January 26, 2022

Spider is sitting on the edge of Harmonia's roof, hanging her legs. Terminal walks over and sits beside her.

"Hey," Spider says.

"Hello dear, so how is your day so far?"

"Its going ok, you?"

"Well, woke up in someone else's blood, but whatever it was is resolved, also was able to help Cole feel a bit better."

"See, you are useful," Spider chuckles.

"Also, I know you don't like surprises but uhhh," he laughs slightly, fidgeting.

"Oh?" Spider raises an eyebrow. Terminal holds out his hands as a brown shoe box appears in them.

"Now before you ask, yes it's stolen, but there was no way in hell I had that kind of money," he holds out the box to Spider. She smiles, taking the box and opening it. Inside is a solid jade dagger. She sets the box aside and pulls Term into a kiss, he blushes and puts an arm around her. Terminal is kissing back, as he's glad no one has suddenly appeared and seen them here yet, he's so glad that no one with teleportation or a ladder finds them. A wine glass appears.

"Im glad you liked it," Terminal pulls back but keeps an arm around her shoulder, slightly blushing. Photo appears. Spider jumps and disappears when she sees him.

"Awww," Photo says, "Just saying hello," He looks at Term, "I heard people were up here."

"Pph-ph-photo uhhh hello d-dear" Terminal jumps back, almost falling off the roof.

"Hey Term, how are you?"

"I-I'm well, er- uhh how long have you been here???"

"Just now. Thought I saw Spider sitting with you."

"Well uhh yeah we were uhh-we were just chatting," Terminal's face turns pepto blood pink as he flusters.

"Oh yeah? You two were sittin kinda close you know."

"I ummm, er I uh umm uhhhh"

"Ya know, the only person I get that close with is Celia. Who I'm involved with romantically," Photo says. Terminal's face turns more pink. As he clears his throat, a few tiny butterflies escape.

"Well umm about thatt er uhhhh its uh kinda nnot wrongg"



"You can be straight up with me."

"Well ummm..we uhh...we kissed," Terminal winces in anticipation.

"As friends?"


"It's okay Term. I know friends don't kiss."

"Tthen what is this?? Um uh, we even discussed it and even she doesn't know the word for it..I think it's both of our fisrt times in anything like this....please help."

"Humans call it dating, Term. It's when you both acknowledge that you have feelings for each other."

"And wwwhy do I feel scared of you?"

"Because I'm a 1917 year old Nightmare."


"Honestly I didn't think Spider was capable of such a thing."

"Wwhy not?" Term asks. Photo gives him a look. Term shrinks some.

"I've known her for a very long time. She's always been combative with a hard exterior. I haven't seen soft emotions come so easily. I've seen her comfortable, but I've also seen her angry, and boy does she get angry. So seeing her find someone that can bring such stuff out is uplifting actually."

"Wait- really?"

"You should have seen her when I offered her a doggy bed when she first got to Seven Bridges, boy was she something! It's nice to see her cozy up to someone."

"How the fuck else did you think she would react to that???"

"She can turn into a literal dog, goat boy. I wanted to be accommodating."

"Sorry," Term puts his head down.

"That being said, I understand that this is your first time, but don't play with either of your emotions. If she comes to me an emotional wreck one day, you will be getting a visit from me."

"Yyes, I understand" Terminal's eyes widen in fear, before Photo disappears. Term lets out a deep breath in relief, and Spider reappears. Terminal still looks a bit goofed from the conversation.

"So did he threaten to kill you?"

"Well n-no?"

"Huh I'm surprised," Spider sighs sitting back down next to Term. He has a bit of a deer in headlights look.

"Also uhhhhhh, Harmonia knows now too"

"How?" Spider groans, "Is it impossible to have some privacy around here?"

"And uhhhh Photo knew the word for it"

"Did he now?" she sighs.

"Apparently it's dating"

"Yeah it is"

"Did you already know that?"

"The concept of it? Yes, how it applies to us, no."

"Could we ask the others? now that we arent sure who all already knows?"

"What just rock up in the living room and say 'anyone who knows about us raise your hand'?" Spider laughs.

"You have any better ideas?" Term chuckles.


"Well, when should we?"

"I don't know, it's only been what 2 days?"

"Ok, how many days should we give it?"

"No idea, I mean again still no idea how the dating thing applies to us so maybe wait until we figure that out?"

"Okay, so how do we find out if we arent asking anyone?"

"No fucking clue"

"Well we can ask and also mention its only been a few days, I trust they would know what that means"

"Ok sounds good, but not right now and not the entire group at once, I'm still recovering from Photo finding out. So what exactly did he say?"

"Well he said it was uplifting to see..uh..beforre saying if you ever come to him an emotional wreck some day hes going to pay me a visit.."

"So he did threaten to kill you then"

"Well..no? I mean he never said the word kill"

"That's because people who mean it never do, it kinda cheapens the threat if you just explicitly say it"


"You ok?"

"Just uhhh, just recovering from Photo finding out, hehh"

"Apologies for throwing you to the wolves like that, to be honest I thought you'd of legged it as well," Spider chuckles.

"I can't teleport that easily when I'm distressed dear, it's a bit distracting"

"Hm interesting, it seems easier when I feel threatened or the like"

"Well lucky you.."

"Someone's grumpy," Spider rolls her eyes smiling.

"Sorry, didn't mean to come across that way dear," he smiles.

"Nah it's fine," Spider moves closer to him. He holds out a hand, and Spider takes it.

"So how long till you've 'recovered'?" he asks.

"I don't think I'll ever fully recover," Spider jokes.

"so you're saying now is as good a time as ever?" he laughs some.

"If you want to then go ahead I'll just wait here and enjoy not dying from embarrassment," Spider grins at him.

"You're going to make me go in there alone?"


"If I wasn't mistaken I would think you're more of a scaredy cat than a wolf"

"Says the sheep"

"Ok last call, you coming with or not? And yes not coming with means being subjected to jokes about it later," Terminal gets up.

"It's a good job I have a list of retorts then isn't it?" Spider chuckles and stands up, "If it gets too much I will leave though."

"That's understandable, I'll go head then, see you there," Terminal smiles before disappearing. Spider soon follows.