May 9, 2022

“Technically push pops can be sticky depending on how much sugar was used to make it.” Knight says.

"I mean they aren't wrong, that wasn't the first time," Cole responds. Cole, Knight, and Luna are in the living room, having a conversation about eating various kinds of sticks. Cole says, "I have eaten other glue sticks before."


Cole shrugs. Luna, Knight, and Cole all feel a bit sick.

Cole smacks his lips, "I shouldn't have eaten that gluuuuue"

"Okay, either I fucked up the mac and cheese or something's wrong." Luna says, feeling like she's gonna throw up.

“Wait a fecking minute, I shouldn’t be feeling sick…” Knight squints.

"You lot ok?" Spider asks.

Luna shakes her head... they all feel fucking misrable. Cole slides down the wall and groans.

“This fuckin… sucks.” Knight says. Luna fuckin falls to the floor, feeling weak as all hell.

"I want to vomit all my cooooooooolant," Cole groans.

Knight just lays on the floor, “I knew I should’ve eaten something this past weak…”

They all start to become translucent and their vision starts to fade slightly to white.

"Now I'm a ghooooooost awwwwwwwwwwwww," Cole says.

"Oh shiiiiiit, ghost Luna..." Luna whispers.

"This is what happens when you take weed, kids..." Cerberus mutters, asleep.

"I eated glue," Cole responds.

They fade into nothing are blinded as they disappear
