October 5, 2021

Cole lays on padded cell floor, bleeding with his bones broken as sirens blare. His eyes faintly glow grey.

July 30, 1942

Cole holds onto his helmet as a mortar explosion rocks the ground around him. He looks down. He's wearing a US Marine uniform.

His handler, Gerald, looks over at him. Gerald is wearing a US Marine uniform with a M1 Garand as he motions Cole to move forward. He yells, "FUCK THOSE KRAUTS UP"

Cole nods as he runs forward and racks his trench shotgun. Shots from the Germans were flying through the air as a few ricochets off of his helmet. He jumps into

the trenches. "EAT 12 GAUGE MOTHERFUCKER," Cole slam fires his trench shotgun 3 times into the torso of a unsuspecting German soldier as he spins around. A German soldier with a STG-44 is staring at Cole as he presses the barrel into Cole's stomach. Cole stares back, his eyes glowing a mixture of blue and pink. The German is confused for a moment as his grip relaxes. That would be his downfall, as Cole draws his combat knife and slices the throat of the soldier. "EAT SHIT, BITCHASS"

Cole reloads his shotgun as he runs through the trench, slam firing 12 gauge into any Germans in his way as his squad charged the trench. MG42s open fire while Cole's squad ducks for cover, the MGs wouldn't last long. Cole slams the bayonet at the end of his shotgun into the chest of a unsuspecting German. He kicks the body to the ground as he slams 3 shells into the German behind him. The trench around him starts to change back to his foundation cell. Cole hears the gunfire pause and the sirens stop. He looks around in horror.

Cole stands up on the padded cell floor, his eyes shift to a glowing pink. He looks around. He's covered in blood and gore, his wounds close, his bones crack and snap back into place.

"What the fuck?" Cole's cell door is wide open, he could leave. Cole checks his distorting and glitching Hud for a date. October 5th, 2021. Today was the day.

He sprints through the open door, through the observation room, and into the hallway. He looks around. Parts of the floor are soaked with blood and parts are covered with brass, the walls are covered in bullet holes, none of this mattered to Cole right now as he sprints to the front doors.

A familiar voice calls out to Cole. "Wait, I thought you said we were family!" Cole pauses, turning his head to face them. Before he can, though, a strong voice that sounds nearly identical to Cole's yells at him to get out of there.

He covers his ears as he sprints out of the front door of the Foundation. He soon steals a car from the parking lot as he leaves the Foundation in shambles.