April 12, 2022

Luna dashes into the forest and swings in the trees to let off some frustration from seeing her friend die rather unceremoniously. While in the forest, Luna swaps back to her magical girl form and plays with her magic a bit. She's able to use three elementals at the moment: fire, lightning, and ice and equip them to her weapons on hand. For example, her amethyst sword can be imbued with fire to add burning damage to her target, or her throwing knives can be upgraded with electricity to zap a long distance target. She's trying to learn how to throw the magic herself, but it seems she'll need a bit more experience before being able to do such a thing.

Such is the life of an IRL RPG Protagonist.

Luna continues to mess with her abilities, as it seems the cost to use them is very little. Suddenly, in a warm white glow, Gabriel appears beside Luna, he smiles down at her, a wave of comfort and peace watching over her.

"Hello, Luna," he says.

"Hello Gabriel."

He looks down at her, "How has everything been? I haven't made an appearance myself in quite a while."

Luna puts her sword away. The flames die out as soon as it reaches its sheath. How? It's magic! She says, "It's been... rough. Witnessed Roxy die (again) today. There was this whole mess at Harmonia's with Claire trying to humble Roxy; basically requested that she try to kill Claire. It didn't work and then Roxy just disappeared into lines and vanished. So afterwards, I just sorta ran out here to get some fresh air and to practice my new abilities."

His eyes widen slightly at the mentions of death as he listens intently, "Oh dear... that does seem like quite the eventful night. My apologies for not being there to assist."

Luna just sighs, feeling defeated, though at peace, "It's alright. On the bright side, at least Claire's okay. And Harmonia... well, Harmonia took it hard. Claire acted really bizarrely during the whole thing, like she knew Roxy was unable to kill. It genuinely bothered all of us to see her smiling and happy despite watching our friend die. Well, die a second time due to her corruptelam nature, but you know what I mean."

He nods softly, "I see, Claire has always been... of odd interest to me. She seemed to have taken and immediate distaste to me due to my nature." He lets out a light sigh, "Such is eternal life, not everyone can feel safe in your presence, Knight as well."

"Well, if it's any consolation, I feel safe in your presence. Can't please everyone, unfortunately."

He gives a smile, "That's quite the compliment, I feel safe around you as well. You're extremely competent, with all that you contribute. Do people appreciate it?"

"I'm not sure. But even if they're silent about it, I'm just... happy to be there." Luna sighs, "Even so, I wish I was capable of more. Hopefully with these new powers, I might be able to contribute further."

A slight frown crossed Gabriel's face, "I'm sorry that the other housemates don't seem to appreciate what you do. You're enough, Luna."

"Well, I appreciate it." She exhales. "Well I uhh better get on back home. It's getting kind of late. Thank you for your kind words, Gabriel and I wish you a wonderful night." With that said, Luna attempts to teleport home. But it doesn't work. Seems as though her fast travel only works in her base form for now. She taps the app and in an instant, she's returned to her base sloth demon form. And then after that, she is able to fast travel.


Luna soon enters the forest once more to practice with her magic. She imbues her amethyst broadsword with the power of ice and shoots it at one of the trees. As if the sword was a wand, a blast of frigid cold air shoots from her sword and covers the tree with icy cold frost, "Fuckin sweet!" Despite the forest being completely and utterly silent aside from the gentle breeze of the wind and whatever shenanigans Luna is getting up to, she feels like she's being watched. Wait what the hell? For some odd reason, she feels as though an audience is watching her mess with her magic. "Huh. Oh well, if they want a show, then I'll give em one!" Luna slips her headphones on, some battle music. And then she focuses her amethyst broadsword's magic upwards! A flurry of snow and ice float down gracefully. Despite there being nobody else around, there's the flash and sound of a rather old-school camera going off. Luna doesn't even notice the sound due to the intense metal in her ears. The bright camera flash, however, does capture her attention.

She calls out in the silence: "Who's there! I'm warning you, I have ice! And fire! And... Lightning, apparently!! Yeah!" No matter. Luna continues her dance in the otherwise silent forest. It's like a fuckin silent rave up in here, fuckin embarrassing if anyone were to find her...

Nobody responds.

{-Hmm. That's weird. Not sensing anyone in the area.-}

"I know right? Not hearing anything out of place either."


Luna swaps the ice to lightning and shoots it up in the sky as well. The clouds in her close vicinity turn gray and thunder rolls, and she says, "This is fuckin' sweet."

Another camera flash.


"What the fuck? That wasn't lightning??? Who's there?! SHOW YOURSELF!" Luna bellows at the top of her voice! She knows she looks fuckin hot in her battle dress, but like... come the fuck on?

There's literally nobody there, you're trippin'.

As much as Luna looks, there's literally no one there. That's probably bad. Luna climbs up one of the trees, not the one with the ice of course, that would be silly. At least from up high, there's no way someone can take any pictures of her... right?

Well, c'mon. Do something interesting!

She swaps back to ice powers and shoots it downwards, creating a decently sized ice block on the ground. She jumps down, then using her fire powers, crafts an ice man out of the block. Think a snowman, but made of ice. She poses with the ice man. It looks somewhat like her, but her art skills are kinda shite.

Camera flash again!

At least this time, whoever's taking pictures of her gets one she was ready for hahaha.

"Kek nice. I hope whatever ghost is doing this is at least enjoying themselves." She says. "One more I guess. Nice to know I have a fan that isn't Greed or Eris." Luna shoots the ice up again, creating a snow flurry around her. Then she shoots lightning up to create another rolling thunderstorm, again locally. And she dances gracefully. Think waltz but solo and potentially awkward since she's listening to non-waltz music, "Thundersnow Waltz!"

More camera flashes with every cool thing she does!

Luna no longer feels awkward or even scared. Someone... or something out there enjoys what she's doing, and that makes her very very happy. Her tail is swishing side to side, there's a bounce to her step, and she's giggling. Perhaps a stalker can lead to bad things, but whoever they are, she's happy to make them happy.

In any case, she presses the transform button on her phone to swap back to her demon form, then casually walks back through the forest and towards home.

"Oh wait, what am I doing?"

Luna teleports home.