Moore Manor Bunker

Terminal appears and storms off to a room, as Spider appears in the hall. She hears something slamming into the wall in a nearby room, and heads into the room. Terminal had thrown a vinyl disc from the Christmas music at the wall, he's ripping everything out of the box. Spider sighs and walks up to him, tapping him gently on the shoulder. He doesn't respond, as he keeps ripping things out of the box, his face streaming with tears as he stops, having reached the bottom of the box. At the bottom of the box is a pile of bandages with old, dried, blue blood.

"Term?" Spider asks. Terminal stares at the bandages a moment before his face contorts with rage. He grabs a bandage and begins ripping it up violently as he yells in anger. Spider winces from the yelling and grabs his wrist attempting to stop him. He stops, the bandage he grabbed is now in shreds and he folds in on himself, sobbing. Spider pulls him into a hug, not saying anything. He clings to her, crying, but still careful not to get any tears on her. She squeezes him comfortingly, letting him get it all out.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Spider sighs.

"II dont thinkk I got to hug herr.." Terminal replies. Spider doesn't say anything, instead squeezing him harder. He eventually stops crying, falling quiet.

"Do you want to talk about it, or should we just stay here and pretend nothing has happened for a bit?" Spider chuckles weakly.

"I..I'm altering, I don't care," he says, getting up.

"Altering what?"

"Me, I'm altering me, I can't-" he's breathing faster and puts his hands to his head.

"Mate breathe, what about you are you altering?"

"I cant fucking live with all these memories of her, either you let me do this or you join me"

"I'm doing neither thing, and I will knock you out if needs be"

"Does it sound like I care???"

"Does it sound like I do? I'm not letting you do this to yourself"

"You think she would want us to suffer like this??"

"And do you really think she'd want us to forget her? To make her have died for nothing??" Spider growls, taking a shaky deep breath.

"She didn't die for that, she died trying to protect us."

"And if we don't remember her then that sacrifice was for nothing."

"We Lost, We Did Not Win. They got what they wanted, Harmonia dead and us all suffering for it."

"You think I don't fucking know that?" Spider sighs, "The only thing we can do right now is not make the situation worse and what you want to do? Definitely would."

"I can't do this, I just want to go back," Terminal shakes his head and partly snarls.

"Well tough shit, cause you can't. You think life cares about you can and can't handle? Cause it doesn't and the only thing you can do is take it and keep on moving," Spider replies. Terminal's breathing gets heavier as he grabs his chest. Spider looks concerned,"Term?" Terminal turns and heads out of the room to the hall. Spider follows him. He stumbles some as he goes into the room with the floor hatch, opening it before climbing down the ladder hastily. He's still breathing heavy as he walks past the room and down the dark tunnel. Terminal climbs up the ladder and outside to the woods at night, it's lightly snowing. He goes to a nearby tree and starts digging at some lose dirt in the ground under it, still breathing rather hard.

"Term, you with us mate?" Spider stands a few feet away from him watching. He doesnt react at all to her as he digs up an entire horse skull from the ground. She sighs and reaches over, grabbing and roughly shaking his shoulder. He still ignores her as he quickly brushes off any dirt he can and picks it up. In the hollowed eyes of the skull, there are beads that appear as eyes. There's also a few black strings still hanging off the back of the mask like hair. He begins to put it on like a mask, so that he sees out of the sides of the mouth rather than through the eyes.

"Fuck," Spider attempts to remove the mask. Terminal backs away from her and stands up a bit taller nowm, as his skin begins to grow more pale. A feeling of bad luck begins to grow. Spider teleports behind him, ignoring the feeling, and attempts to remove it again.

Harmonia's room

Claire shuts and locks the door. She gets into Harmonia's bed and just. Sobs. Harmonias room feels empty. Aside from one thing. A cat. It hops onto the bed and curls up next to Claire, attempting to comfort her. A soft knock can be heard. Claire doesn't respond. Drew opens the door and peeks his head in.

"Ope, sorry Claire. I'll leave if you don't want company, I was just bringing candy for Jello and to leave this," he holds up a wrapped box, "It was supposed to be a late Christmas gift. And now..." He trails off, setting the box inside the door and puts the bowl of candy next to it and kinda stands there awkwardly.

"..Thank you," she replies. Drew slips back out the door and disappears.

Harmonia's living room

Cole brings a shivering Terminal inside, his jacket feeling like a comfy puffy winter coat. Terminal closes his eyes as his shivering starts to lessen, and Spider appears next to them soon after. She sighs, and sits down on the sofa. Eventually, Terminal's shivering stops and he drifts to sleep easily from the long day. Cole, too, falls asleep while hugging Terminal.

"Oh great, Cole fell asleep standing up," Photo says.

"He'll be fine," Spider growls.

"You okay?"

"What do you think?" she growls again, clenching a fist.

"Yeah yeah, I get it. Need a hug?" Photo cracks a smile.

"How you're smiling I don't know.." Spider nods.

"It's all I have sometimes," he opens himself up for a hug. Spider gets up and hugs Photo, squeezing him hard enough to hurt. Photo picks her up in the hug playfully and sets her back down.

"Thanks..." she growls, slightly, stepping back.

"Sorry I'm just... Kinda happy about this baby."

"I don't see why"

"No I've been thinking about adopting for a while. Celia can't have kids so..."

"Hm I don't mean this to upset you but why do you want a kid?"

"I don't know," he smiles, "It just seems like a good idea. When you're as old as I am, you start to think about stuff you've never done before."

"Right, well I'm glad your happy"

"Oh come on, look at her," Photo disappears and soon reappears with the baby.

"She's a tiny helpless human, am I supposed to see something else?" Spider raises an eyebrow.

"I think she's...Lucifer."

"Like the devil?"

"No no the devil isn't real. Lucifer is the bringer of light."

"I see.."

"I was raised Jewish, I believe in angels, not Satan and those other monstrosities. This child will bring light to all that acquaint themselves with her."

"Ok, I didn't mean to offend I'm just..tired"

"No no I'm just sayin'. It's okay, Spider, you can rest if you want to."

"No I can't"

"Can't sleep huh? Like me?"

"Yeah pretty much," she sighs.

"Why not get Term to sleep with? Cuddling always helps."

"Cause he's already asleep and he needs it more than me"

"He'd enjoy it too"

"He's asleep he has no idea what's going on"

"Yeah but it's pretty nice to wake up to," Photo rocks the baby, "I know this is your first relationship but come on"

"Look I just don't want to sleep ok?" Spider growls.

"I get it I'm sorry"

"It's fine everything is just getting too much again..I shouldn't take it out on you, I'm sorry"

"It's okay. Why don't we do something? Why don't we watch something?"

"Yeah sounds good"

"You pick," Photo is occupied with the baby. Spider turns the TV on and a DVD of "Us" appears in her hand. She puts it into the machine and presses play before going to sit down on the sofa.