March 2, 2022

The group of Orpheus, Cole, Harmonia, Knight, and Luna arrive to a large, decorated cathedral. Members of the church are wearing robes as they watch. Ahead, Drake awaits with 6 wings, long horns, 3 white eyes, a halo, and long arms coming from her back. On the steps of the alter lays Terminal in his cloak, a puddle of pepto bismol growing underneath him as he shakes.

Harmonia immediately attempts to run to Terminal.

"Okay I take it back, this is a church," Luna says, "What the fuck, Drake."

“I’m surprised I’m not suddenly combusting into flames,” Knight remarks. Drake floats forward between them and Terminal with a grumble, the arms on her back raise.

"God fucking damn it, Drake this is not what I meant! That is my fucking son, you fucking rat," Cole says through closed teeth.

"Drake get away from November," Harmonia stares her down, "I dont want to hurt you."

"Sooooooo um, shall we start the dewinging process?" Luna asks.

"ifuckingatethatthing???whatthefuck???" Orph stares at Drake, taking a knife out of his bag along with a handful of seeds.

"Same idea as Hadal Terminal, pluck the six weakspots," Luna explains.

"I have a feeling it's gonna be more then dewinging," Cole grumbles as his jacket rips, metal strips floating next to him.

"Of course. Drake's a lot more powerful than Terminal."

The cathedral flickers, like a lighting glitch in a game, as it turns a dark red.


Harmonia runs up to Drake, punching her in the arm. A hollow thud is heard upon impact. Drake shoves her away, leaving some black spit.

Orpheus pulls out a handgun instead of his knife and just shoots at Drake's general being without aiming. Drake's arm is hit as the bullet is absorbed, she snarls and a small rock appears and falls on Orpheus' head.

"Fucking ow???"

Spider growls, sending a wave of green distortion towards Drake. Drake grumbles, a bottle cap appears lodged in Spider's knee. Ouch.

Cole summons his armor in front of him and throws his jacket off, dropping his Colt 1911 and steps in his armor and picks his gun up and shoots at Drake's chest.

"Maybe you will recognize me as your GOD with this on!"

"Wh a t???"

"The fuck???"

"Don't worry about it," Cole replies.

"I worry a FUCKTON ABOUT IT," Luna yells, "Did you just say you're his God?"

"Uhhhhhhhhhh I'll take questions after the fight," Cole yawns. The bullet dives into Drake's chest as she growls in pain, her eyes flash some colors as a grand piano appears over Cole and drops.

“Jesus,” Knight whispers.

"I'm fine," says Cole.

Luna pulls a throwing knife out of her pouch and launches it, attempting to hit Drake's third eye. She wasn't too sure about the accuracy though. The knife sticks into Drake's face beside her eye as her face unhinges, she now has several rows of sharp white teeth. A large sea bass with googly eyes appears and is slung through the air into Luna's face, knocking her over with great force.

Knight takes out a Glock 13 and aims for one of Drake’s wings. The wing is shredded off as Drake screeches, and a clock small hand is flung from the dark into Knight's ankle.

Harmonia shoots Drake in the chest. She feels pity as Drake frowns from being shot. Orpheus puts his gun away, takes out his knife, swallows a seed and disappears with a puff of pollen. A second later, he appears above Drake and stabs down, trying to gouge out one of her wings from her back. The wing is ripped from his back leaving 4 wings left, Drake screeches in pain. The halo with 4 spikes inward drops around Orpheus' neck and spins before letting go, slinging him back at the others.

"The halo is corporeal???" Luna asks. Orpheus falls to the ground and rolls, coughing up pollen and feeling his neck wounds. Knight rushes over to Orpheus and tries to heal him, sand spilling everywhere from that clock hand. Orph's wound heals, covered in fur. Spider repeats the distortion attack with the same effect as last time, rolling her eyes at Drake as the bottle cap changes back to bone. Drake grumbles as a door with a door frame appear behind Spider and falls forward onto her with some force. Cole's arms burst out of the piano and he rips them in half. Vents form on his calfs with a puff of smoke as Cole sighs and flips Drake off. Drake squints at Cole as another piano falls on him.

Luna sighs and launches the fish back at Drake's abdomen. The fish bounces off of Drake, the damage is more emotional as Drake frowns with tears in her eyes. A solid wood and taxidermy bobcat with googly eyes and a tophat is dropped on Luna's head. Luna takes the taxidermy bobcat off her head and readies it for her next attack. Knight shoots again, aiming for another wing. The wing has a hole in it as Drake's eyes begin to melt, she snarls as her face unhinges more. Another layer of jaws make their way from in Drake's chest to out her mouth into view as the room warps some, eyes open on the bottom of her chin as she flips over in mid air so the eyes on her chin are now on the top and her long horns are underneath. During the flip, the melting eyes slash onto Knight and burn.

Harmonia growls and uses a pew to jump up and run her claws down Drake's face. As her claws dive deep into Drake's face, she cries in pain. The room is filled with the roars of motors as weed eaters with wires move like snakes by Drake's side, one tearing the side of Harmonia's arm before Drake rips her off her face and throws Harmonia at the other side of the church, you won't be able to walk back in time to do another attack.

Orpheus gets up, slips another seed into his mouth, and teleports next to Terminal, grabbing him and getting half way into eating another seed beforrree...

Terminal feels cold and is trembling as Drake glares at Orpheus with rage. Suddenly, Orpheus' mind is filled with flashing colors and hunger for hadal blood before his hand holding Terminal being weed eaten until it lets go. He gets grabbed by the throat by Drake's claws and thrown across the room. He fuckin' hits the wall and falls to the ground. Skull slightly fractured as he drools a mix of blood and, well, drool, onto the floor.

Spider sighs, repeating the distortion attack with the same effects as last time. Drake whimpers in pain as outlets on wires with forks stuck into the outlets slither out from the dark. They poke at Spider with the forks giving her intense electrocution.

Cole gets up out of the pianos as they crumble. He snaps, and an industrial power strip appears. He plugs it into the outlet and then a port on the armor. Arcs form across the armor as a jet spins up, jet flames come out of his calfs and he snaps, his marked sword appearing in his hand. He flies over to Drake, the marked sword glowing a light blue, and plunges the sword into Drake's torso.


Drake yells in pain as all outlets in the room spark with arcs of electricity going to Drake's wounds as the power surges. Her wings light on fire and turn to ash as she falls, the electricity hitting Cole. Harmonia scoops Orpheus up, heading back to the others.

"The fuck was that Cole?" Luna asks. Cole falls to the ground and groans as he unplugs the extension cord, his armor making the Halo CE broken shield sound.

"Just a little funny thing I can do."

"Bruh, what the fuck. You're not God."

"Drake thinks I'm God."

"Drake thinks a cult based around a shitty TikTok is a good idea. Also what the fuck? Since when could you do any of that???" Luna asks, as Knight heads over to Orpheus and Harmonia. He heals them both. Drake shakes as she tries to crawl away, slowly shifting back her normal form as the blade falls out.

"Since a little while ago."

"Right." Luna rolls her eyes.

"Thanks..." Harmonia sets Orpheus down and tries to run to Terminal.

"It was cool, be honest," Cole stands up and limps over to Terminal, opening his visor.

"Not really, no. Confusing more like," Luna says. Terminal is laying on the steps, wearing the cloak.

"You good, son?" Cole asks, picking Terminal up. He's limp, and upon picking him up, Cole can feel he's lighter as blood drips from his fingers. Cole says, "You're okay, right?" Luna moves over to where Drake is, trying to comfort her. A tear runs down Cole's face, "You, uh, got hurt pretty bad, but you're fine right?"

Orpheus's wounds included the other side of his skull being partially fractured, neck being fuckin mangled by claws, and also his right arm being fucking broken. They're all covered in fur as Knight heals Orpheus, some, uh... bone cracking noises being heard. He mutters incoherently and looks to Terminal's blood on the steps, immediately trying to go for it despite stumbling and falling over. Knight scoops him up and holds him.

"What's going on?? He's okay right??" Harmonia tries to pull the cloak away from Terminal. On removing the cloak, she can see his shirt torn to nothing but bits of cloth, he has massive scarring across his entire torso from Drake's large claws.

"He needs a doctor he needs- how long has he been bleeding?? We need to give him blood-" Harmonia's eyes widen.

"Fuck this, fuck this, I know where to go, I know how to fix this," Cole says, disappearing with Terminal.


"...oh for fucks sake, Cole," Luna sighs, "More than just you on this team." Knight continues to hold Orpheus in a bridal carry, he turns in the opposite direction of the blood. Orpheus continues to mumble incoherently, reaching out for the blood and then going limp. He starts to cry and just nuzzles into Knight's shoulder. Knight comforts them.

Luna, Orpheus, and Knight soon disappear, leaving Harmonia to tear up the pews.

Theres a warm glow, and Gabriel appears close to her.

"Oh dear..." He kneels by her, a feeling of calm and safe washing over her. "I'm here now, you're safe." Harmonia just sobs into her knees, her hands bleeding from tearing up the wooden pews. He sets a hand on her shoulder, the feeling increasing, "It'll be okay, dear."

"I hate myself so much..."

"May I ask why?" His voice was soft, soothing.

"I'm a monster.. I'm disgusting, all I do is hurt people," a part of her neck is now black, reflecting zero light.

"Thats not the truth, dear... being a demon does not make you a monster, or disgusting." He watches the spot on her neck.

"No but hurting people does..."

"Who have you hurt?"

"Orpheus... Ari.. Drake."

"What happened?"

"He kidnapped November for some reason and wouldn't let us get him despite him being injured... we fought her until she backed down."

"You were protecting your friend, that doesnt make you a monster," Gabriel says, nodding.

"Then Cole left with him and apparently Thrall is where he is. Refused to tell us where he was and basically said Cole's more important to Terminal then us so. Whatever. Who cares."

"Hm... I see then. Thats quite... rude to say the least," Gabriel frowns.

"I guess. Whatever... I just... Cole killed me earlier. It was. An experience.." she rubs her neck.

"What??" He looked alarmed as he watched her neck.

"Yeah... just, bit me, broke my neck. I bit Orpheus because I was tipsy and hungry and wasnt thinking. He bit me to stop me and, yeah."

"Oh my... that's terrible, I should have been there."

"It's fine. I deserved it."

"No, thats not the truth dear." Gabriel shakes his head.

"It is."

"You weren't in full control."


"Not 'whatever', that isn't your fault.


"You're not listening to me," Gabriel frowns. He pulls his hand away, the feeling of comfort diminishing, "Shall I just leave then?" His voice sounds hurt.


"Then what would you like me to do?"

"I don't know..." Harmonia holds her head.

"Very well." He sighed and sat beside her.

"I'm terrible... I'm hurting you right now..."

"You aren't, I'm just figuring out how to help." There's a flash of green distortion and Spider appears, she looks over at Harmonia.

"So asides from everything that's just happened, what's wrong?" Spider asks.

"Nothing... I'm fine.."

"That's bollocks and we both know it."

"I dont want to be annoying"

"You aren't"

"I just... I'm a fucking danger to everyone."

"Join the club," Spider says. Harmonia puts her head on her knees. Spider sighs, "Look who fucking cares? I'm pretty sure half of our group counts as a danger to everyone, and you're clearly not a monster so.."

"Aren't I though..?"

"Not even fucking close, and do you know why?"


"Because, Harmonia, a true monster wouldn't be sitting here beating herself up for things she can't control, a true monster would be proud, would see it as a badge of honor, they would be happy. Trust me here, you are not a monster"

"Okay..." Harmonia hugs herself. Spider sighs and shifts, walking up to harm and placing a paw on her knee. Harmonia looks up, tearing up again. Spider juts her head forward, tail wagging slowly. She lets Harmonia pet her, waiting until she has stopped crying. After a bit she does, wiping her eyes. Spider takes a couple steps backwards and shifts back.


"A bit.."

"Anything else I can do to help?"

"I dunno..."

"Cole said we can visit now or whatever," Harmonia sighs.

"I see."

"Do you wanna go?"

"Yeah, you?"

"Yeah," Spider snaps her fingers and the two disappear. Gabriel vanishes.
