March 31, 2022

MailMan is led to the table and the guard points at it and says, "Sit."

"Ok!" MailMan sits down still smiling, "You know this is where me and Joshua first met! It was great!" The guard rolls his eyes and shoves MailMan onto the table in a laying position. The restraints lock into place and the table is moved so MailMan is upright. Mailman says, "This is an awful lot of trouble when I can stand fine on my own!"

"Don't want you running off to go save your partner," the guard swings a monitor down and it plays a car crash, "That was Joshua in the car by the way."

"No, that can't be!" MailMan watches.

"Oh but it can, Joshua is dead and there's nothing you can do to change it," the guard replies.

"When did this happen?" MailMan asks

"2 minutes ago," the guard replies.

"That's.." MailMan’s smile seems less happy "..oh my."

"Your little Joshy is dead," the guard says.

"I-I can help, let me go help!" MailMan starts to struggle to get free, looking around in worry.

"Nope, I can't let you go, and you wouldn't be able to help him anyways," the guard says.

"Please just let me go, I need to see him," MailMan says/

"Why would you wanna see a dead corpse?"

"..." MailMan goes quiet, still trying to get free.

"Stop struggling, you're not gonna get free anytime soon," the guard says.

"No, no, no I have to," MailMan keeps trying.

"Why would you need to see a corpse?" the guard asks.

"I need him I can't.." MailMan says.

"Why would you need that lazy piece of shit?" The monitor swaps to bad commercials as the guard laughs.

"He's not a piece of shit, he's cozy unlike you!" MailMan replies

"Awww does someone miss their little cat pillow?" the guard mocks MailMan. The commercials get worse as satanic rituals become more noticeable.

"No please, I have to save him, I can save him please," MailMan starts to sound more desperate as he keeps trying to get free.

"How would you be able to save him?" the guard asks, "You can't even get out of the restraints."

Suddenly, the room begins to fill with a thick pink gas.


Vision obscuring.

And also it smells like artificial strawberries????

Mailman looks around, confused.

"The fuck?" the guard asks.

The Scientist begins to feel drugged as HELL while Mailman is left… relatively okay?

The strawberry smell is nice enough.

The TV Screen starts to malfunction, though.

"What's happening?" MailMan says

The guard falls flat on his ass and looks around confused. The Scientist is tired as FUCK. Mailman isn’t affected by the drugging effects. The TV starts to play cat care tips! Gas continues to fill the room to the point the floor is like… Completely obscured.

Mailman continues trying to get free, refusing to give up. Gas continues to fill the room. Seeing anything around himself is getting kind of… difficult, to say the least. Also, the tired feeling is beginning to set in. Not drugged just like… Tired. He stops trying to get free as he still tries to look around without any luck, "Hello?" Mmmm gas. It finally begins to completely fill the room. Breathing it is completely unavoidable at this point, but thankfully it won’t kill or suffocate him! MailMan stays still waiting for something to happen. He feels like he’s being pushed to the edge of sleep… Then, suddenly, that feeling completely goes away! And the gas vanishes! And he’s Nelson's milk snake now! The TV is still playing funny cat videos and care tips. The restraints have loosened.

MailMan blinks as the feeling goes away, looking down at himself.

"My, I have a skin rash!"

Mailman tries to get free again. The restraints unlock, and he's released! MailMan gets up and stands there a good while. Just looking at the room. He snaps out of whatever thought he was working on, going to the door and attempting to leave. The door needs a keycard to open, maybe there's one on the guard. Mailman takes a good while to understand that before heading to the guard and gently poking him on the shoulder.


The guard snores in response. But his badge is ripe for the taking!

Mailman tries to take the badge... click! Mailman has acquired a badge!

MailMan tries to use it to leave the room... Beep! The door opens and leads out to the hallway.

The hallway is full of scientists gossiping about Joshua.

"Oh my god did you hear what he did in a cell with someone?"

"I know right that is so horrible, next time I see him I'm making sure he washes his hands."

Mailman enters the hall and stands there quietly, watching them talk. The scientists continue to gossip.

"I can't believe he brought another SCP home I couldn't imagine what he was doing with it."

"I know right, I bet they have dumbass nicknames for each other."

" Joshy?" MailMan still smiles but sounds a tad sad.

"Oh my god yeah like tha- wait a fucking minute," one of the scientists turns to look at MailMan. MailMan stands there. The guard sighs, "Go back to your cell please."

"Uhh..." MailMan looks back at the door he came from and back at them, "Where are the cars kept?"

"Uhm over there?" The scientist points to the doors that lead out of the Foundation.

"Ok, thank you," MailMan starts walking to the doors and steps out to the parking lot, which is full of cars. All of them look ripe to be stolen. Mailman starts walking around the parking lot checking to see if he can find anyone in any of the cars, "Joshy?"

There's no one in any of the cars. He stands in the parking lot seemingly confused, his smile weakens some.

A guard walks outside and grabs MailMan's arm, "You need to go back to your cell."

"I-is he dead?" MailMan asks.

"Is who dead?"


"Doesn't ring a bell," the guard replies, starting to lead MailMan back inside.