Canonicity Rating: ★★★★★

You are a rather twig-like 7' Pride demon. Your face is white and mask-like with a short beak. Your pupil-less eyes glow a bright orangey redy reddish-orange. Your elegant feathers are in a gradient. A firey red at the tips into a more average orange for the rest of your body. You've got owl feet and legs, obviously, because that's what you are. Your arms are covered with the same sort of material as your legs with large talons to tip off their 4 fingers. That material which covers your arms and legs is black.

You wear a regal and royal maroon suit, which you've been told fits nicely with your personality. Alongside some bronze jewelry, a bronze lighter hangs from around your neck on a sturdy string.

Your wings rest against your back like a cape, yet you could jump out this window and fly if you so desired.

What do you do?

> Examine the room