Dec 14, 2021

Harmonia lays in her bed, holding a stuffed animal and crying. By the time Spider appears in her room, she's stopped crying and is sort of just laying there.

"Hey, Spider..." Harmonia says, greeting the inhuman.

"Hi, I've just been with Term. He's not reacting to anything," says Spider.

“I see…. should I try?”

"I don't know," Spider shrugs, "I mean... I understand why he's like this, but it doesn't make it any easier to see."

“Yeah… um.. What happened the past day or so?”

"With Term?, last night dolos showed up and threatened to take me and Chris, so Term volunteered as tribute," she lets out a mirthless laugh, "And since then he's been tortured."

“Christ…thats terrible…” Harmonia sits up, clutching the crocodile plush Spider had gotten for her a couple weeks ago, “I shouldve been here…”

"No, don't think like that," Spider says, sharply.

“Alright I just… I dunno..” Harmonia sighs.

"I don't know how to help him. I mean I've experienced this before, but never with someone I care about," Spider says.

"Yeah... I dont... I've been completely checked out before. Just going through the motions... it got so bad I almost ended it but something just... snapped me out of it. I don't know what. Maybe it was the cars down below... I don't know. But all of the sudden I knew I needed help. I dont know how to give November that moment of clarity," Harmonia sighs again and runs a hand through her hair.

"I'm, er, sorry you went through that... I've seen it in other people..."

"Shit- I didn't mean to make it about me. I just. I'm trying to think I guess... trying to figure out how to help..."

"You didn't, you didn't," Spider replies, "I can already tell you, what I used to do won't help."

"What did you used to do?" Harmonia asks.

"Er... kill them, it was back in the gang when know..." Spider says, as a paper is slipped under Harmonia's door, "Cole?"

"Ah...yeah- Heh-" Harmonia looks at the paper. The paper reads, "your invited to my wedding it will be soon also tell spider they are invited as well location to be decided," and Spider frowns upon reading it.

"What's it say?" Harmonia asks. Spider hands it to her, her expression changing from one of confusion to a blank mask. Harmonia reads it. She was happy for them but just... couldn't find it in her to express it.

"Terminal's not responding, still," Spider says.

"I.. I want to help..."

"Let's go then."

-=-Some Time Later-=-

Terminal knocks frantically on Harmonia's door. Harmonia lets him inside, closing the door behind him.

“Make yourself at home- are you okay?” she asks. Terminal instantly goes to the closet, opens it, sits in it, and closes the door. Harmonia sits on her bed, as Terminal begins to cry from the closet. Harmonia gets up and opens the closet door, to see Terminal cowering as close as he can to the wall, shaking.

"What did he do to you..? Do you need a hug...?" she asks. Terminal doesn't respond and continues to cry. Harmonia walks over and sits by him, holding out her hand for him. He doesn't look. Harmonia lightly touches Terminal's arm, “Hey,” she says as he tenses up. She looks down, and notices that he's sitting on a box... and then she notices which box he's sitting on. She starts to panic.

“N-November could you sit on a different box?-“ Harmonia asks, Terminal not responding. Harmonia attempts to pick him up, but he instantly takes a sharp breath and grabs onto her arm, pulling her with all of his strength to the ground. Harmonia yelps and goes down, trying to get her arm back. He lets go of her arm and puts a knee on her back, keeping her down.

“November I’m sorry I wasn’t trying to hurt you-“ Harmonia says when she gets her breath back, trying to push his knee off of her. November pushes her down with more force, as he puts an arm around her neck to choke her. Harmonia claws at his arm, choking and trying to get him off of her, “H-help," Harmonia chokes out, but it's not super loud. A loud knocking can be heard against Harmonia's door.

Terminal leans in as he pulls tighter, and whispers in a shaky voice and an off tone: "How's this for hiding, bitch?" He doesn't react to the knocking on the door. Harmonia struggles, but dark spots fill her vision. Cole busts open the door, draws his 1911, and grabs Terminal. Luna watches from the door.

"What the fuck, Terminal???" Luna says.

"Terminal get off," Cole commands, but Terminal refuses.

"Get off of her!" Luna yells. Cole rips Terminal away from Harmonia with all of his force, as Terminal tries to claw with his nails at Cole's arm. Cole's armor protects him from Terminal's scratches.

Harmonia collapses, gasping for air and tearing up. Terminal punches Cole in the face full force, and Cole responds by picking Terminal up and defenestrating him.

"Piece of shit," Cole mutters. The window shatters as Terminal is thrown, and he falls out of sight. Luna kneels next to Harmonia and tries to get her onto her bed.

"Up you go," Luna says softly, trying to calm Harmonia. Harmonia's pretty light, and collapses onto the bed, unable to speak currently.

“Where did Terminal go?” Knight asks, walking in.

"Outside," Cole says.

"He got defenestrated. What do you think?" Luna points to the window.

"The fuck does defenestrated mean?" Cole asks.

"Yeeted through a window. Just a cooler name," Luna chuckles.

"Why is that a word?"


"Good point," Cole says, walking over to Harmonia so he can try to heal her back to stability. Luna runs outside to see what the fuck Terminal is doing.

“I-its not his fault I don’t think he’s thinking straight-“ Harmonia says, shaking. Knight just watches what’s happening outside from the window.

"It's okay, Nov's fine, I didn't throw him too hard," Cole says. Knight jumps out the window. Cole is confused at the display, but whatever, Knight can do what he wants.

-=-An Hour Later-=-

Harmonia's back to crying on her bed. Adam, after searching some of the house, comes to knock on the door.

"Harmonia, are you in here?" He asks.

“Y-yes-“ She tries to mask her crying but fails.

"May I come in?"

“S-sure…” Harmonia wipes her eyes and tries to pull herself together.

Adam slowly opens the door, "Are you alright? What happened with Terminal?"

“I'll be fine… I just- He came in and sat on a photo and I panicked and tries to move him and he choked me then I tried to comfort him and he said something about a mom and I panicked and punched him and-“ She starts hyperventilating.

"It's going to be ok, take deep breaths for me. It's going to be ok. Terminal wanted to make sure you were ok," he says, taking a few small steps forward.

“T-tell h-him I’m o-okay-“ she says, her breathing slowing a little.

"I will, but I want to help you calm down some," he says, nodding. Harmonia holds her head in her hands, struggling to breathe and sobbing.

"Deep breaths, Harmonia. It'll be ok, you're under a lot of stress, you can't blame yourself," He takes another few steps forward. She's shaking like a leaf and holds onto herself, not trying to stop his approach.

"In and out, 4 seconds in, 4 seconds hold, 4 seconds out. It's ok," a few more steps. Harmonia does as he says, calming down a little, and he's now beside her, "You're doing great, it's ok Harmonia, you're safe."

“I-I'm sorry…”

"You have nothing to be sorry for," he shakes his head, sitting next to her on the bed.

“Is.. is November okay…?” Harmonia asks, holding herself.

"He's going to be, I'm checking up on him again after you're ok."

“I'm so tired…” she says, cradling herself.

"You should get some rest, when did you last sleep?" he reaches out to rub her shoulder.

“Not for a day or so…”

"You need your rest... get some sleep, it's going to be ok," he rubbed her shoulder comfortingly.

“I'll have a nightmare…”

"And you can come to me, I deal with a lot of nightmares, I can help you through it."

“I'm sorry…”

"For what? You haven't done anything."

“Making you comfort me…”

"Did you tell me to come in here?"


"Then you didn't make me do anything, I'm here because I want to help."

“Okay,” Harmonia nods.

"It's going to be ok, get your rest," he smiles.

“Okay, thank you..” Harmonia says, curling up in bed. Adam stands up, moving to turn off the lights and leave. Harmonia soon falls asleep.