April 23, 2022

Spider walks in closing the door behind her and sitting down on the bed, scratching at her arm a bit more before pulling out her phone.

Spider's skin goes crackle crackle crackle. It feels staticky and noisy.

She drops her phone, looking at her hands.

Black static washes over her wrist for a split second. Specifically where the scars are. She feels searing agony as this happens.

Spider grits her teeth, wincing as she watches.

Green distortion crackles all over her body as she sees a dark figure in the corner for a second. Not Raine though. Someone else. Something else. It vanishes as soon as she sees it.

Spider's skin appears an ever-so-slight greenish hue, though barely noticeable and it goes away for a second. She's a corruptelam again!

Lock knocks on the door.

Spider laughs as she turns her hands over a few times before picking up her phone and pocketing it, she then stands up and heads over to the door and opens it.

"Did you know Cole is married?" Lock asks.


"And what are you ganna do about it?"

“Why would I do anything about it?" Spider raises an eyebrow.

"Because he's married."

"I'm failing to see what's so bad about that.”

"It’s marriage, that's the issue.” Lock says.

“And he's happy, it's not like anyone forced him to.”

"But it’s a marriage, those never end well.”

“Not necessarily.” Spider responds.

“Yeah it does, trust me, I know.”

Spider sighs. "That's like saying going in the ocean is guaranteed death just because someone drowned once, everything is variable.”

“Think about it, all marriages end one of two ways, divorce or death.”

Spider shrugs. "That may be so, but most of the time it's death from what I've heard, and Cole and Chris are happy together.”

"For now.” Lock walks backwards into the hall.

Spider shakes her head and walks into the hall.