May 18, 2022

Apollo arrives in Cole’s Living Room, searching the house for any signs of Cole. No sign of Cole in here, though there is a hallway.

Apollo looks in the kitchen. No sign of Cole.

Apollo looks in the first guest bedroom. No sign of Cole.

Apollo looks in the second guest bedroom. No sign of Cole.

Apollo looks in the hallway. Cole's room door is open. He searches around in Cole’s room. Stuff in Cole's closet seems to have been moved around. He walks up to the closet, looking around inside of it. There appears to be a covered up crawlspace door.

"Okay... psychopath with a creepy crawlspace in his creepy closet... well, only one thing to do now." Apollo enters the crawlspace.

It's a dark and dusty crawlspace. Apollo is IN the dark and dusty crawlspace. He crawls forward in the crawlspace. It leads to the first of many crawlspace-rooms in Cole’s house. He goes in. It's a well lit room with severed heads nailed to the walls with pictures of the person they used to be attached to next to each one. A lot of them have rotted and are now just skulls. There's a note on a wooden table.

Apollo enters the crawlspace, looking around as his eyes lit up at the sight. It's like he was at Disneyland.

The smell of rotten flesh floods Apollo's nose. He fucking LOVES IT. Apollo reads the note.

It reads:

"OH my god i love killing i fucking love it oh my god their screams their pleads oh its fucking euphoric. oh my god i love when they scream and twitch when i use the car battery oh my god its amazing and wonderful everytime. oh and i just love it when they plead for me not to remove their head but i do it anyway! god one of theses days i have to find someone who loves this as much as i do."

There are several dried blood marks on the paper.

Apollo snickers a bit, deciding to take the note and stick it into his pocket. He then teleported back to his own house. He'd seen all he needed to.