February 9, 2022

Cole is tossed onto a carpet. The Prince of Wrath is sitting on his throne just like before but... He's holding and examining Cole's skull mask.

Cole is in front of the throne.

"Well, hello again!"

Cole is still wearing his gay outfit as he stands up, adjusting his crown.

Satan gives Cole a side-eyed glance and gives a chuckle.

"Ah. Hello. Cole Garnet. Welcome back. Is Cole ready to receive His new power?"

"Sure, give me my funny powers, magic man."

"Enter Your ghost form."


Cole swaps to his ghost form, the outfit staying on.

Satan turns to face Cole fully and reaches to put the mask onto his face.

Cole leans forward and lets him put the mask on.

As soon as the mask is connected to his face, his ghost form is forced to become corporeal.

...Also, his face begins to get warm.

"I see you're changing my ghost form..!"

Cole enjoys the warmth, not minding it.

Satan grins.

"For the better. I assure You."

The warmth increases. Satan watches :)

"It's uh... getting kinda warm..."

Cole starts to get uncomfy.

"That is the point."

His face begins to grow numb. The skull mask begins to sink into his flesh and change shape.

"Well, now I'm numb, so I have no problems with this!"

It's still warm as fuck though.

"Nevermind, it's still warm!"

His face begins to ache. Warm as fuck headache! Ow! His face stretches and his hair begins to turn ash grey and turn into fur, growing down his neck.

His ears also begin to lengthen and get covered in fluff + move up his head.


Cole falls to his knees, wincing in pain.

"Yes. It does that."


His bones crack and shift as his flesh begins to fall off of his face, revealing the brand new wolf skull underneath. His headache worsens as huge bone stabby goat horns pierce through his flesh and grow to their full size in moments.


"Did I forget to warn You?"

He gives more deep, growly laughs.


"Do not worry. Cole Garnet. The most painful part is almost over. Soon. Soon it will be only warmth and growth."

His face finishes it's transformation into a wolf's skull as his ears reach their proper position and become big fluffy as FUCK wolf ears.

Satan snaps, a mirror appearing in front of Cole so he can watch.

The eye sockets of the skull are empty yet retain the nuclear symbol and hazel brown of his normal eyes as a bright glow in the darkness. They seem to move as if they were normal pupils.

Damn... He's gonna rival Thrall at this rate! His neck is beginning to get a real big fluffy amount of neck fluff.

His head is fully transformed at this point, fur and all. His entire body beginning to feel warm as hell. Bones cracking and changing as he begins to grow in height.


The ash gray fur rapidly spreads all over his body. It is VERY very soft and fluffy. His bones crack as massive claws push out from his fingertips (which are quickly becoming paws!)

His legs snap and reshape, becoming digitigrade. His black and white sneakers are torn to shreds as his feet shift into big wolf paws with, again, MASSIVE CLAWS! His paw pads and claws are both charcoal gray. The paw pads on his hands are big enough to make him,, just a bit clumsy! but he can hold a gun. And shoot a gun. :)

Also he is rapidly approaching 7'




"That's the power growing within You!"

He's watching like a proud father would watch his kid kick another kid's ass in football.


"Are You still in pain?"

His pants fuckin tear open loudly as a normally sized but VERRY FLUFFY wolf tail bursts out.


"Then no. It is not done yet."

He's smiling like a fucking madman.

The pain finally begins to fade, being replaced with an overwhelming full body warmth. He is now 8'. His growth stops.

"It's fading, thank god, why am I so warm what the fuck???"

Cole looks at the mirror, huffing and puffing.

He sees a Demon of Wrath staring back.

He now has a white wolf skull face. It has huge fangs and huge sharp stabby goat horns. Otherwise, he is fully furred in VERY fluffy and soft ash gray fur. His ears are big and very fluffy. Pettable.

He has a borderline neck pillow of neck fluff, like Thrall does.

He is now 8'. His hands are now big and clumsy (but definitely usable!) paws with charcoal grey pawpads and massive sharp claws. Definitely deadly.

His legs are digitigrade and his shoes have been torn to shreds by his feet becoming huge wolf paws with massive sharp claws like his hands!

His tail is a normal length yet very fluffy. It wags behind him.

Also! His wings are fully healed and a bit bigger! Fuck yeah!

Really, the only recognizable parts of him are his glowing eyes and the tatters of clothes that stick to him.

Satan, as proud as ever, reaches over and scratches the top of his head with the tip of his claw. It feels... great!!!! His tail wags faster!

"Good boy. Powerful boy. You turned out amazing. Cole Garnet."

"Thank you, thank you, can I go back now?"

"Yes. I have gifts first."

He snaps his fingers and 2 items appear in front of Cole.

A crown made of bones and a pickaxe made of VERY sharp and VERY sturdy looking bones. He can tell they are demonic in nature.

Cole's tail wags faster as he swaps his crown and takes the pickaxe in his hand, looking it over.

"Thank you, this is great, these are great."

His grin is once again comforting and fatherly.

"I am glad You enjoy. Cole Garnet. Very. Very glad. You can go now. Are You ready?"

"Yeah, I'm ready"

The ground shatters beneath him and he falls into the glowing pit.