March 19, 2022

Cole appears in Moore Manor and keeps his head down to avoid looking at all the stuff on the shelves. He briskly walks to the basement. There's people crying and hiding in the dark. Cole looks around and says, "Damn, it's like someone healed you guys! Not my problem." He examines the room for a doorway outside, but can't seem to find one, so he walks upstairs with a grumble. On floor 1, Cole can see an open door to the outside. There's also more people here, more of different hybrids. Cole walks out the open door, silently hoping some Saints see him. Lo and behold, they do, yelling at him to stop.

Cole smiles and turns around to face the Saints. "Hello, gentlemen," he snickers. One of the Saints tries to tackle him as the others run to get closer. Cole laughs and lets himself get tackled. He snaps, and a combat knife appears in his hand. The Saint pulls a knife from his hip and raise it, ready to strike. Cole plunges his knife into the Saint's neck before he can strike, pushing him off as he gets up. Another runs up and tries to kick Cole across the head before he can fully stand up, Cole rolls with the hit and kneels. He then throws his knife at the Saint's head. They fall backwards as two others run into the fight, one pulls a gun from their side, the other has claws. Cole runs over to the Saint who he threw his knife at and grabs it, waiting for the others to attack. One raises the gun and fires for Cole's head, while the other sprints at him and aims to slash their claws at his gut. Cole takes the round and grabs the clawed Saint by the wrist, pulling him closer. He puts the Saint in a chokehold and he stares at the Saint with a gun.

"Try me, bitch," Cole says. The Saint doesn't hesitate and he accidentally fires another round at the clawed Saint's head. Cole laughs as he drops the now dead Saint, and runs at the Saint with the gun to try to grab it from him. Suddenly, there's another gunshot. The Saint Cole was running to drops the gun and falls over dead in a red mist. Cole knows this gun. He sees a Saint holding a musket, and two Saints by his side, both of whom run to get closer to Cole. A feeling of bad luck grows.

"I haven't seen one of those in a century," Cole smiles as he lunges at the man with the musket, aiming a stab at his neck. The two running at Cole stumble, trying to change directions as he blocks the hit with the musket. Cole grabs the musket and tries to rip it from the Saint's hands as he throws his knife at one of the Saints running at him. The knife sticks in their leg as they fall. Cole gets the gun as the other tries to bite his leg. Cole smacks the one trying to bite him with the stock of the musket, eventually using the bayonett to stab at the Saint who had the musket. It stabs right through them, it has been kept really sharp. The one Cole hit yelps and lets go, the feeling of bad luck grows as the others in the hall are trying to get out of the way. Cole stabs the one he smacked with the musket and drops it, grabbing his knife and bolting out of the open door to the outside. Yelling can still be heard inside.

Cole keeps running as he looks over his shoulder to see if anyone is chasing him. He can make out a few Saints looking around but they dont see him. Cole runs around the corner and sighs in relief. This side is covered in shade from the building, around the building is a small gap of grass before the tree line that goes into a dense forest all around the building, its oddly quiet over here as Cole faintly hears windchimes. Cole looks around the building checking for a door or an entrance. Cole shrugs and walks towards the wind chimes. He steps closer to the tree line as he sees a pair of white eyes from behind the trees. Cole steps carefully towards them trying to show that he doesn't mean harm. It shifts back some, its movements making the rattling of wooden windchimes. It seems scared but too curious to just run.

"Hey, I'm uh not gonna hurt you," Cole says. He stops walking and sheaths his knife. He hears something beep on the ground next to the manor's wall. Cole glances at what beeped, slightly worried, and sees a small device sitting on the ground. He reaches over to pick it up. It looks like a flip phone but stuck open and with wires sticking out of it. On it, Cole sees [sent - hello].

"Is this your device?" Cole asks. It beeps again and sends the same message. The creature steps closer. It has a hand holding a book. The rest of it is staticy like Eggory but Cole faintly makes out windchimes hanging off of them.

Cole waves and looks at the book, "Do you like to read?" It squints for a moment, looking Cole up and down before tilting its head and standing up straight. It's around 6 feet tall. Cole says, "Oh, you're a somewhat normal height, I see." It walks out into the grass, as it moves it seems to be wearing hanging cloths that are hidden in the static aswell. It carefully holds out a delicate looking hand. Cole takes the hand, his armor preventing skin contact. It stands there, holding his hand.

"Is something supposed to happen?" Cole asks. It stares at him quietly. Cole tries to type into the phone "testing". It beeps and the creature jumps slightly. Cole types "can you hear this?". It jumps slightly to every beep. Cole types "I am friend not foe". It starts swinging their arm while holding Cole's hand. Cole giggles and types, "do you have a name?" It keeps swinging their arm. Cole types "why swing arm?" and tries to look at the book they have. They are holding it close to them, it looks like a worn bible. Cole types "can i see book?". It lets go of his hand and takes the book, holding it out to him. Cole takes the book and looks it over, looking for a name. It's a simple worn bible, like the ones often found in hotels. Cole types "you can have book back" and holds it out to them. It flinches slightly but then takes the book. It holds out a hand. Cole takes its hand and types "why want to hold hand". It holds his hand and swings its arm back and forth.

Cole types "do you get bitches"

Cole types "can you only say hello?"

Cole types "do you like windchimes?"

Cole types "hello"

It flinches slightly at all the beeping. Cole says, "Sorry." It jumps slightly. Cole gets an idea, "▙▛ ▜▚ ▛▞ ▛▞ ▟▙ ▙▜ ▜▙ ▙▛ ▛▜ ▛▛ ▜▙ ▞▛ ▜▜ ▟▜ ▟▜ ▜▙ ▛▟ ▛▞ ▜▚ ▟▛ ▟▙ ▛▛ ▜▙ ▛▟ ▜▛ ▛▞?"

It gives a slight nod.

"▟▞ ▙▙ ▛▛ ▟▙ ▙▜ ▟▛ ▞▛ ▜▜ ▟▜ ▜▚ ▜▙ ▛▛ ▜▛ ▛▞?"

It nods slightly.

"▛▜ ▛▛ ▜▙ ▞▛ ▜▜ ▟▜ ▟▛ ▜▟ ▛▞ ▛▛ ▙▞?"

It stares at him quietly.

"▛▟ ▜▜ ▞▛ ▜▜ ▟▜ ▙▞ ▜▙ ▜▜ ▟▞ ▛▞ ▜▙ ▙▛ ▙▚ ▙▜ ▟▛ ▙▙?"

It nods slightly,

"▛▜ ▛▛ ▜▙ ▞▛ ▜▜ ▟▜ ▟▛ ▜▟ ▛▞ ▛▛ ▙▞ ▙▜ ▟▙?"

It stares at him quietly.

"▛▟ ▙▜ ▛▟ ▟▛ ▜▜ ▜▛ ▛▞ ▜▜ ▜▙ ▛▞ ▟▙ ▛▞ ▛▛ ▛▜ ▙▙ ▞▛ ▜▜ ▟▜ ▛▞ ▜▙ ▙▛ ▙▚ ▙▜ ▟▛ ▙▙?"

It looks over at the woods and back to Cole.

"▛▜ ▛▛ ▜▙ ▞▛ ▜▜ ▟▜ ▟▛ ▙▙ ▜▜ ▟▞ ▜▛ ▛▞ ▟▞ ▙▙ ▜▜?"

It squints its eyes and looks at the ground as if trying to think before returning to staring at Cole.

"▛▟ ▜▜ ▞▛ ▜▜ ▟▜ ▙▞ ▜▙ ▜▜ ▟▞ ▟▞ ▙▙ ▜▜ ▟▙ ▙▙ ▛▞ ▞▛ ▛▛ ▜▚ ▛▞?"

It stares at Cole, still holding his hand and swinging it arm.

"▛▟ ▜▜ ▞▛ ▜▜ ▟▜ ▙▞ ▜▙ ▜▜ ▟▞ ▛▞ ▟▜ ▜▚ ▟▜ ▟▛?"

It pauses swinging its arm and slightly tilts its head.

"▛▟ ▙▜ ▛▟ ▛▞ ▟▜ ▜▚ ▟▜ ▟▛ ▟▙ ▛▞ ▛▛ ▛▜ ▙▙ ▞▛ ▜▜ ▟▜ ▛▞ ▜▙ ▙▛ ▙▚ ▙▜ ▟▛ ▙▙?"

It stares.

"▙▜ ▟▛ ▟▙ ▙▙ ▛▛ ▟▙ ▛▛ ▞▛ ▛▞ ▟▛?"

It stares.

"▛▟ ▜▜ ▞▛ ▜▜ ▟▜ ▙▙ ▛▛ ▟▟ ▛▞ ▙▛ ▛▞ ▜▙ ▛▟ ▛▞ ▜▚?"

It nods.

"▛▙ ▞▛ ▛▞ ▛▙ ▞▛ ▛▞"

Cole lets go of their hand and puts the phone in his armor, walking back to the manor. The entity grabs onto his hand again and walks with him. Cole tries to shake their hand off, but it keeps a grip and then reaches for Cole's helmet visor. Cole smacks the hand away and keeps trying to shake their hand off of his. It reaches to try and pull off Cole's chest plate armor. Cole smacks their hand away as he walks faster. It makes a whimper sound as it continues to follow, grabbing his shoulder to get him to stop. Cole shakes their hand off and keeps walking, and he says, "▙▟ ▟▜ ▟▛ ▟▙ ▙▚ ▛▞ ▟▙ ▙▛ ▜▜"

It looks sad and scared, but still tries to get the armor off. Cole's armor, including his helmet, falls away and disappears as it reveals Cole in his human form. Cole's wearing a greenish black jacket, which the entity starts to search. It finds Cole's pistols and a few other things, including a... makeup compact? It snatches the make up compact and dashes to the woods. Cole chases after it.

"God damn it, son!" Cole yells. The monster continues running in the woods. It's fairly quick, but not anything superhuman. Cole chases after, matching his speed with them. Cole says, "Give it back please, I don't wanna have to fight a fuckin' static person!" As they run, they start following a trail of dried blue paint on the ground and trees. Cole keeps sprinting after them, tears starting to form in his eyes. Cole can smell something foul in the air, it smells like something has died. He ignores the smell and keeps chasing. It stops at a clearing. In this clearing is a circle of blood on the ground around a dead feral deer. 4 arrows on the circle point inwards. There's what looks like rather old corpses laying on 2 of the points.

"What the hell have I stumbled upon?" Cole stops running and looks at the circle. It turns to face Cole and stares, still holding the make up compact. "Give me that back," Cole reaches for the makeup compact. It pulls it back out of reach and grabs Cole's arm as he looks at them with tears in his eyes, "Please, it's the only thing I have left of him.." His arm starts to feel numb as its face splits revealing long sharp metal teeth.

"Just fuckin' kill me if you're gonna do it, at least then I know for sure that you're not my son.."

It bites deep into his arm, trying to draw as much blood as it can, but not drinking it, just letting it fall on the ground.

Cole winces, though he feels no pain from it being numb, letting himself bleed. "▟▞ ▙▙ ▞▛?"

It lets go of his hand and drops the compact in the blood and dirt on the ground. Cole tries to pick the compact up as tears drip from his face, and he looks at them, clearly holding back tears as he clutches the blood covered makeup compact. "Why, WHY DID YOU FUCKING DO THAT???"

It flinches at the yelling and backs away some. Cole continues, "WHY DID YOU BITE ME why, fucking why????" Tears are now fully streaming down Cole's face as his arm heals. It stays watching him, mockingly quiet. "Why are you quiet? You knew about the armor, you knew about the compact, SO WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?" It backs up some more from the yelling. "God damn it I'm a mess.. I'm sorry for yelling, I just want to know who you are, there's a lot that has happening lately and I'm just... sorry..." Crackle. Cole looks down at the compact, and it has several cracks forming as the bright red color is fading into a black.

"What the fuck, what the fuck did you do to it?" Cole stares down at the compact. The only thing to remember his son by is getting destroyed. It starts to disintegrate into a black dust, coating Cole's palms. Cole cups his hands and falls to his knees as he watches it fall apart. The dust starts falling into the wind, lost forever. The creature tilts its head as it watches. Cole stares up at the creature, all of his rage and anger boiling to the surface as he stands up, "You fucking destroyed the only thing that I was holding onto, YOU FUCKING TOOK HIM AWAY FROM ME! YOU FUCKING TOOK AWAY THE ONLY THING THAT WAS KEEPING ME TOGETHER!!!" Cole steps towards them as his eyes start to glow pink. It reaches an arm under its ribs, pulling out a black, twisted sword. Cole draws his Marked sword as black smoke starts to pour off his arm. La creatura stands ready to fight, a pair of black feathered wings raise behind it. Cole slashes at the wings with a scream of anger, and the creature dodges back as it aims a stab at Cole's side. Cole takes the hit as he groans and stabs at their chest.

"Fucking dodge my attacks, you motherfucker!" he yells. It blocks using its blade. Cole tackles them as his eyes glow a brighter pink. Cole's body begins to go numb. The wind picks up some. Cole tries to slash the wings off as he pins them with one of his hands. The wings are ripped off and black blood sprays out as the monster tries to get free. Cole applies more pressure, enough to break bone, on there chest as he cuts more of the wings off. Cole's voice glitches and distorts, "MAX CANNOT SAVE YOU"

It whimpers as its bones crack, struggling to get up. Cole continues to try and hold them down as he aims a stab at their throat, "PERISH PERISH" The blade seems to have issues cutting as it only leaves a scratch. Cole only gets more pissed as he tries to cut their throat open, his voice still glitching and distorting, "WHY WHY WWWWON'T YOU DIE???"

It tries to reach for its sword on the ground, and Cole tries to cut its arm off. It still doesnt seem to do much as the monster keeps trying to get to its sword. Cole drops his sword and pins their arm to the ground. His teeth form serrated edges and he tries to bite them in the neck. It still only barely scratches. Cole growls and grabs the black twisted sword, plunging it directly into the creature's throat.


It sparks a light green as the sword goes straight through, like a hot knife through butter. The entity tenses up as black blood begins to pool under them. Cole stands up and stomps on the handle of the sword, trying to make it stab further into the creature. It sparks more and convulses on the ground, unable to get free. Cole picks up his marked sword and snaps, a black poppy appearing as he lays it next to the entity and sprints back to the manor.

"I don't think Spider really realizes the fact he can't cut the edge," Orpheus sighs.

"You mean Cole? man's the son of Death and Satan." Luna says, "Edge is in his very nature."

"Like..." Orpheus says, "Yeah that's what I just said." Harmonia walks in and lays down.

"I didn't see it, sorry." Luna says, "I've been trying not to focus on the dumpster fire."

"Oh, hey there." Kade says, seeing Harmonia enter the room.

"Hey Kade," she yawns, "So I read the argument"

"I have my own personal hot takes but they'd get me slaughtered by two out of the 5 people in this room," Orpheus says.

"Uhhh I hope you're not counting me as one of those two," Luna replies, "Cuz like I don't like hurting people."

Orpheus doesn't comment.

"I think they both have points but I dont know," Harmonia sighs.

"I mean Cole had a reason to react so strongly. The glitchy (ex) fren broke his compact. Plus Max just so happened to malfunction at the precise worst time, as if some asshole wanted to make a terrible joke."

"I dont really care about the random guy he killed but we cant deny hes unstable and it feels like he can kill us any minute. I feel like I'm walking on eggshells when I'm with him and it sucks... I just. I dunno." Harmonias voice is soft and she rolls onto her side with a sigh


Cole slows his pace to a walk as he drags his marked sword against the wall, his voice distorts and glitches, "Co-come out and plaaaayyyy sai-saints!" There's some yelling as any hybrid nonferals that see him run to hide, some freaking out as they run. There's a yell down the hall from a Saint. A Saint from the crowd runs at him wth a hammer, and he can see 2 other Saints getting out guns. Cole slashes at the Saint's chest as he wears a maniacal smile. The Saint drops the hammer and falls, the remaining two Saints both fire at Cole. Cole gets hit in the shoulder and the knee, but he manages to slowly walks over to them, dragging the sword against the ground and aiming a slash at one of them. They fall as the other backs away shaking, firing again. Another Saint in view is running to get closer. Cole gets hit in the chest, but doesn't show pain as he slashes at them. They fall as the one running up dives to bite Cole's leg, a feeling of bad luck grows. There's 5 more Saints down the hall walking closer.

Cole rolls backwards and tries to stab the Saint through the back as he grabs one of the guns. Cole aims at the Saints walking toward him and fires a couple shots at them. Two of them fall as the other 3 bring up tranq guns, 4 other Saints start walking closer from the end of the hall. Cole spots the tranq guns and bursts out laughing, while all three of them fire tranqs at Cole and the other 4 Saints get closer. Cole gets hit with the tranqs as his laughing slows and he stumbles, hitting a wall, "shiiiit"

They are reloading as the 4 Saints grab his arms and start dragging him down the hall. Cole doesn't fight them as he keeps giggling. He gets taken up a set of stairs, they continue dragging him down the hall, the three with tranq guns follow them, Cole keeps giggling as he clings to being awake.

"I'm going to jaail!" Cole laughs.

"You're going to wish it was jail.." one of them grumble as he gets dragged up another set of stairs, and down another hall.

"I'm going to wooorse than jaaaail!" Cole giggles as he drifts to being unconscious. He gets thrown into a blank room with the lights off. The Saints close and lock the door, only light in the room coming from the thin crack under the door. Cole is out cold.

"I feel like Spider forgets the fact that Cole clearly, as shown today, needs Max to feel empathy." Orpheus says, "She acts like he has a god complex and is an extreme egotist when the man literally has Death for a father and, what, generations after generations of trauma under his belt?"

"I just. It feels like he can snap at any minute and I dont know what to do. I'm not even blaming him for it but. I dunno." Harmonia says.

"Yeah, and?" Orpheus asks, "They fuckin both could for all I know."

"Spider could too but she has control over herself." harmonia says, "I know she wouldnt. Shes never willingly hurt me"

"I remember the conversation they were having that day before you nearly tore my shoulder to shreds. She sounded like she was speaking from experience." Orpheus explains, "So, you know, I wouldn't doubt it as a possibility."

"And that's just it, he has. Granted those were Andrew's fault, but still." Luna sighs, "Those fights fucking hurt."

"Control is a feeble thing that can snap like a twig. Situations and relations can drop from healthy as a newborn baby to deader than a goddamn burnt corpse after a nuke goes off," Orpheus says.

"I'm moreso talking about the time he snapped my neck because I was high out of my mind and couldn't control myself," Harmonia mutters.

"Oh right. I forgot about that time." Luna says, "That's why we all gotta get stronger. So that if that day comes, we'll be ready to fight back."

Harmonia looks down, "I'm so tired of it... I dont want to get stronger I just want to fucking live"

"Then why don't you go somewhere safe? What's stopping you from doing that?" Orpheus asks.

"This is my home," Harmonia says.

"Didn't Thrall have that one house? That's pretty safe." Luna says,

"Ive lived here my entire goddamn life," Harmonia sighs, "I cant just leave'

"Yeah, that's what I thought! Then my parents died. Then, I got stabbed and left for dead. Then, I got taken to Hell. Sometimes you need to move on from people and places." Orph grips his side a bit, tapping on it gently with a claw.

"If we cant beat Abaddon then who can? Normal humans? He'll just move onto them for entertainment," Harmonia sniffles, "I dont want to leave I just want it to be over already." Orpheus gets up and leaves. Harmonia says, "...okay."

"It almost feels like Abaddon keeps going for us because we're capable of fighting back." Luna says.

"Fuck trying to have calm conversations anymore." Harmonia pouts.

"Normal humans would just be boring to it." Luna says, "I'm sorry Harms."

"Whatever who fucking cares. Whats the point in fighting anyway?"

"The atmosphere is a bit heavy, is all," Kade says, "He didn't explode at you or anything, he took the time for a breather, you know? It's fine to take the time to sort your thoughts, and it's best you should as well."

"We all should," Luna says.

"Right," Kade continues, "The entire situation sounds stressful on you all."

Harmonia just tucks her knees into her chest, "Whats the point? We can't just escape. If... even if we win and it goes back to normal it wont be my world anymore will it? I wont fit anymore. I'm not human anymore." Kade gets up, and sits down nearby Harmonia, giving her a slight pat on the back.

"Everything changes, Harmonia," he says, "And I'm sure you've witnessed it firsthand, that you simply can't control when it happens, or what happens in particular. It's an unfortunate sequence of events. Even if you're not 'technically' human anymore. As long as you have your mind, your coherence, people to depend on, and can seek your own kind of normalcy. Is that not being human in of itself?"

Harmonia just looks down "I... if it goes back to the way it was I wouldnt be accepted... my layer of hell is. Hell. I'm sure Beezlebub would summon and kill me if I ever stepped foot. I have this house but how long till someone destroys it for good? How long until none of myself is recognizable from the person I used to be?"

"You can't be certain things will go back 100% to how they used to be," Kade says, "This is an actual apocalypse, mind you. I don't think everything can recover and be exactly as it used to be. But even then.. it's not just you that's been changed here, you know? Who knows how many more people have undergone things themselves, plus the gaggle of people you already have here yourself. You're not all by yourself here, it's not you against the world, I promise. You have a good bunch of people here, friends you can trust and depend on and will give their all to help you as much as possible. And if the house has been standing for this long, I'm certain it can withstand anything. And even then, you'll be accepted into many other places as well. Your hospitality will not be forgotten in the slighest. And that.. simply happens sometimes. Sometimes you, or people change so heavily you can barely tell the present and the past were once the same. But no matter what, you'll still be Harmonia for as long as you live. You will always be the same person at the core, and that can never change."

"I'll be back shortly." Luna disappears.

"Thank you..." Harmonia shakily hugs Kade. He returns the hug firmly.

Cole slowly wakes up as he looks around and a blue light cuts on.

"The hell?"

Cole hears the door unlock, and as the door opens, 3 Saints start to walk into the room.

"Hey guys, whatcha gonna do?" Cole asks. One of them brings out a knife as the other cracks their knuckles, the last one looks scared to even be here. Cole says, "I don't think you know who I am."

"Doesn't matter," the one who cracked his knuckles goes for a punch to the face.

"Nice try dipass," Cole blocks it with his hands. The Saint tries again as the other stabs Cole, but he keeps his hands in front of his face and he winces slightly from being stabbed. The Saint aims a kick to Cole's other side as the one with the knife keeps stabbing around the same spot, the scared one is frozen in place. Cole gets stabbed and kicked as he curls into a ball, "Please stop." The Saint keeps kicking at him and the guy with the knife starts making long slashes at his back. Cole lets them as he keeps wincing, "Please stop I don't want to hurt you"

They keep going as the one not fighting is shaking slightly, they pause as they notice and snap at him, "HEY, get in here and help or youre going straight back to that basement as a fresh broken pure by the end of my own blade!"

"D-don't hurt them," Cole tries to stand up.

"SHUT IT" One knees him in the gut. The scared one flinches.

Cole groans and falls to the floor, "Please stop, I really don't wanna do this today."

"Hey stupid, get your head out of your ass and do something before I make you regret it!" One yells at the scared one as he nervously gets closer. He's tossed the knife, but he barely catches it. He looks down at cole on the verge of tears.

"Just do it, kid, I'll spare you," Cole whispers. The Saint shuts his eyes a moment as he goes to stab Cole in the shoulder. Cole winces and whispers, "Stand behind me if you want to live, kid."

"W-what??" the scared one lets go of the knife, leaving it in his shoulder. One of the others go to kick Cole in the face. Cole stands up, bone-white wings unfold from holes in his jacket. The scared one backs up, stumbling as he falls over and scoots back to the wall. The other two take a step back. Arcs form on Cole's arms as he stares at the Saints.

"Let the scared one leave."

"I dont fucking care if you're a microwave from New York, you're not the one in charge here," one goes to punch him in the face. Cole grabs their fist and stares him directly in the eyes.

"You will be the first one to die."

Their ears point back and eyes widen a bit, Cole smiles and they feel the shock of a powerline course through them as he slightly levitates. The Saint completely tenses up and yelps in pain while trying to pull his hand away, the other one trying to get to the door to escape while the scared one is cowering by the wall.

Cole grips his hand and doesn't let him let go, he grabs the other one by the neck as they both feel the shock of a lightning bolt course through them. They both yell in pain as they try to get free. Cole throws them against a wall as he punches one of them in the ribs hard enough to shatter bone. They have crumbled. They got scrunkled and crunkled. Cole levitates to the other Saint and his eyes glow a bright purple as he stares at them, "Cower in fear, pussy."

The Saint spits at him.

"Tasty," Cole punches them in the face hard enough to shatter bones. His face do the concave. Cole says, "Try spitting now, fool," and punches them in the liver with the same amount of force. He has crumbled. Cole checks to see if the door is open as he peers over at the scared one. The door is partly open and the scared one is shaking and crying rn.

"Follow me and you will see a life free of torture," the arcs fade from his right hand as he offers it to the shaking and crying Saint, who hesitates as he nervously takes his hand. Cole leads them out of the room and into the hallway as his bone white wings flap gently. The Saint's hand feels like skin and bone as he doesnt stop trembling. It's night out and the lights are off. No one is wandering the halls. Cole leads them down to the Floor 1, his bright purple eyes lighting the way.

This floor is empty too except some Saints chatting by the door to outside, Cole stares at them as he approaches still levitating, "Let us leave."

"You cant fucking leave, it's night out," one of the 4 of them says.

"Would you like me to prove why I can leave?"

"We'll just hunt ya back down you know," another Saint says.

"And I just just do this," Cole and the Saint disappear.
