February 23, 2022

A tall man could be seen in the distance, sat down on the ground and leaning against a tree. His arm was extended outward as a bird landed on it. Cole stares at the man licking his icicle. He looked at Cole as the bird ate out of his palm. Cole stares back, still licking his icicle. The man's head tilted as the bird flew off. He stood up, revealing himself to be roughly 15 feet tall. Cole's eyes go wide as he stands up and just kinda freezes out of pure awe.

“How interesting.” Said Astro as he watched.

The man takes large steps closer to Cole, tilting his head as he looked down at him. In the blink of an eye, his form shrunk down to a height of 7'3 as he inspected the creature's physical attributes. He'd never quite seen anything like this before. Cole just stands there still in pure shock, his tail wags slowly. The man grabs Cole's tail, pulling it slightly as he inspected it. Cole's tail stops wagging as Cole looks over at the man.

"Hey let go-"

"..." The man was incapable of speech. He put up a finger as if to signal he was almost done. Cole shrugs and just watches him. The Flower Maiden just eats her own icicle, watching the strange Corrupted she knew as Alastor.

“Hm. Never knew an icicle could have a flavor”

“You do know juice exists right?” Astro asks. Alastor lets go of Cole's tail, looking over at Maiden as she waves.

“Hello, Alastor!”

"Is that its name?" Cole asks.

“Interesting.” Remarks Astro.

“Yep!” Says Maiden.

“Huh neat.” Cole comments.

“So how have you been Cole?” Maiden asks Cole.

"Good, good, and you?"

“I’ve been good!”

"That's good" Alastor looks at Cole, realizing this was the perfect catalyst for his plan. He put his hand on Cole's forehead, a bright white light taking over both of their bodies as he gives Cole the unholy ability to send people to the city of Bear, Delaware.

"What the fuck did you do?" Cole asks Alastor.

“Woah that’s new.” Comments Maiden.

'You and I are now linked, my child. Use my power. Make people happy. You may now bring those you love to the world of happiness that is Bear, Delaware.' Alastor said to Cole telepathically.

"Oh god, oh fuck, what the fuck why, why did you do that?" Cole asks.

'You were the perfect catalyst. A caterpillar waiting to grow into a butterfly. The bringer of joy to your friends.'

“You good Cole?” Maiden asks.

"That is the worst fucking place, what the fuck-" Cole turns to Maiden.

"I can send people to fucking Bear, Delaware,”

“Why there?” Maiden asks.

“I don’t know.”

'It is because I have modified it to bring those who enter immense happiness.'

“Soooo Alastor... how’s it going?” Maiden asks. Alastor turned to Maiden, starting to speak through Cole's body.

"It's going well! How about yourself, Maiden?"

“Woah that’s weird. I’m good?” Cole shakes with fear.

"What the fuck-"

'Oh, is it truly that bad? I apologize, my child, but your affliction cannot be removed...'

"No, I'm sure you have made it better-" Cole responds. Maiden looks to them with curiosity

"Fuck this im going inside.” Cole sighs.

“Oh ok! Bye!” Cole walks back to the backyard, mumbling.

“Bye Cole.” Says Astro.

And with that, the tall man waved as he started to walk back into the woods, his happy aura exiting with him.