March 18, 2022

Eggory steps into the yard. Eggory is a Hadal, specifically a 10 foot tall figure, its features can't be made out, though it's covered in a dark grey and black static fuzz. It seems to have a tail and long claws.

Luna steps outside, seeing the figure.

"▙▛ ▜▚ ▛▞ ▛▞ ▟▙ ▙▜ ▜▙ ▙▛," she says to Eggory

"▙▛ ▜▚ ▛▞ ▛▞ ▟▙ ▙▜ ▜▙ ▙▛," he replies.

"▟▞ ▙▙ ▞▛ ▙▙ ▛▛ ▟▟ ▛▞ ▞▛ ▜▜ ▟▜ ▛▜ ▜▜ ▜▛ ▛▞ ?" She asks, with an air of curiosity Eggory lifts an arm, and Luna can see an arrow sticking out of his side. "Oh. I see." Luna gets a bit closer and puts her gloves on. Then she attempts to pull the arrow out of Eggory's side. She manages to get it out, the arrow head is made of a dark yellow, brittle stone. Luna goes back in front of Eggory and presents the pyrite arrow to him. She asks:

"▜▚ ▜▜ ▛▜ ▙▞ ▜▜ ▛▚ ▛▚ ▙▚ ▛▛ ▜▛ ▛▞?" She is reminded when the nightmare kirin thing referred to pyrite as "rock of flame." Also, she wonders, who the hell keeps hunting Eggory like this? Eggory nods. Luna asks, "▟▞ ▙▙ ▜▜ ▙▞ ▛▞ ▛▞ ▜▟ ▟▛ ▛▛ ▟▙ ▟▙ ▛▛ ▛▜ ▙▞ ▙▜ ▜▙ ▙▛ ▞▛ ▜▜ ▟▜ ?" Eggory remains quiet.

"▙▜ ▜▛ ▟▛ ▜▜ ▜▚ ▜▚ ▞▛. ▙▜ ▙▟ ▟▜ ▟▛ ▟▙ ▟▞ ▛▛ ▜▙ ▟▙ ▛▞ ▛▟ ▟▙ ▜▜ ▙▙ ▛▞ ▙▚ ▜▟" Luna assures him. And she goes quiet herself, mostly feeling embarrassed for digging in so quickly. He stares at her. She smiles back, unsure what to say. For what it's worth, she puts the arrow on the ground next to her.

"Why rock of flame?" Luna attempts to communicate in english, just as Eggory has shown to comprehend previously.

"▜▙ ▜▜ ▟▙ ▙▞ ▜▙ ▜▜ ▟▞" he responds.

"Do you know what rock of flame is? It's called pyrite." Luna explains, "Fools gold." Eggory listens quietly. Once again, due to being unsure how to move forward, Luna just sorta starts humming Gold by Imagine Dragons. It worked on the qilin, maybe it works here. Eggory stares.

"I do have an odd question... do you remember dying?" Luna asks. Blush intensifies. She knows exactly what she asked and is embarrassed by it. He looks down at the ground, the static moves a bit faster. She gets a little closer, arrow still on the ground, "Eggory? What's wrong?" Thunder rolls in the distance as Eggory makes a movement, as if to sigh. Luna continues to move closer, zero hints of being threatening or anything in her actions. She just wants to console a friend, "Was I right? did you um... pass away back then?" There is a little bit of fear in her voice though, but she's trying her damnedest to keep calm.


"I... see. was it because of the alter in September?" She's slowly getting shaky, nervous. but on the other hand, ...could it be?


"U-um, did Jack meet the same fate that night?" There is absolutely a shakyness to her voice here. Something isn't right and she knows it.


"...S-so, um, what is this,,, form then?... I believe you called it ichor of gelid.. right?" Luna asks. Eggory takes a deep breath as he clenches his fists and shakes his head. Luna steps back, nervous. "Eggory? What's... what's going on?" Eggory takes a few steps back, still looking at the ground. Luna tries to focus on her surroundings. Something is really fucked here, and she thinks it's got to do with that glowing orb in the red sky. "Eggory?" Eggory fades and vanishes while slightly flickering with dark static.

"Uhhh. Well that's probably not good."

Instead of heading back inside, she gets the arrow and decides to chill in the grass while enjoying the beautiful apocalyptic night sky.