The moths in the room ignite as everyone and everything is covered in yellow flames.

"Well shit, hey Lock I think this is the part where we run," Cole looks completely fine with being on fire as he looks over at Lock. The saints and Michael begin screaming in pain as Lock is hyperventilating bad. She hunches over as the heavy breathing turns into a laugh and she has a wild look in her eyes. The screams start to grow quiet as the fire seems to no longer be causing any pain, only effecting and spreading along the building. Saints look at the fire on their arms and are confused. Even Jack is covered in flames but shows no signs of pain. Cole asks, "Jack... why are you doing this?"

Jack's mask unhinges showing his melting face, he lunges at them as the Saints begin running for the exit on the other end of the hall. Cole slides out of the way and sets Michael down. He snaps and his pickaxe appears in his hand. Lock laughs as she swings her scythe across Jack's face. Michael runs for the exit. Jack reaches to grab them as Cole as Cole rolls out of the way and strikes Jack's arms with his pickaxe. The arms get knocked back from the force but they don't get cut. The building around them starts to creak as they can hear parts of the building starting to collapse.

"We need to get out of here pronto," Lock says.

"Lock you need to get out of here, I'll be fine," Cole swings at Jack's face.

"Not when you have 50 tons of manor falling on your face!!!" Lock starts to run for the exit as she grabs Cole's arm in an attempt to pull him with her.

He pulls his arm away as he stares at Jack, "I'll be fine, I'll meet you outside before the building collapses." Lock runs for the exit. Jack laughs as after a moment Cole yells, "RUN RUN RUN!" Cole sprints out of the building. Jack rushes through the air chasing after them.
