April 14, 2022

A humanoid Siberian cat with brown and white fur steps out of a mail truck carrying a white box wrapped in a pink ribbon. Strawberry scented smoke pours out from underneath the lid.

“Nice.” Knight says.

Spider walks out, there's a small flame dancing in her hand.

"Hey there." Luna greets.

“Who wants this box?" Asks the cat.

“Me.” Knight says.

Luna presses the app on her phone and transforms back into her cat mode. "Fellow cat people!"

The new cat throws it at Knight. "Hello, and do you perhaps have any self-defense tips?"

"I'll take the box actually. Smells like strawberr-- oh." Luna cuts herself off as it’s thrown. "Self-defense? Just stab people lol."

Knight catches it. “Mine now.”

"I have a whole library full.” Spider says.

“Please fucking tell me, MailMan's truck has a full set of human teeth in the glove box, I am terrified.” The cat says.

"Nice.” Spider says.

"What the?" Luna asks.

"Sounds like someone else.” Spider says,

"Wait, hang on, MailMan?" Luna asks, "Wait, hang on, hang on, are you Joshua???"

Knight opens the box, not caring for whatever the fuck Joshua is on about.

"Yeah." Says the cat.

"Uhhhhh what the fuck.” Luna says,

"Yeah." Says Joshua.

"Is MailMan here?" Luna asks.

"What else has he got?" Spider asks.

"I drugged him after he drugged me on the way over so he is kinda asleep"

Luna is genuinely not shocked by this. MailMan always gave her weird vibes.

Inside of the box is a chunk of soul that appears to be made of condensed smoke. It constantly gives off tons of said smoke.

"Aww shit, is that the soul piece?" Luna asks.

“Yep.” Knight heads inside with the box.

"Sweet." Luna says then turns to Joshua. "Speaking of sweet, you're cute as fuck Joshua." Luna giggles.

Spider pulls a face.

"Ew women.” Joshua says.

"Jesus Christ.." Spider mutters.

"Cunt." Luna says. "Anyway, what else does he have? I'm sure there's more than just teeth."

"Says the one with it.” Joshua chuckles. “And he also has clothes with a burnt on blood stain and a couch that reeks of bleach.”

"So MailMan's a murderer?" Luna asks.

"Sounds pretty normal to me.” Spider says.

"Presumably." Joshua says.

"I'd hate to know what you call abnormal then Spider." Luna laughs a bit.

"I’m assuming Cole is one of them.” Joshua rolls his eyes and laughs lightly.

"Cole? Nah, he's not even home." Luna says.

"What." Joshua says.

"Oh wait, nevermind." Luna responds.

“Where could he have gone, I live next door to the fucker.” Joshua says.

Luna shrugs.

Spider chuckles humorlessly as the flame grows bigger. "So who wants to find out how flammable fur is?"

"Not me. Or at least not my fur thanks." Luna says.

"No?" Joshua says.

“Then leave Cole alone.” Spider says.

"I’m just saying the guy is a little abnormal.” Joshua says.

“Says the cat.” Spider says.

"Wow." Luna says.

"I have room to speak, Miss. Fire Hand.” Joshua says.

Spider growls. "Oh yeah, how so?"

"I’m not the Son of Death, I don't have a fucking mystical grade pickaxe, and I don't have powers to begin with.” Joshua says.

“You'd still be locked up in a heartbeat though.” Spider responds.

"That's... honestly fair. Also do you sleep a lot too? I've noticed that ever since I've become a sloth demon, I've been a lot more tired as of late." Luna says.

"I have slept for like days in a row.” Joshua responds.

"Okay, so I haven't done that yet thankfully." Luna says.

"Now that is abnormal.” Spider says.

"That is really weird. I take a lot of naps, but I still get up for food and shit." Luna says.

"That’s where you draw the line?" Joshua asks.

"Yes." Spider says and laughs.

Joshua passes the fuck out and flops onto the road.

A pillow and blanket appear from the sky and fall onto him.

"Huh." Luna says.

"Hm." Spider says.

"Wait hang on, i've never gotten a pillow and blanket from the sky what the fuck?" Luna says.

"No clue.” Spider responds.

"I want one now." Luna grumbles to the gods. "Whatever. Guess I'm heading back to the backyard then." And she does!

Spider disappears.


Back in the basement, Knight walks in with the box. “What now?”

Enoch appears and holds out his hand for the soul piece.

Knight hands it to Enoch. “Here you go”

It shifts into a pink shard full of wispy smoke. He puts it inside of L1MB0's body.

L1MB0's upper torso shifts to that of a bunny. Enoch's 'changes' to match.

Enoch disappears.

Knight pokes L1MB0 with a random stick before leaving.