Dec 16, 2021

Terminal walks through the woods barefoot. His white, webbed wings are relaxed for once, peeking out from under his cloak and brushing the forest floor as he walks. His cloak is covered in blood stains. The hood of his cloak covering most of his sight, so that he wouldn't see anyone's face. His grey skin displays large, scar-like tears along his neck. He hangs his head, lost in thought from being unable to help anyone no matter how hard he tried. He is unsure when or even if he should head back to Harmonia's house.

A figure lurks around in the distance, closely watching Terminal as he walks. Her presence causes some ringing in Terminal's ears, but it's not very noticable. Terminal continues to walk, with a grumble he mumbles to himself:

"God, I can't do anything right..."

"Do you want to change that?" says a voice from behind Terminal. Terminal stops in his tracks, whipping his head around to see who spoke. A young lady stands there. Terminal is unable to see exactly who it is, though.

"Er- uh, hello there, dear?" He curiously says.

"Hi!" says the girl, "You said you wanted to do things right, correct?"

"Well, yeah. I just keep making everything worse lately."

"I can help you become better, if you want."

"I don't think that's really possible, love. Things are a bit.. complicated," he keeps his gaze to the ground in thought.

"Hey," she says, putting a hand on his shoulder, which causes him to cough a little, "Look up at me, please.."

Terminal tries to hold back the cough to be polite, but to no avail, he tenses up at her touch, "I'm sorry, sweetie, I can't just. Loonism, and all..."

"Loonism?" she asks, curiously.

"I know I look human, but I used to be a nonferal, my loonism, though, is a different form than the usual..." he trails off, realizing no one from this world would really know what loonism or nonferals were, "...uh...long story"

"You're so silly," the girl laughs, "here!" She pulls off his hood before he can react. It reveals his face and short black hair as he quickly puts his hands over his eyes.

"Dear- you don't just do that without asking someone," a hint of panic is in his voice but he tries to keep calm.

"Come- ON-" she yells, forcing his hands from his eyes. Terminal tries to shake his hands free from her, eyes closed shut, his tone becoming more demanding.

"Little girl- you're being quite a menace. Please stop, darling." Terminal is pushed forwards as long, thin tendrils force his eyes open.

"You will look at me, November," She says. He quickly begins to panic seeing the tendrils and begins breathing faster, his eyes darting to anywhere he can other than on her.

"WwWait- Who are you?!? Please let me go-"

"Come on," she says, "Eye contact is polite, dear." He stares off to the ground as he frantically attempts to pull the tendrils off his eyes and tries to step back.

"Nno not again, pplease. It didn't work last time, just leave me alone-" Eyes seem to start appearing places they shouldn't be. Everywhere Terminal looks, there are eyes. He begins to hyperventilate in fear as his eyes dash desperately for anything but the eyes, "You know it won't work, LET ME GO!"

"If it won't work," she leans into Terminal's face, smiling, "Look me in the eyes."

"Fuck you," he refuses to look at her, shaking in fear.

"No one's here to help you, Term, so we can do this the easy way or the hard way!" She steps away, still facing him.

He's still breathing hard as he tries to collect himself, "There isn't another way, you tried this before, you just can't do this to me!"

"Oh, there's other ways. I can just R053 you!"

"It's computer based, I got it out of Drake, I can keep it out of myself."

"Not all of them are computer based, deary," she coos, holding a clear pill with something red wriggling inside.

Terminal tries to back away again, now becoming more enraged. He's thinking quickly, if he does this he's gone. He can't forget everyone.

"WAIT, I can- I can do the other way."

"Other way?" she looks at him.

"If I tell you, you won't make me take any pills, right?"

"Okay," she smiles.

"I uh-" he starts trembling knowing he's going to regret this, "If I, uh, if I stare at you long enough, your entire face, I'll have a loonism episode and won't be able to stop it. I keep my memories, and you get what you want.."

"Deal!" she says, giggling, "Now, look at me." Terminal takes a moment to take deep breaths and prepare before looking directly at her, fear still in his eyes. Lucille's face looks angelic, her dark hair contrasting against her light skin. Her eyes are a bright blue. The beauty of her face distracts from the dark tendrils coming from her back, covering the area. Terminals shaking slows as he gazes on her features. His loonism takes over as he grows obsessed with her face, falling quiet for a long time as he admires her and his mind slips away.

"I- you're so beautiful, your hair...and skin," he says, looking at her. Terminal begins to cough as Lucille feeds on his obsession, but it slowly turns to crying. Lucille smiles, and steps closer.

"How about my eyes, dear?" she asks.

"Your eyes?" He shifts his eyes over to hers, ignoring the cough if it meant being able to see her for longer, "S-so, so immaculate.." Terminal's head begins to feel fuzzy as Lucille takes over, entering his mind. She sifts through his memories, and eventually starts digging away to make room to servantize him. It's painful. He immediately gets a splitting headache, and starts crying more. Tears fall from his face as he starts to drop to his knees, he does anything he can to not wince from the pain or miss even a glimpse of her. He screams in pain.

She continues smiling as the pain subsides. She can now control him whenever she pleases, just as she can with Cole. He still stares, now motionless, just watching. Lucille vanishes, leaving Terminal alone in the woods. For a moment he stares at nothing until his loonism fades, he stays on the ground and breaks down into tears realizing what he had done.


Now you may be wondering... How did Lucille make another █████████ her proxy? Well, simple answer. She didn't! She simply tricked a █████████ from a Veil without █████████s into believing it could happen. That wool-for-brains twat :)