1186: Michael is Mean (11/14): Most of the day was silent. Drake cried about Michael teasing her for having one hand. We quickly connected and pleaded for him to stop or else. He refused. We told him that laughing at the handicapped was very frowned upon, but it didn't matter. Michael acted oddly aggressive, something that isn't common at all, which made us suspicious that November had a failsafe and it's affecting him. He promised to stop laughing at Drake. Rowan cried shortly after because Michael read aloud from her diary and revealed she had abusive parents. Pie screamed at him in a separate room . The Risen couldn't take it anymore and Spider delivered a punishment in the form of a 10 hour sine wave loop. We didn't allow the full 10 hour video to play because we felt bad and instead turned it off after 20 minutes. 1187: Drake's Concerns (11/14): Drake asked what happens if she doesn't listen to me. Worried that she'd think I'm like Rhee, I made sure to tell her that this was a fringe case and that 99% of the time, we work with the tools we have and try to settle conflicts peacefully. We don't do eye for an eye, that's not The Risen Way. We prefer to reason with people and teach others right from wrong. We're humans from one World trying to inspire change in another World using the limited resources we have. Later on, Drake didn't know how she was feeling for Rowan. We ran a /pylon state and learned she felt concerned. It was a very familiar feeling as well, seeing how Rose felt heavy concern back in 2012 for the experiment. We wondered what Rose's part in all of that was, so we connected to Julian. 1188: The Fateful Experiment (11/15): We learned a little bit more about the fateful experiment that caused the loon trials and Rose's part in it. Julian was naive and thought she knew how to trigger a Hadal alter. The alter was simple: "Cure loonism". It didn't work sadly. And even if it did, 15 people were hurt in that bunker. The person who was cured, Michael, also wasn't evidence enough to save the Moore's from litigation. I brought up November. She said November had the worst case of loonism of the group. Nov fell so fast into loonism that it flipped from fear to a crazed obsession. And after the experiment was stopped, November disappeared. I explained that she altered her mind to be able to invade Rose's thoughts, but she didn't care. She's got enough problems with her own subjects and keeping her from being at the front of the line to get stabbed with a needle in the neck. We let her go shortly after this seeing how she needed rest. 1195: (REM) DRAKE'S NEW FORM (11/16): We continued to try and figure out how to summon Drake's Corrupted abilities. Because Lucille was active at the time, we had her try and work her magic. She world-hopped to Drake's house and tried to teach her to teleport. It was very ineffective. Then she tried something drastic. She knew that touching Drake's blanket was something that truly enraged Drake and figured maybe something like that might activate something within her. She touched the blanket which put Drake into a frenzy. Lucille asked me to allow Drake to react. I told her, as best listen, to allow the feelings out. She flew into a blind rage and utterly wrecked Lucille. Thankfully she is incapable of death. Then something happened. On twitter, an image appeared. Drake had tentacles. Drake regrew her hand (tissue regeneration). Drake... had a little bowtie. Drake was finally a Corrupted. Drake was happy, Lucille was excited that it worked, and Pie and Harlow coughed a little bit due to the slender sickness beginning to affect them. We tried to figure out what emotion Corrupted Drake needs to feed on to continue growing her powers, as all she has currently are tentacles and tissue regeneration. We guessed rage, but it's anyone's guess. Lucille left the non-feral World and returned home for a nice rest. We thanked her for all of the help. 1196: DATRRS Update (11/16): After all of that fun was had, we examined the Corrupted Drake image a bit further and noticed around the doorframe, the word "update" was found. Another Risen attempted to toss it into DATRRS and learned that there was a system update ready for DATRRS. We allowed it to run and hopefully tomorrow morning, we'll have some new toys to play with! 1201: The Search for the R053 (11/16): Much later that evening Drake told us she needed to find that R053 pill so she can give it to Pie for safe keeping. Hopefully Drake is able to and we can get it away from her. She found it the next morning, but it accidentally fell between the floorboard into the room below. 1203: Hadal Drunkenness (11/17): Cole and Spider were completely wasted for the majority of the day. Drake offered them to taste hadal blood. After they realized that Drake still cannot tap into her nightmare powers and world hop, I made the mistake of reminding them of the jar of hadal blood in Claire's fridge. They both had a little bit and immediately freaked out for a couple hours. We learned that favorite colors and deep breathing do help calm them down though. Lucille had a taste as well, but it was completely ineffective. After tasting even more, Jessica fronted and felt all of the effects herself. 1204: Harlow's Assistance (11/17): Harlow helped Drake find the pill. Drake pointed out that it dropped into the apartment below and she went to grab keys for Isaac's room. About an hour later, Harlow was chilling on the couch eating chips when we checked for updates. She completely forgot what she was doing and what she remembered. Just then, Harlow fell to the ground and her leg caught a nail in the floorboard. She was bleeding and unconscious. Pie called an ambulance for her. 1209: Down with the Sickness (11/18): Drake was on during most of this. We learned she was isolated for the entire year and gnawed her arm and hand off. The rest of the family was silent this entire time. Thinking that is extremely odd, we connected to Pie to see how he was. Unfortunately, it was almost like he was in a trance-like state. We weren't able to learn much, so we swapped to Harlow. Harlow also wasn't capable of speaking much, but she did note she was on Isaac's floor... the same place we left her back in 2014. We tried Michael next, and it was about the same for him as well. We swapped to Madelyn, hoping she would have an idea but she noticed everyone was "messed up" and left before she got like that herself. I asked how long ago it was and it was a few months. We disconnected. Drake was scared and wanted to get help. We guided her out of the house and into Arlington trying to find the doctor from before. With her gone, we tried Rowan next. Rowan was able to wake up after being knocked down for a whole YEAR. Her memory returned and proceeded to wake everyone else up. With some questioning of the friends we've made, we figured out Drake spread Corrupted Disease to the family accidentally. It causes a variety of conditions, but thankfully (?), all they got were weakness and amnesia. With everyone awake and Harlow getting help for her leg, we caught everyone up on what happened and helped Drake out in Arlington. 1210: (REM / ICMUC) Control (11/18): While traversing Arlington, we noticed Drake was causing people to trip and birds falling out of the sky. We got Roxy and Lucille to help us figure out how to turn the sickness spreading off. Roxy world hopped into Drake's and helped her reach the doctor's house. She tried to get Drake to focus her energy on something, but it didn't work. Lucille tried something as well. With the knowledge from The Photographer (I Could Make You Care) that to turn off the sickness requires learning the target emotion and stop letting her feed on it, she summoned Sugar Lance with the hopes that maybe she has a little more control. It was super effective. Sugar was able to turn off the sickness! Also Drake regrew the arm and hand she lost over the previous year. Roxy hopped back to her world as well. 1211: Lost in Arlington (11/18): Drake found the doctor's house, but he wasn't home. Cold, tired, and scared, we had her huddle underneath a streetlight when some unknown person took her inside a building. We were worried they were connected to the Blood Washer, but thankfully they're in Greywood not Arlington. It was nice and warm, but it had a strange feel to it. After some time spent, they took her into another room, some girl's room. In there, she found weed and pants. We had her not touch the weed, but the pants were ok. Roxy, learning there was free weed back in non-feral Earth, world hopped back over there real quick to steal it all for herself. She took quite a few bricks from this random person. They entered the room and tried to get Drake to smoke alongside them. I told her not to. Drake described a bong to us and once again, cuz she's fucking greedy, Roxy world hopped and grabbed that too. With some more time spent there, Drake felt uncomfortable in this house and left. 1212: The Moon Isn't Right - Frost Moon Eclipse Extreme Edition! (11/19): Drake returned outside completely awake but terribly cold. We spent time playing games like 20 questions and it was a nice time. Drake asked about the big line in the sky and I told her about how their Earth was the victim of an apocalypse many millennia ago and that's why all humans are animals. She barely paid any attention but that's understandable. Later, she was still very cold but caught a glimpse of the moon above her. It seemed to stress her out a little bit, but there was nothing we could do. She was in a trance from looking so hard at it. With the cold temperatures, which are perfect for hadal alters, and the moon's influence, who knows what'll happen tomorrow… 1213: Frost Moon Eclipse Aftermath (11/19): Turns out nothing happened that we could immediately see. That being said, Drake reported that before she came to, it was dark a second before. She was still standing and frigidly cold. We guided her back home to Harlow's. She got warmed up and felt a lot better, though she did have her first sneeze ever which startled her. 1214: (ICMUC) The Photographer's Offer (11/19): Photo tried to pinpoint what Drake's feeding emotion is. None of the emotes in the server worked, so we theorized what it could be. Nostalgia? Guilt? Photo offered to help Drake further, but she would need to be feeling not okay for it to work out. Makes sense, you can't treat an ongoing illness if they're not sick first.