Canonicity Rating: ★★★★★

You are 6'3. You are fair-skinned. You're muscular, but not as muscular as one would be if they worked out often. Your shoulder length ginger hair is tied back, braided carefully. You have freckles and have been told you have naturally worried, green eyes. It makes your smile seem ingenuine. That bothers you.

You wear a comfortable set of clothes. The outfit consists sweatpants, the bottom of which is covered with dirt; a long-sleeved dress shirt with rolled up sleeves (which you have no clue why you decided to wear while gardening); and sandals.

A sun-like halo hovers behind your head. Large, pheonix-like wings rest against your back, hidden as best they can underneath a dark red cloak.

You feel tired, the reason why you're sitting where you are.

What do you do?

> Remember my name.