DATE: October 31, 2021

TIME: 10:23 pm

SETTING: The basement of THE CHURCH OF THE RAINDROPS. In a spare bedroom that HARMONIA has declared as her own.

HARMONIA lays in the bed, asleep. She had neglected rest as of late, afraid for the nightmares that would surely follow. As she slumbers she finds herself in what appears to be an empty black void. But wait... it is no longer empty. A figure appears before her. It appears to be a man... or is it? It's hard to pinpoint any details. The only sure thing is the mask it wears. Is that a mask? No. It was its head. The head of the being was Melpomene and Thalia, the twin masks that represented Tragedy and Comedy respectively. HARMONIA knew she was sleeping but this didn't feel like a dream. No, it was not a dream. This being was before her and she did not know why or how. So, she spoke.

HARMONIA: "W-who are you?"

HARMONIA'S voice shook with fear and uncertainty. If this was no dream, no trick of the mind, then a being had entered her brain, her own consciousness. The thought of being that helpless sent waves of fear through her. What could it want? Did this being want to end the world? The entity was looking at her, not through the "eyes" of its head, but from everywhere, every angle. As if a thousand tiny eyes had focused on her.

???: "I Am The Playwright. And I Have Come Here To Help You, Harmonia Reeds."

When THE PLAYWRIGHT spoke its voice had no certain sound. It was a cacophony of many different voices, and yet HARMONIA knew exactly what it had said. THE PLAYWRIGHT'S presence was overwhelming yet somehow comforting. Like a warm hug on a cold winter night. HARMONIA felt almost... safe. But she refused to let this being lure her into a false sense of safety. She stood her ground, daring to be brave. If she couldn't take a stand in her own mind, then how could she be strong in the real world?

HARMONIA: "Help me? How so?"

THE PLAYWRIGHT watched the girl. It knew her nature. It knew her hopes, her dreams, and her worst fears. It knew exactly what to say.

THE PLAYWRIGHT: "You Are Afraid. Afraid Of Being Weak. Afraid Of Death. Afraid Of Failing. You Fear That This Next Battle Will Be Your Last. That Your World Will Never Be The Same. I Can Offer You Strength, Harmonia. I Can Give You The Power to Protect Yourself. May I Show You How?"

HARMONIA was hesitant. Its words rang true. She was afraid. She didn't want to die. HARMONIA had only ever wanted a normal life. Yet she knew there was no chance of that now. She had to move forward. HARMONIA had to adapt. She had to become stronger. Yet she knew that taking THE PLAYWRIGHT'S deal without more thought would be reckless and stupid.

HARMONIA: "How would you show me?"

She asked, her voice level and strong. HARMONIA had to stay clear-headed. She had to stay calm. THE PLAYWRIGHT had not changed at all in appearance, yet its voice had all the correct intonations and emotions, despite its confusing and impossible nature.

THE PLAYWRIGHT: "Through A Vision, My Dear. Only Imagery. Your Permission Will Not Give Me Any Other Privileges. This Is Your Mind, Harmonia. You Are In Charge Here. You Are Strong Here."

HARMONIA considered this. She knew it may be lying... but still. She decided to test out what it had claimed and imagined the two of them in a more comfortable location. The scenery quickly changed to a gorgeous flower field, exactly how HARMONIA had imagined it. She smiled softly then turned back to THE PLAYWRIGHT.

HARMONIA: "Yes, you may show me."

THE PLAYWRIGHT gave HARMONIA the memory of a past vessel. A young man named KEVIN JACOBS. HARMONIA witnessed the man seemingly have a vision of the future. The vision was one of smoke and fire. Chaos and death. He immediately stopped what he was doing and ran to his wife's place of work, taking her home and saving her from a deadly fire that surely would've taken her life. The memory faded and another replaced it. A battle where a woman should've died but was able to save herself with a vision. More memories were shown to HARMONIA, memories of people saving themselves and the ones they love thanks to THE PLAYWRIGHT’S aid. When the memories faded, HARMONIA looked at THE PLAYWRIGHT.

HARMONIA: "So... you... you can give me those visions? That knowledge?"

HARMONIA looked eager as her desire to protect the ones she loved, to protect herself, and to help others clouded her mind. If she could have this power she could actually help people. She could be useful! THE PLAYWRIGHT felt her buzz of excitement as HARMONIA saw her dreams within arms reach.

THE PLAYWRIGHT: "Yes, I Can. And I Can Offer You More. For Just A Small Price."

HARMONIA looked up and her excitement lessened. She remembered the reality, that nothing came for free in this world. That THE PLAYWRIGHT was surely much more powerful than her and would not give her power for free. HARMONIA composed herself and looked at THE PLAYWRIGHT.

HARMONIA: "What is the price?"

THE PLAYWRIGHT: "Temporary Use Of Your Human Body. As A Vessel. I Have Duties And Responsibilities That I Cannot Attend To In The Metaphysical Realm And I Would Not Use Your Body For More Than 6 Hours At A Time, If That."

HARMONIA froze. THE PLAYWRIGHT wanted control over her body... wanted to use her as a vessel. She had done some research since discovering this world of monsters and knew that most vessels did not get a choice. So what was different about THE PLAYWRIGHT? Why did it ask? Why did it show her that? Why did it want to make a deal? Her mind was swimming with questions and it felt like THE PLAYWRIGHT knew what she was thinking.

THE PLAYWRIGHT: "I Know You Have Many Questions, Harmonia. Allow Me To Answer A Few. I Am The Playwright. I Am A Spectator In The Lives of Humans And I Am A Mediator. I Want To Save Your World, Harmonia. For Humans Are Much Too Intricate, Much Too Interesting To Die Off. But I Can Not Do Much Without A Body. Furthermore, I Respect Humans. I Respect You. I Am Not Like The Others You Have Seen, Harmonia, And That Is Why I Have Given You This Choice. Because I Believe In You. I Believe That You Can Do Great Things, As Long As You Do Not Die First. So Please Allow Me To Help You. To Help Your Kind."

THE PLAYWRIGHT extends its hand to HARMONIA and she pauses. She was afraid to not have control over her body but... this being could help her. Could help everyone. It would be selfish to not accept this deal. It would be selfish to let fear consume her. She knew it was telling the truth. It wanted to save her world and it wanted to save her. It wanted to help her become strong. She took a few steps forward, her hand not yet taking THE PLAYWRIGHTS but ready to do so. She hesitated, only to remember the bloodshed on the battlefield and the memories THE PLAYWRIGHT had let her see. Her hand took the entities, and they shook on it. THE PLAYWRIGHT felt.. warm. Almost human. HARMONIA felt her fear turn into relief. She had made the right decision.

HARMONIA: "It's a deal..."

THE PLAYWRIGHT: "You Have Made The Right Decision, Harmonia. I Look Forward To Working With You."

THE PLAYWRIGHT seemed like it was smiling despite its expressionless appearance as HARMONIA'S mindscape dissolved, the waking world beckoning her back into its light. HARMONIA held onto the image of THE PLAYWRIGHT in the flower field for as long as possible until everything went black. Then suddenly, the world was filled with color. Her eyes fluttered open and she looked at the ceiling of the bedroom she'd claimed as her own. HARMONIA quickly found her phone and checked the date, her phone displaying that it was November 1st, 2:46 am. She had only been asleep for a few hours. She sighed in relief and laid back down, exhaustion overpowering her excitement as she fell back asleep, entering a dream world filled with fantasy and hope.