March 9, 2022

Lilith fucking appears in Harmonia’s room, Sprite in hand. "Sup."

Harmonia looks up, laying on her bed. "Oh hi.” Harmonia pauses. "Wait when did you learn where I lived??!?"

"I just asked Alastor," Lilith responds.

"Oh uh... what's up?" Harmonia sits up, slipping her ring on to cover the voids. She wears a tank top and sweatpants, showing a ton of scars.

"Nothing much." Lilith lays back in the air, floating as she sipped her Sprite. "You?"

"I won a tournament and got a 100 dollar Taco bell card,” Harmonia responds.

"Bet, we should use that sometime. Hey, you wanna go to my place?"

"Uh sure. Why not.”

Lilith opens a portal to the Lovarian Estate, lowering down to the ground and walking into it as Harmonia follows.


Lilith exits the portal, appearing outside of her estate. "Let it sink in. I know, I know, I'm a bit of a baller."

Harmonia looks at the mansion. "Cool.”

"Okay, now here's the funny part!" Lilith pulls out a pair of handcuffs and puts them on Harmonia. "I might have lured you here to kidnap you. Sorry!"

"Wait what??” Harmonia struggles, trying to get them off.

"Yeah, I'm really sorry about that." Lilith drags Harmonia into the mansion by the chain connecting the two cuffs together. "Don't worry, I'm not like that barbarian Apollo. You'll only get hurt if you misbehave!"

"What the fuck??" Harmonia yanks on it with all her strength, trying to throw Lilith off.

Lilith looks back at Harmonia, her eyes spewing out green flames. "𝕊𝕥𝕠𝕡 𝕣𝕖𝕤𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘." She says, before smiling and bringing her inside. She brings her up a few flights of stairs before putting her in the guest bedroom and tying her to a bedpost.

Harmonia growls, definitely still resisting. "What the hell do you want with me??"

"Your green friend!"

"So what, this is a trap for him??"

"Mhm!" Lilith nods proudly.

"Yeah like that's gonna work. What do you want with him?" Harmonia attempts to claw at the handcuff chain.

"He really fucked up my plans like 15 years ago. And I think it's about time to get him back for that, don't you?" Lilith responds.

"No. Jokes on you if you think I'm important enough to risk coming here."

"Well, we'll see about that," Lilith says, sitting down next to Harmonia and pulling out her phone. "Until then..." She starts playing dangerously unfunny memes.

"What the hell is this." Harmonia growls, biting the chains. She’s surprisingly strong and actually damaging the chains.

The chains start glowing green, letting off immense heat. A high enough temperature to give a slight burn.

Harmonia yelps, moving away. "Fuck fuck-”

Lilith increases the volume of the memes.

Harmonia growls and tries to get her phone out of her pocket.

Lilith lets this happen, knowing what she would probably do.

Harmonia puts her phone away. "Your memes are unfunny.”

Lilith does a fake gasp. "How dare you?!" She laughs a bit, teleporting into the air in front of Harmonia. "How about we do something a little worse, then?" She projects a hallucination onto Harmonia. She's suddenly in the tournament arena in Wrath.

Harmonia looks around. "What the hell?"

A fake Cerberus can be seen charging towards Harmonia.

Harmonia takes a steady stance, attempting to kick dirt into its eyes and jump onto it.

Cerberus suddenly disappears, reappearing behind Harmonia and starting to rip her arm off.

Harmonia screams, slashing at his eyes.

Cerberus yelps, but still manages to remove her arm.

After that, the hallucination fades away and Harmonia has her arm back.

Harmonia comes back, panting and looking around with wild eyes as she touches the arm she had lost in the hallucination.

“It wasn't real it wasn't real it wasn't real-"

Lilith can be heard laughing her ass off in the air.

Harmonia growls, struggling. "Fucking cunt-"

Suddenly, Harmonia's restraints completely disappeared.

Harmonia tries to get up and run to the door.

Lilith seemingly lets this happen.

Harmonia opens the door but it just leads to another copy of the room.

"You're fucking kidding." Harmonia claws the door in anger, turning on Lilith. "Let me go."

"You'll have to earn your freedom. Go on! Go to the next room."

"Whatever." Harmonia goes to the next room.

Nothing seems to be different, except that Lilith was not present.

Harmonia looks around, holding her arm. "Okay. okay." She looks around.

There is a singular magazine to a pistol on the bed with only two rounds in it.

Harmonia grabs it, putting it in and taking a deep breath, looking back. "What now?"

There is nothing else of interest in the room.

Harmonia goes to the door again to try and open it.

Behind the door is another copy of the room, the only difference at first glance being that the lights were off.

Harmonia tries to turn the light on.

It works, revealing a fake version of Cole laying on the bed. His eyes are gouged out and his face is expressionless.

Harmonia’s breathing sped up. "It's fake. It's fake. It's not real.” Harmonia tries to leave the room.

The door doesn't budge. It seems like it needs a key.

"Fuck." Harmonia looks at the body and walks over, trying to see if a key was visible.

There is a knife on the bed with a sticky note attached to it. 'USE YOUR BRAIN FOR THIS ONE'

Harmonia looks like she's going to be sick, but puts the gun in her pocket, grabbing the knife. She takes a deep breath before plunging it into his chest, cutting open "Coles" torso. "It's not real it's not real it's not real he's not dead-”

Fake Cole suddenly comes to life as the knife plunges into him, screaming at the top of his lungs. It looks like he wants to cry, but he can't.

"No no no it's not real-" Harmonia starts to hyperventilate, searching for the key in his chest, crying.

Eventually, a bronze shimmer could be seen inside of his chest.

Harmonia quickly grabbs it and ran to the door.

It works. The door unlocks.

Harmonia goes through it, still holding the bloody knife.

The next room is different. Everything is moved to the left side of the room, revealing a vent underneath the bed.

Harmonia walks over, not letting go of the knife. She looks at the vent and tries to pull off the hinges.

It works. Inside of the vent is a shotgun shell with a sticky note on it. "GIVE YOURSELF AMMUNITION. YOU'RE GONNA NEED IT."

"Seriously." Harmonia takes it. She makes sure her handgun’s loaded and gets it out, placing the knife on the floor.

Harmonia goes back to the door.

It opens, revealing the tournament arena once again. But this time, there was a clone of a past, human Harmonia stands in front of her. She is holding a shotgun and has her hand out.

Present Harmonia looks at herself, realizing how much she's changed. She takes the shell out of her pocket, handing it to her.

Past Harmonia loads the shell into the shotgun, aiming it at present Harmonia. "You ruined me. Look at yourself. I cannot fucking believe you."

Present Harmonia stares back. "I did what I had to. I survived."

"AT WHAT FUCKING COST? What are you now? Some fucking braindead gladiator just killing for the fucking sport of it! You're no better than fucking Apollo!"

Present Harmonia stares at herself, not sure how to respond. "I am a girlfriend, a survivor, a warrior. I am a damn good friend. I am loved. We aren't lonely anymore."

Tears start welling up in past Harmonia's eyes. "Speak for yourself! All you've ever done is try and forget about me! We're not lonely anymore? That's news to me! Last time I checked, I DON'T EVEN EXIST ANYMORE!"

"We are the same person! I evolved. I survived and I'm done feeling bad about that!" Present Harmonia tries not to tear up.

The tears start flowing as past Harmonnia wipes her eyes. "You can feel however you want about that. But I'm fucking dead, Harmonia. Remember when we didn't know anything about this kind of stuff? Now look at you. You're one of them. And eventually, because of what you did, I'll be one of them too..." She looks down at her shotgun. "...Unless..."

"I didn't have a fucking choice! The world ended and I had to fucking adapt!" Present Harmonia attempts to get the shotgun from her.

Past Harmonia kicks her away, putting the shotgun in her mouth.

"NO!" Present Harmonia attempts to tackle her and stop her.

It works, the shotgun flying out of her hands as she's tackled to the ground. Past Harmonia's a sobbing mess by this point.

Present Harmonia pulls her into a hug, holding her tightly.

Past Harmonia returns the hug, sobbing into her shoulder. "I... I'm so sorry!.." She repeatedly apologizes.

Present Harmonia just held her, rubbing her back. "It'll be okay...."

As all of this happens, the crowd starts collectively booing.

Present Harmonia ignores them, holding her past self, rocking her.

Past Harmonia eventually stops crying, looking her in the eyes. "The gun you brought... Did she tell you to kill me too?"

“She didn't tell me shit. What did she tell you to do?”

"She..." Past Harmonia sniffles. "She told me you were going to give me a shell and... that I needed to kill you so everything could go back to normal..."

“It's a lie… it'll never go back to that. I'm sorry.”

Reality sinks in for Past Harmonia. "...I want you to kill me..."


"Because I don't want to be like you and I don't have the guts to do it myself..."

“…okay.” Present Harmonia takes a deep breath, still hugging her. She puts the gun to her past self's head. She pulls the trigger. A tear runs down her cheek.

The arena fades away, revealing that Harmonia is actually outside of the Lovarian Estate. However, her counterpart's dead body is still there. That part was, somehow, real.

Harmonia drops the gun, laying the body down. And she starts walking away, the tears coming faster now. She gets out her phone, her walking away turning into running.