January 31, 2022

Right on time, The Playwright forms from the shadows, carrying Harmonias corpse. It’d be able to keep it in stasis so there was absolutely no decomposition, a caping hole in her torso where the tendril punctured it. The sigil of Abaddon is now gone and replaced with what looks like a tattoo of The Playwrights head.

”Good Afternoon, Thrall. Are You Ready?” Thrall, who had woken up a bit earlier and sat up, looks a lot better than the day before. Practically fully finished, the only thing that was still a bit melty were the very bottom of his legs and his feet (still mothlike as they always were, just with visible definition). The light from his soul was still visible, though. That gash hasn't sealed. He looks over to the Playwright, going to say something, but then notices Harmonia.

"Whhh. Wh," He stands up quickly and immediately stumbles, grabbing onto the couch for support, "I... That's. So much worse than I imagined from what Luna said... I didn't know it went right through her."

”It Did.” The Playwright walks over and lays Harmonia on the couch. She's not breathing. It's evident that she's definitely dead. The Playwright aids Thrall in going to her side, ”Do You Need Help In Separating Your Soul?”

"..." He stares at her on the couch, "What... condition do you need it in?"

”Any, As Long As It Is Alive. However The More You Give, The Stronger She Will Be And The Weaker You Will Be. So Be Careful.” The Playwright watches him carefully.

"...You can't help with it. It has to be me. Can I do it in the bathroom...? It'll get... messy, I'm afraid. Or do you need it as soon as it's out?"

"You Can Do It In The Bathroom. I Will Clean Up The Mess Afterwards. Thank You Thrall. You Are A Good Boy." The Playwright pats his head.

"T-thank you. I'll do it as quick as possible," Thrall says, choking back a sob. The Playwright gives a little nod as it waits patiently. Thrall walks off to the bathroom, stumbling a bit but grabbing the doorway into the hallway to stay upright. He's leaving small puddles of the goo as he walks. Thrall steps in and shuts the door, giving a shaky sigh.

"He.. he called me..." Thrall leaves the light off and steps towards the mirror, holding onto the sink, "...I can do this. I will do this." He reaches into the wound Knight made, staring into the mirror at himself to ignore the pain, blood and goo starting to leak from it as if being reopened. He gently grabs his soul. Cold as fuck. Melting and wet. Squishing in his grasp. He wince, gripping the sink tighter with his unoccupied hand. He begins to dig his claws into it. Pain. Pain. Ow. Fuck. Fuck. FUCK.

"Ffffffff," The wound begins to gush blood and the black goo that makes up his soul, "It'll be ok. It'll be ok. I'll be fine. I need to do this." He starts to cry. He begins to pull. Digging his claws in deeper and pulling to tear his soul in two. He pants in pain, which quickly get silenced by blood beginning to pour from his mouth. It hurts. It stings. It burns. He has to do this. For her. For everybody. It's his fault she ended up like this. He helped Abaddon. This is how he's going to make up for it. He pulls harder, the flow of blood and goo out of his body and onto the floor speeding up more than it should probably be able to. Pull, pull, pull, and thennn...The pain stops.

"Fffuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck," He pulls his hand out of the wound, holding a melting yet bleeding and beating chunk of.... something. It appears to be the larger half. The light from his soul is now beating dimmer than ever. The chunk in his hand is beating brighter. He tries to take a step back but stumbles and falls. He is lightheaded. The Playwright hears a bang from the bathroom, as if something fell. There is blood and the soul goo seeping out from underneath the door. The Playwright, upon seeing this, teleports him to the living room.

Thrall appears, on the floor, bleeding profusely from his chest and mouth...although, it seems to be stopping rather quickly.Still making a mess while it lasted! The larger half of his soul is still held tightly in his right hand, which is covered in blood. The Playwright extends a hand to the torn soul piece.

"May I?" Thrall weakly holds it up to him. Like, very weakly..the bleeding stops, now it's just the black goo leaking out of his mouth and wound. The Playwright takes it, not wanting to waste any time as she places the soul inside the wound in Harmonias torso. The wound begins to close up, leaving pitch black skin in its place, a void on her stomach. However to the touch itd feel like normal skin. Harmonia gasps, her eyes opening. Their hue is now red and they glow ever so slightly. She looks around in confusion but she seems too tired to question it too much. The Playwright turns to Thrall and extends a hand to him. Thrall grabs it as best he can in his current position. He coughs up more of the goop as his chest wound finally starts to properly seal up. He takes Thrall to Harmonia's side as she turns to look at him.

"...Thrall?" Harmonia asks, her voice weak. He can see a faint red glow from the back of her throat in the darkness. She immediately notices the permanent differences to Thrall's form.

"..Hh..Harmonia...? ..You're ok..!" His voice is weak as fuck, like, jesus, how is he even speaking. No more goo from his mouth, though, it's hidden again. Chest wound fully sealing up, leaving nothing but a large scar hidden by the fluffiness of his torso, "You're ok.. that's great.. I'm so happy!" He reaches down to hug Harmonia. She tries to hug him back, but it's more like she has one arm on him.

"You... you didn't betray us... you didn't want to do it..." she says, tearing up. He cant say anything, he's immediately violently sobbing while hugging her as close to himself as possible. Soft. Fluff soft. Fluff warm. Fluff wet and full of blood but it's okay because Harmonia can take a shower after.

"I'm sorry..." Harmonia sobs.

"Ss...??? Sorry fforwhat??? I'm sorry!! I'm sorry I betrayed all of you! I fucked up, I fucked up so bad I'm sorryimsoryryimsorry-" loud sobbing. He is a messy crier.

"I promised people I wouldn't die... and I did... and I attacked you...."

"Itsfineitsfineyourefineok!!!itsfineitsfine.. they'll all love to have you back, ok? They will!" He looks to the Playwright, just a glance, face full of tears, "...You can take her there when she's ready, right..?"

"Yes But I Believe It Is Best If She Stays At Geist For A Bit As She Heals. Would You Like To Come As Well?" Playwright nods.

"...Geist... Geist. Yes. That's... Drew's team, isn't it?...I'll go, I want to be with her...I'll, I'll uh.. help her recover!"

"Yes. He Has An Excellent Staff." The Playwright nods, "Are You Ready To Go Now?"

"Uhh.. yeah! Yes, yes... are you, Harmonia?"


"Then We Will Be Off." The three disappear, the house cleaned of Thralls goop.

The 3 appear, Harmonia laid on a hospital bed and The Playwright standing nearby. Thrall immediately takes out his phone and looks to The Playwright.

"ppermission, sir??"

"Yes Of Course." Tendrils of shadow extend from The Playwright and start hooking Harmonia up to medical machines. She seems too tired to be anxious about it. Thrall sits down on the floor, and Harmonia pulls out her phone.

"Where are we, sir?" Thrall asks.

"The Medbay In Drutopia. I Did Not Choose The Name."

"Not gonna lie. Dying kinda fuckin sucked," Harmonia says, wiping her eyes. The statement causes Thrall to start crying. Harmonia extends a hand to him, "Don't... cry... I'm okay.."

"Nno. No I'm fine! You're fine! And thhat means I'm fine! Take your time, rest. Please.."

"Okie.... hugs?"

"Hharmonia,, you're hooked up to machinery..! I.." he shuffles closer so she can pet his head. Soft and fluffy. Big grabbable fluffy antennae too. Pet pet. The Playwright just kinda vibes.

Harmonia is laying in a hospital bed, covered in blood, some being Thrall's, some her own. The hole in her torso is healed over and replaced with a void. To the touch its just skin but it's completely pitch back, reflecting no light. Her eyes are now red and glow ever so slightly as well, as her tears which cover her face. She's hooked up to medical stuff and petting Thrall's head.

Thrall is sitting criss cross (or as best of a criss cross he can do with his legs) on the floor, being pet by Harmonia, staring down at his phone while surprisingly still crying. Fluffy. Lots of fluff. The only parts of his body not covered in big fluff are his lower arms and lower legs. Big claws, fucky right eye. Half-lidded with a pitch black pupil-like mark in the middle.

"Hello," Drake appears on the ceiling as her head turns to face Harmonia.

"Hii," Harmonia tries to wave.

"Is ok?" Drake's 'ears' flop down to a frown.

"Mostly, yeah." Drake floats down to the ground as her head returns to a normal position, she's looking all over Harmonia, seemingly worried. Harmonia uses her free hand to try and take Drake's hand, "I'm okay..." Drake is near her hand, and Harmonia can feel very warm air coming off of her. Harmonia takes her hand away. When she talks, Drake can see that the back of her throat faintly glows red.

"Is alive.." Drake says quietly, still looking at her.

"Hi,,," Harmonia smiles faintly, "I'm kinda... tired..." Drake blinks as her eyes start to water and she sniffles. Harmonia tries to comfort her, "Hey... hey it's okay,,, I'm okay,,," Cole appears next to Thrall and looks at Harmonia.

"Wha.. how??" Cole asks.

"Hwh??" Thrall is startled and drops his phone.

"Hi,,," Harmonia greets Cole.

"Sorry Thrall," Cole stares at Harmonia, confused.

"I'm high," Harmonia laughs, quietly.

"That's wonderful, Harmonia."

"Jonesy's got the good shit," Harmonia says. Drake is quietly crying.

"Yeah, yeah he does," Cole clears his throat, holding back tears.

"Not gonna lie, I'm... kind of tired..." Harmonia closes her eyes. Cole moves his hand a little too fast and the pulse oximeter comes off, the monitor flatlining.

"Shit, oops," Cole fixes it and the monitor returns to normal.

"Should I sleep..?" Harmonia asks.

"If you want, I mean you did just come back from the dead, from my knowledge," Cole shrugs.

"No sleep ever!" Drake says.

"Drake, Harmonia needs to sleep," Cole replies.

"Please, I am only homeless eg-" Drake stops when Harmonia closes her eyes. Drake reaches up and starts shaking harmonia by the shoulders with a :dscared: face.

"Drake, christ, Harmonia needs sleep," Cole sighs.

"Oog-" Harmonia opens her eyes.

"Need meet Drake new friend, Aglie," Drake says, as she stops shaking Harmonia.

"Who?" Drake smiles and disappears. Harmonia closes her eyes, "Mmmm want warm cuddles...."