February 3, 2022

Lucille and a dollified Harmonia appear in the middle of a city.

"I'm gonna be real. I forgot where we were supposed to go," Lucille says.

"What the fuck where are we????" Harmonia looks around, still sitting on the floor. She’d get up but. Legs hurt.

"A city in Meridian"

"Meridian is a city. Are you high?"


"Youre kidding."


"So what now??"

"We wait for the bugs."

"The fucking what now"


"Can I have my normal clothes back? And my legs healed? Pleeb?"

"Ask nicely"

"Pretty please??”

"Hehe I hah the. O h my goood"


"The bugs! Theyr'e a comijn."

"So do I get my clothes back? I asked nicely-"

"No you're so pretty," Lucille laughs.

Harmonia pouts and looks away.

BANG! There's a gunshot!

Sounds like It came from a rifle!

Harmonia jumps and tries to grab her own gun.

Lucille looks towards where the funky sound came from

A rock hits her in the face.

"Owe," she says as her face fuckin disappears


There's the faint sound of laughter from somewhere and then another rock is thrown, this time at where her face used to be.

"They're FUCKING AFTER ME!!" Lucille vanishes.

Harmonia looks around.

"This sucks. I'm gonna die in a fucking doll dress."

She grumbles, cocking her gun.

There's an echoey yell from the rooftops.


"To all of those: You don't want to know but the dress wasn't my choice." She grumbles, but says loudly enough for him to hear.


"Yeah I agree. She fuckin. kidnapped me last night." Harmonia sighs.

"HOLD ON.." There's the sound of something breaking followed by the sound of falling in a dumpster or… something. "FUCKTHISISEMBARRASSINGOKHOLDON"

"Uh.... I don't know who you are but are you okay????" Harmonia asks. There's the sound of a dumpster falling over and everything spilling out onto the ground.


"...are you sure?????" Out from an alleyway comes a person dressed in all black. They wear: An oversized hoodie tucked into their jeans; the aforementioned jeans which seem to have been torn and patched by hand; black steel toe boots; and a black plague doctor mask (which seems to be stuffed... they've got a bit of a sweet scent following them.) They also have fucking antlers??? Like wholeass antlers??? They run up to Harmonia, out of breath, and look her in the eyes (theirs are obscured by the lenses of the mask, yet... have a faint green glow to them. just barely visible.)

"So... hhf. You're, uh... Jjesus.. A kidnapping victim? like?..." They stare into her eyes for a bit. They sigh, standing up straightish, "Yeah, you're getting kidnapped again. Do you mind?"

"W-what??? Yeah I mind I need to get home-" Harmonia looks away a little, anxious about the eye contact- She tries to get up but cries out in pain, falling down again.

"Dude, did she break your fuckin legs? Cruel. Cruel. I'll kidnap you after, hold on.." They go over to her and try to help her up.

"N-no- She shot them then healed them I think but kept the pain?" Harmonia breathing hard from the pain. She lets them help her up, "Why do you want to kidnap me??"

"Blatantly a demon. Can tell like.. Immediately. You should probably get contacts? If you don't want people to know, I don't fuckin know, could be like an intimidation tactic. Just staring at people." They (speaking with a mix of constant questioning and constant sarcasm) start trying to help her limp over towards where they came from. Oh, and they're the same height!

"I-I just became one- normally I don't talk to new people..." She mumbles, considering the contact idea, "Why do you want a demon??"

"Woahwoahwoahwoah.waitwaitholdthefuckon." They stop, looking at her. "You. became one? like?? recently???"

"U-uh... y-yes?" Harmonia knew this probably wasn't the best idea.

"Damn. Jackpot." They continue helping her limp, muttering something like "definitelykidnappingthisone." under their breath as the two of them approach a tipped over dumpster. The contents of said dumpster is completely spilled out. "Ooh, right, ok. hollon." They set her down against the wall of the alleyway and jog back over to the dumpster, looking around for their stuff.

"So what are you going to do with me??" Harmonia just kinda stares, swearing to herself that she couldn't walk and try to get away.

"Uhhh... fuckinn. I dunno? How often do you think I do this?? Never, that's how much....Might as well be like, proper about it? What do you want to eat? Are you hungry? Don't worry, I won't poison it. I haven't eaten in like... fuckinn...OH THERE!" They step into the thrown out cardboard boxes and various other junk and pull out two things: A messenger bag and a fucking lever action rifle. Harmonia watches his every move.

"I get kidnapped pretty often. People just love me." She says, Sarcastically.

"Really? Tell me about it." Seems like a genuine request as they step out of the garbage and sit down a bit away from her but on the same wall, looking through their bag.

"Uh... I dunno I just have enemies..." Harmonia scratches her arm, looking at her pocket, wondering if it's worth trying to call Cole. She doesn't want to get anyone hurt.

"I thought you said they loved you?" He pulls out a small box of chalk and stands up, walking over to the wall.

"I was being sarcastic"

"...oh. Well, again, food? hungry? What kinda food do you want? Cmon."

"Uh- um- fuck I dunno chicken? Mac n cheese?"

"Sure. Why not." He starts to draw something on the wall in chalk. "Where are you from? How did you become a demon? Do you like buffalo? The sauce, not the animal. Why would I be talking about the animal?"

"Er- uh... Meridian Mississippi? And yes I do- and I don't uh- I don't know if I should tell you how I became a demon-"

"Well, why not?" He sighs.

"Just a hunch.." She watches him carefully, like an injured animal.

"...No clue why I did that. Genuinely." He finishes, having drawn a grinning smiley face with sharp teeth. "Anyway, I'm sure I'll find out soon." He left the rifle on the ground next to her so she can totally grab it as he's occupied with putting the chalk away in his bag. She, in fact, does grab it! she tries to dig her phone out of her pocket as well

"Dude. That's loaded with blanks. Fear damage isn’t shit when I know where it's coming from." He glances up at her, sighing and ruffling around in his bag some more.

"Fuck, well."

"Well, I'm gonna like... kidnap you to my place, right? Make you food, buffalo chicken mac n cheese... Then I'm gonna ask you questions, if you don't mind? Actually, I don't care if you mind. It's a kidnapping." He snickers, pulling out his own phone.

"Right, good luck with that"

"What, do you not want mac and cheese?" He looks up at her again. "Again, not gonna poison it. Turns out climbing buildings is tiring as fuck when you're carrying shit, so I'm hungry."

"I mean I can get mac n cheese at home"

"I can give you fanta too? Or are you a panta person? I don't know I drink fruit juice and like nothing else."

"My friends can literally summon stuff"

"Are they all demons too????"


"Also, fuck you! I'm offended that you think my buffalo chicken mac and cheese can be surpassed by whatever magical mac n cheese factories your, quote unquote, 'Not Demon' friends have up their asses! C'mon. I've worked hard on developing the recipe just right." He does the air quote thing. when he says not demon.

"Sorry," She shoves her phone in her pocket. "Do you have normal clothes?"

"Yes??? Do I look like the kind of person who dresses like a creepy possessed doll you'd find on your grandmother's bed????"

"Can I change into normal shit please"

"Genuinely. Who the fuck was that girl. Can she get therapy?? Not even for kidnapping you just for calling that... Blegh. 'pretty.' Yes. Yes absolutely. That's an assault on my eyes."

"Powerful entity bullshit"

"I'll even do you a favor and burn it."


"So, kidnapping, yeah?"

"Yeah sure whatever." Harmonia shrugs

"Great!" He walks over and helps Harmonia up again. "Name?"

"Uh- Harmonia- what's yours?"

"Ooo. Goddess stuff. Ironic. Ehhh, you can just call me Orph. I think you can guess what it's short for?...You'd better not drop that. It took a lot of effort to steal." He starts to help her limp along again down the alley.

"Yeah I wont'. And cool, Greek myth name gang.."

"Yours by birth? Mine isn't."

"Mine is. Born human"

"Assumed so. Might be walking for a while."

"Alright..." She sighs a little.

"...I mean, I can try to make it faster? Are you comfortable with teleportation?"

"Yeah sure"

"Are you sure? It's gonna make you feel sick. Like... Need to vomit sick. I think."

"Its fineee..."

"Alright, hollon. Contacting outside sources." He fishes a seed of... something. out of his backpack and swallows it, sighing and muttering a phrase (that sounds like it's in a similar language to whatever she has to say to summon Thrall) underneath his breath. "...Should take a m-"

They both disappear suddenly.
