Jan 8, 2022

Terminal appears next to Harmonia, he's not wearing his cloak looks close to tears. Harmonia extends the bottle to him. Terminal grabs a glass from the counter and grabs the bottle, pouring a large amount and handing the bottle back before sitting down at the table. Harmonia looks like she's about to cry.

"I'm so tired of everything..." Harmonia says. Terminal stays quiet as he drinks. Harmonia goes quiet when he doesnt respond, drinking and quietly crying. Tears run down Terminal's face as he drinks, but he keeps a neutral expression.

"What am I doing.." Terminal looks over at Harmonia with tired eyes.

"Drinking?" she responds, wiping her eyes

"No- I..." he pauses thinking "Spider hates me now."

"What do you mean? I don't.. I don't think she'd hate you..."

"Lord fucking forbid I put a damn conversation on hold to be with another friend!" Terminal says.

"Just cause she's upset doesnt mean she hates you... I'm sorry I interrupted your conversation.."

"Dear, you're fine, she just keeps saying the same things anyways.."

"Ah..." Harmonia takes another sip. Terminal stays quiet as he drinks. Harmonia does as well.

"Sso, how are youu?" Terminal asks.

"I'm pretty shitttyy" Harmonia replies, "How are you??"

"Llikewise, sooo why are you drinkingg?" Terminal says.

"Because I wsnt to hurt myselff. How aboutt youu?"

"...Likewisee.." Terminal puts his head down in guilt

"Yeah...." Harmonia mimics him.

"I bbet if spi knew shed tare yyou a new onee two haha, lordd knows theresnno stopping her though," Terminal says.

"Itttss not like it matterss.. notthing matterss.." Harmonia replies.

"Not to hher," Terminal says.


"Nnow shesmad at me ffor drinkingn" Term sighs.

"Hhhh im sosorrry... im.. gonnaaa find colee" Harmonia gets up and stumbles to the living room.

"Mmmkay" Term faceplants into the table. Spider appears and looks at Terminal, sighing. He stays faceplanting the table, one arm up on the table near an empty glass.

"So if you're not completely out of it, what caused it this time?"

"yyuo fkineg hate me" he says, muffled by the table.

"I don't hate you, mate," Spider sighs, "Why on earth would you think that?" He raises his head and changes his tone to mimic Spider.

"Fin, nice tknw or frinship mens sething to you," he faceplants into the table again.

"Because you ditched me," Spider growls looking annoyed, "We were hanging out and you decided that Harmonia was more important to you than me."

"iitry tomakyouhappy but it nevr works," Terminal says.

"You don't need to fucking try, like the other day on the roof, I was happy," Spider sighs

"butif i stptrying youfking snap."

"No I don't..." Spider trails off


"Like you're one to talk, the second I turn my back nowadays you're slicing yourself up or drinking yourself into oblivion," Spider says.

"yyeh yeyehhh"

"Don't you yeah me."

"ymm ynmhmh"

"Fine whatever, I don't fucking care anymore."


"Fuck off," Spider snarls.

"mnmm," he stays faceplanted into the table. Spider sighs and grabs a glass. She heads over to the sink, fills it with water, and places it down in front of Terminal.


"Hmm?" he looks up at the water.

"Drink it."


"So you don't get a killer hangover," Spider sighs.

"ffine," Terminal takes the water and drinks it. Spider takes the glass back and refills it before handing it back to him. Luna enters and grabs a glass of water for Harmonia

"Hey," Luna says.

"Hi," Spider replies.

"Just saying, I'm not mad at you," Luna says.

"I see we're both on babysitting duty," Spider sighs.

"Yep. You got Terms, I got Harmonia."

"Yeah, sorry about all that," Spider laughs quietly.

"It's fiiiiine. It didn't really hurt thankfully," Luna says, "Plus that room was sweet looking with the arches."

"Iidont need anyne" Terminal says. He drinks more water.

"Like fuck you don't mate," Spider says to him.

"Anyway, I gotta get this to harmonia before she has a wicked hangover," Luna says, returning to the living room.

"Right see you," Spider sighs and turns back to face Terminal, "Right, what's up?"

"cannt do anything right, i care about you anyou get mad, istpcaringan you get mad, nomatrwhati do i cant behapy," he sighs.

"I don't get mad when you care about me, I'm not used to being cared about, Term, so I don't know how to handle it," Spider sighs, "Would it help if I stop getting angry?"

"mhmmm whtdo youthinkk?"

"Touché," Spider says, "Anything you wanna get off your chest? I promise I won't get mad"


"You sure?"


"Ok then start talking"

"ijst want to fixevrythng"

"That's not your responsibility mate and killing yourself isn't how you do that."

"smonesgotta do it"

"Yeah all of us will, we as a group will find a way to fix this."

"oone one moment- i ican fix somthing," Terminal sits up and squints.

"What are you doing?" Spider asks.

"Well, that's one way to sober up," Terminal shakes his head as he looks around.

"Welcome back mate," Spider sighs, "Do you remember what we were talking about?"

"Hm? Uhhh, not exactly dear."

"You know I don't hate you don't you?"


"You said that you thought I hated you."

"Well..you do right?..."

"No, mate why would I hate you?" Spider sighs and pulls a chair out, before sitting down on it.

"Maybe it's the snide comments or rude remarks any time I try to help.." Term says. Spider digs her nails into her palm and looks at the table. Terminal sighs, and puts his head down, "I know, I know, I just need to calm down."

"No you don't, rant away, hell you can fucking punch me if it helps."

"Oh, deary me she is drunk.." Terminal looks over as he hears something from the living room.

"Go on, we can talk later.." Spider sighs.

"I... can help from here, dear."

"Alright, so would punching something help you calm down? I want to try something anyways."

"Try what?"

"It doesn't matter I shouldn't of said that, so do you still think I hate you?" Spider sighs.

"Excuse me, what did you want to try?"

"Answer the question first."

"I'm sorry but I asked first.." Terminal replies.

"Alright, so technically I don't have a physical form so I was wondering if I can go non-corporeal," Spider says, sighing.


"It doesn't matter, mate."

"Er..right, well I hope that goes well for you."

"So do you still think I hate you?" Spider chuckles. Term stays quiet. "What do I have to do to change your mind?"

"Well, youre going to hate me soon.."

"Can we not talk about that today," Spider growls.

"Not like we have forever," Terminal mutters.

"I've already had one breakdown today, I don't need another, mate."

"You wouldn't have to have one again if I do this.."

"Ah yes, 'cause you being dead means everything will be sunshine and fucking rainbows!"


"Fucking wool for brains idiot," Spider mutters.

"So much for petsmart.."

"That's rich coming from you," Spider replies. Terminal sighs, and Spider rolls her eyes at him, "You know you're the main reason for that breakdown? Cause you insist on going along with this moronic idea."

"It's not moronic, I'm just trying to help for one damn time in my life!"

"You don't need to fucking help, not in that way. But if it makes you feel better, you've helped me a hell of a lot."

"I seriously doubt it, you've been having more mental breakdowns than I can count.."

"I've had one."

"Well, you aren't mentally well too often.."

"And who is?"

"My point, I'm going to fix all of this"

"No, you aren't."

"Yes I will, you all will be safe, and you will stop hurting yourself, and I will be gone, and Cole can finally be happy, you all attend his wedding, and the end!!"

"You think that's gonna happen if you die?"

"Yes." Terminal sounds irritated.

"Mate, it will only get worse.." Spider says, "If I can't stop with you around, you really think losing you forever is gonna fix it?"

"You're talking to a hadal, Spider...I could snap my fingers and you would never remember I existed."

"Don't you fucking dare.." Spider growls. "I mean it, if you even attempt it.."

"I attempt it and it would be too late to do anything.." he says. Spider snarls at him, but Terminal stays quiet with a somber expression.

"You know what, fuck this," Spider disappears.

"...God, what am I doing.." Terminal sighs, hanging his head. Cole walks in, looking tired and emitting a 60hz hum. All the air around him is almost instantly cold.

"Sup Terminal," Cole says.

"Lord, I can't deal with the glorified mannequin right now..." he grumbles under his breath.

"I'm not a mannequin, I'm a tin can, to you apparently," Cole walks over to the fridge, grabbing a monster and closing it. As per usual, and apparently every day now, Luna walks into the kitchen and makes herself a peanut butter and banana sandwich and noms it down quickly. Afterwards, she grabs a monster from the fridge and says,

"Hey Terminal, how's it going?"

"Fucking hell why is everyone going to get water right now?" Terminal remarks before hiding his face in his arms on the table.

"Correction, I'm getting a monster," Cole says.

"What's going on cheeseball?" Luna asks Terminal. Luna has no idea why she just called Terminal a cheeseball. Cole opens the monster and chugs it, tossing the can in the garbage.

"I dont give a flying fuck what everyone is getting," he grumbles, slightly muffled.

"Anyways my broskis, I gotta bounce, bounce on your boyf-" Cole stops suddenly, and walks out of the kitchen.

"...that's so gay what the fuck," Luna says, "So uh can I get you anything, Terms?"


"...A... what?" Luna takes a seat at the table

"Doesn't matter..."

"You sure? Look, I can teleport and I got money. If you want somethinig I'll go get it for you," Luna looks at terminal with a blush and smile.

"I was going to say ask Blossom to come over, but lord knows you're going to object to that too."

"...well, I don't wanna see anyone in my family die," Luna looks down, a bit forlorn, "I consider everyone in ths house my family... I don't really have that back home."

"I do as well, that's why I have to take this deal.."

"...can't there be another way? like why do you have to take it alone?" Luna asks, "And for what it's worth, you have free will..."

"Blossom said she wanted me and the less people taken by her the better," Terminal sighs.

"Even one person taken by her is too much," Luna says, as Spider reappears, "there has to be something we can do... or we can just keep fighting...look, I've already lost my Goddess and there was nothing I can do. I don't wanna lose a close friend too..." Luna tears up, "Please.... we can fight together." Luna's phone buzzes. She sighs. His will is too great.

"You fucking idiot!" Spider snarls, looking at her phone.

"...there's no moves forward." Luna says.

"Oh yeah, 'cause thats going to help me feel better about being alive," Terminal looks up with tired eyes. In a boom of pink distortion, Blossom appears.

"Hi Terminal!" she says with a big smile.

"Right before you do this, Blossom, I'd like to talk to you," Spider says.

"Alright. What do you want to talk about?" Blossom asks.

"I want to know what you're going to do to him and if it's possible to take his place," Spider says.

"Spider, no... let me take his place." Luna says. Terminal rolls his eyes. Spider growls at the two. Luna growls back. A 60hz hum can be heard coming from the living room, and Luna growls, "Gggrrrrrrrrrr dont fucking sacrifice yourself."

"Hm. No!" Blossom smiles, "So, Terminal. You're taking the deal?"

"...Terminal, no.." Luna whispers.

"What are you going to do to him?" Spider asks, "Answer me before I take him somewhere you'll never get him." Terminal folds his arms, waiting for them to finish the questionnaire.

"Yes or no?" Blossoms ignoring Spider and Luna, focused in on Terminal.

"...don't fucking ignore us," Luna clenches her fists. Terminal furrows his brow, looking over at Spider as he's preparing himself to answer.

"Don't you fucking dare, November." Spider stares at Terminal.

"Please, Terminal.. don't..." Luna looks to him, tears flowing. Blossom is staring at Terminal.

"...Um...yes," Terminal looks Spider in the eyes one last time, with a faint, but forced smile.

"Ok.." Spider sighs, forcing all emotions down. Luna looks to Spider with a nod.

"Right! Amazing." Blossom smiles and snaps. Terminal disappears.

"...so where's our protection?" Luna asks.

"Bye!" Blossom grins and with a boom of distortion, she's gone.

"...YOU CUNT!" Luna yells.

"I knew it.." Spider sighs. Luna slams her fist on the kitchen table. Spider lets out a shaky breath and disappears.

[[[ pic.twitter.com/3sUILyKUxG

— ☀️PieWrites☀️ (@pie_writes) January 8, 2022