"comfy mode."

And while she sleeps, the corruptive nature of Hell makes itself known…

Luna wakes up. Still in Sloth.


She yawns

"Good morning Erin."

Erin is asleep.

...She, uh. Feels different, by the way. Like, Luna herself feels different?

"Huh... that weird, I feel..."

She looks at herself... what the hell? This is... the coolest thing ever???

Whoa... purple and black striped fur! Wow! Legs that don't suck! boom! whiskers! She's... finally herself. And she's got actual fingers too. Luna checks her feet and sure enough, paws!

"Oh my god I am a cat now!"

And the tongue, oh my god the tongue is the coolest!

A long rough cat tongue with a small split in the front, kinda like a snake!

And something no one tells ya? Fur is warm!

So comfy, so cozy, so Luna!

Blue spiked collar's still there too, something she touches with her now furry hands. Jane's probably lookin' down from heaven thinking she's adorable.

She finishes off the bit of cocoa in the thermos. Delicious.

Her shoes are off, mostly due to having catpaws instead of feet now. She gets up and it feels really weird walking around with paws.

Note to self, find out if they make cat non-feral shoes in the non-feral world.

With some practice, she's able to not trip while walking. Feels amazing to walk on them though, plus she's warm as heck!

Now just to wait for Erin to wake up.

While doing so, she continues to mess with her new form, even trying out the new claws. So cool and they don't really hurt either... which is a lie, they hurt quite a bit owwwwwww.

She retracts them easily. had to imagine she was spiderman and shooting web. similar motion.

Erin wakes up!

She looks to Luna, rubbing her eyes and yawning.

"you're a cat now? like.. more cat than before.."

"mm... Sloth got to you, then?"

"Is this normal? I kinda love it."

"Normal in what way?"

"like... does everyone who gets sent to Sloth get turned into a cat?"

"uhhh... nnooo?"

"sometimes theyre bats."

"..maybe youve just been in Hell long enough for your soul to corrupt?"

She yawns.

"bats are aweso-- corrupt?"

"Is my soul that screwed up?"

"wwelll.... no not really..?"

"..I dunno how it works."

"I have no idea how any of this works. I just know that I was requested by Sloth's prince. The felinization of Luna is just extra."

"Anyway, is there any way for me to return back home? I'm not from this layer... or at least until I turned into a Sloth demon."

"..i bet she requested you because youre cute.."

"she? Do you mean Belphegor?"


Luna blushes a bit

"She's really cool looking. I'm looking forward to meeting her myself."

"good news. thats who you have to talk to to get out, i think.."

"Huh. Um, how do I meet Belphegor then?"

"i mmeannn..? Shes not exactly exclusive? theres a number you can call.. im sure she'd understand."

"Hmm. Do you know the number? I have my phone on hand."

She holds out a paw, Luna hands Erin her phone. Erin types in a number and then hands it back.

Luna takes the phone and puts it to her ear.

Riiinnng... Riiiinnngg. A masculine voice picks up.

"Yo. This is Chris, what's up?"

"Uhhh Be-belphegor?"



She is put on hold.


Luna opts to put the phone on speakerphone. Much easier than holding it to her cat ears.

Eventually, the voice she recognizes as Belphegor's picks up.


"Hello. This is Luna from... uh.. e-earth? I was brought down here from Envy and um... I was told by L1MB0 that you requested me?"


"As innnn..."


"Ohhh, Ohhhhh! You're the cute catgirl! Harmonia's friend? Right."

"yeah, the same one. I've uhhhh well I've experienced some things here. I'm a bit more catlike now..."

"Even better!"

"So, I'm guessing you want out, right?"

"Y-yes please."


"How badly."

"...ummmm, what do you mean how badly?"

"i miss my family up there."

Luna has a look of confusion on her face. Thank god this isn't facetime.

"mmm alright. Ill just request you again."

The space behind her turns into a gray and navy portal, swirling like a spiral.

"See you soon!"


Luna hangs up. "Um, thank you for the hospitality Erin. Hope to see ya soon."

And with that, she walks into the portal after confirming her belongings are on her.