May 5, 2022

Lock clicks her arm on and off again in boredom while in the smoke cage.

Melody looks over at her. "W-why is your arm coming off..."

"Oh it just does that, it's fine, look.” Lock holds out her arm through the cage bars.

Melody tries to gently touch it.

It has soft fur but doesn't feel warm.

Melody tilts her head. "Weird.."

Lock puts her arm back on. "You get used to it.”

"I guess..." Melody wipes her eyes. "W-why did you attack me with the fire poker that one time?"

"I did what?"

"You tried to attack me and Mailman stopped you..."

"I did?..what was it like?" Lock looks over at Melody with a curious smile.

"W-what do you mean?" Melody asks.

“What, uh, what was it like?" Lock giggles some as she scoots closer to the cage bars.

"S-scary... I thought you were gonna hurt me..."

"Heheh, did I??"

"N-no... Mailman stopped you..." Melody responds.

Lock holds out a hand between the bars. Her hand is shaking slightly as she giggles again.

Melody tilts her head and scoots toward her. "Are you thirsty?"

"No, just wanted to show you something" Lock’s smiling ear to ear.

"What is it?" Melody gets closer.

"Take my hand, do it, take it.” Lock sounds a bit more energetic as she keeps her hand out.

Melody takes it!

Lock reaches and grabs Melody's arm with her other hand and pulls her entire arm into the cage with quite a bit of force.

Melody screams in pain and tries to pull her arm back, shaking.

“What the fuck?” Knight asks.

Lock starts laughing as she puts a foot up on the bars and continues to pull at her arm.

Melody screams and looks around desperately. "HELP-”

Cole sprints in as the feeling of death fills the room. His eyes return to normal as he aims a kick right at Lock's ribcage through the bars.

Luna appears on the couch. "What the FUCK???"

“Oh fuck.” Says Knight.

“Wait hang the fuck on, why is Lock..." Luna trails off.

Lock keeps a strong grip on the arm as she’s hit and winded, there's a loud pop.

Melody screams more, her arm dislocated as she starts crying.

"Cole, can you remove the cage?" Luna asks.

"Oh, really, I should remove the cage?" The cage dissipates as Cole angrily huffs.

"Thank you." Says Luna.

Melody is pulled towards Lock, landing on Lock’s chest as she sobs.

Lock puts her fake arm around Melody’s neck as she resumes laughing, right in Melody’s ear.

Luna tries to get the fake arm off of Melody.

Cole grabs Lock's fake arm and tugs on it, trying to remove it

Melody claws at the arm with her one good hand, struggling to breathe.

Knight just lays there like a dumbass.

The arm seems to be staying attached better than normal.

Luna tries to teleport Melody out of Lock's grasp.

It works and Melody coughs once she's away, sucking in air.

"Breathe Melody. You're gonna be okay." Luna says.

Cole groans and grabs Lock by the scruff and stares at them with murderous intent.

Lock looks back and laughs at his face.

Cole just stares at Lock, pure anger and rage in his eyes.

Melody breathes and holds her arm, sobbing.

"Hey Knight, I don't want to mess something up, can you pop her arm back in the socket?" Luna stays by Melody's side and comforts her the best she can.

Smores wakes up groggily. "Wheh-”

Melody is sobbing against Luna with a dislocated arm.

“Okay” Knight gets up and heads over to Melody before popping her arm back into place. “Sorry.”

"Thank you," Luna says.

Smores looks at Melody. “A-are you okay?"

Lock keeps giggling.

Melody shakes her head and leaps at Smores, hugging him.

"Gods I hate giggle sadistic Lock," Luna says.

Smores gets knocked back but hugs her. He unleashes his bug arms from his sides and hugs her with them as well. Very tight, very gentle, very safe, very warm.

Melody CLINGS to him.

Cole's green and black death corruption spreads to his other arm as he breathes heavily and angrily.

"Cole, question. Can you check Lock's code? I wonder if there's something in it that's causing her to get like this." Luna says. "Whenever she starts this like manic giggling and laughing, she turns all sadistic and shit. Also, she fights dirty as hell."

Cole huffs angrily. "I can check.” Cole's fingers turn featureless with rounded sharp points at the end as he grips Lock's fake arm and starts trying to pull it away.

"Thank you," Luna says.

The arm’s magnetic connection is a lot stronger this time.

Cole yanks on it with all of his strength.

It detaches as Lock keeps laughing.

"," Luna says. "Normally when her arm is pulled off, she goes limp right?"

Cole attaches it to his back with a groan. "No, I have to attach it first.”

“Ah,” Luna says.

Lock suddenly goes limp, and her smile drops.

Melody is still clinging to Smores and crying

Cole sighs and sits down against a wall and puts Lock in his lap.

"How is it looking?" Luna asks.

"I need to make something custom for this,” Cole says.

"Wait really? I'm guessing she's not Linux based?" Luna asks.

“Fuck if I know what kinda operating system they run. I need to make something custom to handle the laughing.” Cole says.

"Ah. That makes sense." Luna says.

Cole takes the Lock's arm off of his back and reattaches it to Lock.

"Hopefully this works. Not gonna lie, I ain't the biggest fan of her sadistic side." Luna says.

"Neither am I, it made my fucking corruption spread further because of how pissed I got.” Cole says.

"I saw that," Luna says.

Lock blinks and glances around. “Heh?”

“Welcome back Lock,” Cole says.

"Hey Lock, welcome back," Luna says.

Lock tries to get off of Cole. "Welcome back? Where was I?"

"Remember how we told you about you losing yourself in laughter then you attempted to stab me like 15 times? You lost yourself again and pulled Melody's arm off." Luna says.

Cole's fingers return to normal. “That.”

“Oh..uhh" Lock looks over at the ground with a confused expression. “Well, sorry about that."

“Eh, it’s fine, having more corruption won't fuck me over at all,” Cole says.

“Is there a way to fix it?” Knight asks.

“And I know how to defend myself pretty well. You're fiiiiiiine Lock." Luna says.

“Fuck if I know Knight, though it does keep me warm,” Cole says.

Lock sits on the floor.

“So Lock I thought your caretaker or whatever would get upset if I reprogrammed your arm, what happened to that?" Cole asks.

“Uhhh...yyou know," Lock says as she then falls over on her side.

“No, I don't know that's why I'm asking,” Cole says.

"Lock? You good?" Luna asks.

“Uh oh,” Knight says.

"I don't-I don't k-know" Lock stays laying on the floor, her eyes look tired.

Luna grimaces a bit. "Uhhhh maybe reprogramming her wasn't the best play..."

"I didn't reprogram them, I added a new file Luna calm down. I'm not that fuckin stupid.” Cole says.

“Lock, how do you feel?" Luna asks.

"ummmmmmmi ifeeellllll...yyeAH" Lock slurs her words some.

"I feel like I didn't do this,” Cole says.

"I doubt adding a single file to her would affect her like this," Luna says.

“It’s custom programming right?” Knight asks.

Lock slowly closes her eyes as she starts snoring

“Yeah I did it myself.” Cole groans as he stands up. He walks over to Lock and gently kicks her on the back.

Lock doesn’t react or wake up.

“Whatever, I'm just gonna let them sleep.” Cole sighs and walks back over to the wall and sits against it and zones out.