August 22, 2021

Aside from all before, the perspective is switched to something new: a species beside human, and of another Veil, known to you as [LimVeil6]. What kind of potentially exciting possibilities be waiting for them? Well, this one in particular, is late for a meeting. This is a 5'6 varian woman, a human-like entity with flesh-based electronics. These come in the form of large, retractible bug legs for performing dangerous tasks, as well as blue horns pointed like spades on her head to conduct electricity through her body. She's fairly thin, her complexion pale as a contrast to her shaggy, jet black hair. She's wearing glasses and a labcoat, and carrying some books and documents.

They don’t know what happened. One second, they were researching the phenomena of the universe- the next, she was late. She can’t be seen late again. She knows your position well, and not fulfilling it would be certain calamity. After hastily stacking her papers and inconveniently knocking them over again via rushing, they bolt out of their basement/laboratory into the antechambers.

Luckily for her, the path to where she needs to go has been memorized for a long, long while. Although, the stairs may be a problem. She scaled them without hesitation. She can’t go too fast on these. One wrong foot and she may lose around a good 30 seconds due to tripping and/or tumbling back down the steps she’s just escalated. This time, she didn’t falter.

She makes it to the meeting room and busts through the doors.

"I’m here, everyone!" she yells, catching her breath, "I… You have acquired my presence."

One of her coworkers glares at her, stern as usual. "Very well. It’s about time we begin anyway."

She takes your assigned seat. Right where she needs to be.

This person's name is Memphi, surname redacted for privacy. She's a scientist of unknown matters. Seriously, they study things whose existences are either unknown or hidden from the public, which she finds a very appealing job. From that, they are also a genetic and chemistry enigmatic, which is why they have so many syringes on them at all times. They’ve been called every synonym for “odd” in the book- if you couldn’t tell at first, they are indeed strange in every way.

Even their mind is unique, since she was diagnosed with auditory-tactile synesthesia, which means she can feel sound! Due to that, she lives in a soundproof basement with antechambers and a very special room to keep sound from irritating her. Meetings are still mandatory, however, so she tries to speak in a soothing way.

Memphi also finds it necessary to utilize prolonged confabulation, so their sentences occasionally are more elongated than other multitudes.

And the meeting shall be starting soon.