May 15, 2022

Luna, Spider, and Sparrow walk into Sparrow's funnydoor room. They enter into a lavish entryway with stairs leading down to windows and a living room underneath. Basically a Beverly Hills style mansion.

"Whoa, this place is amazing." Luna says.

"Thank you, dear," Sparrow heads down the stairs and to the living room area. Luna and Spider follow behind, enjoying the beautiful surroundings.

"Fucking hell," Spider comments. Along the walls are some paintings of some nonferals. Sparrow picks up the remote to the TV and starts flipping channels. Luna just stays by Sparrow, though the paintings catch her interest

"The paintings are beautiful, Sparrow," Luna smiles.

"Oh uh...right, those, I actually need to take those down," a few of the paintings appear to depict a young Terminal, "Also, feel free to take a seat, but the arm chair over there is bit squeaky if you lean to the left."

Luna giggles upon realizing they're him when he was small. So cute! Afterwards, she walks over to the arm chair and chills, making sure to lean right.

"Never knew you were rich, mate," Spider chuckles and sits down on the sofa.

"Well, was. This is the house I almost grew up in." He puts on Willy's Wonderland and sets down the remote, "Ok I'm actually going to go ahead and get rid of these..." he says as he looks at the paintings.

"Oooh is that Willy's Wonderland? I love that movie." Luna says, "Nick Cage is a damn beast in this."

"And I've never heard of it," Spider adds.

"It's basically a Five Night's at Freddy movie that would've been a million times better had it just focused on Nic and not on the teenage murder bait."

Sparrow picks up a few paintings and heads up the stairs and through the door. Luna be vibing, watching the movie. Spider sighs and gets up, heading out.

The movie is on that one scene where the Janitor destroys the one puppet without his hands.

{-Hopefully Sparrow returns? He's missing out on the good scenes, aka the ones without the teens-}

Sparrow is doing a handstand and walks down the stairs flawlessly.

"Holy crap Sparrow, that was amazing."

He walks up to beside the sofa still doing a hand stand. his cloak is over his face as he sounds muffled, "My dad's a flamingo!"

"Wait what? That's so cool!" Luna says, "Goat and Flamingo hybrid wow!"


"I'm super happy for ya that you figured out your hybrid finally Sparrow!" Luna smiles with glee

"Y-yeah..the uh...bloodsrushingtomyhead..." he falls over.

"Oof, are you okay?" Luna looks over at the 8ft tall cloak planted on the ground. Sparrow snores under the cloak. "Oh... well thank goodness the movie ended." Luna looks around, wondering if there was anything else in this room that caught her eye. There's still paintings left on the walls. Luna goes over to the remaining paintings, seeing if any of them catch her eye. Many of them show Terminal, his mom, his "dad", and the pool guy.

Luna tries to figure out what his "dad"'s hybrid was. The "dad" looks like a black sheep, the pool guy looks like a black flamingo that looks similar to Sparrow.

"...hmm. Both melanated animals." Luna opens her phone and notes this. In fact, she's reminded of the one time DATRRS brought special attention to weirdly colored animals.

Luna looks at his mom. She was a goat then.

{-hmm okay. So goat x flamingo. So then who was the sheep?-}

Theories run wild in her mind, but she chooses to stick to the facts for now. She looks through more, and sees a few of Sparrow but only of when he was really small. Luna looks at the smol Sparrow paintings. Very cute!

"Alright, I think that's it then."

Before heading out, Luna looks one more time making sure there wasn't anything else to investigate.

But feeling sleepy, she decides to head out and allow Sparrow to sleep peacefully. She leaves through the funny door.