The area around them morphs into a wooded area, untouched by man. The sky is bright blue, the sun shining down into the trees. Harmonia blinks, eyes adjusting to the brightness. She stares at the blue sky in awe

"Look down, Harmonia." Zachriel says in a somber tone. Harmonia looks down. There's what looks like a fairly decomposed human carcass, mostly skeleton, covered in moss and other plants. It's a woman. The clothes are torn and tattered, and her remaining hair is dark blonde. Her body seems contorted in unnatural ways. "Do you remember when you first died, Harmonia?"

"Yes..." She says, clenching and unclenching her fists nervously

"In the moments before you lost your grip on consciousness, what went through your mind? Where did you think you were going to go?"

"I... I dont know... I couldnt even process it before i was already dead..."

"Do you remember what death was like?"

"I... was in a butterfly garden... i didn't really remember much... but i was content..."

Zachriel folds her hands behind her back. "I envy you, Harmonia."

"The Playwright kept my body in stasis. Kept me comfortable in my own mind until they could bring me back..."

"When I died... it was immediate, a snap into a body that wasn't mine. Working for a demon prince as an archivist. I ran away, found refuge in Limbo and was taken to the Lake where Lucky helped me pass on." Zachriel stares down at the corpse. "I didn't get a moment of comfort or consolation. Sorath appointed me as the Archangel of Memory. Someone to help those who wish to keep an afterlife with some semblance of normality." Her breathing grows slightly heavier. "And so here I am, with my Domain filled of people like me. People who wish for comfort. The only difference between myself and them is that they can rest. I cannot."

Harmonia rubs her arm. "Im sorry..."


"Because you should get to rest as well"

She kneels down to the corpse, picking a white rose from thin air and placing it on the corpse's chest. "I like to think she's resting now." Harmonia watches, feeling... overwhelmed with emotion. She fights back the tears and nods. "Her name was Zoey. I always liked that name."

"Its a pretty name,,"

"Thank you." Zachriel stands up. "I think we should bring you home, now. You've got a lot of things to get to."

"Wait- I still dont... understand- what danger are we in?? Why did you tell me about my horns? "

"You have more pressing matters at hand, my Child. I think you should talk to Claire." Zachriel takes Harmonia's hand, slowly and gently trying to lead her to an iridescent door that appeared behind them.

"Like right now??" She feels like shes been left with more questions then answered

Zachriel kneels down to look her in the eyes, holding her face. "The sooner the better, Harmonia. Claire loves you very much."

"O-okay..." Harmonia looks really nervous? And very confused, just staring at Zachriel for answers

"Come now, dear," Zachriel says, bringing Harmonia closer to the door, opening it. It leads back to Harmonia's room. Harmonia steps through it, wanting to ask more questions but not wanting to annoy Zachriel. The door closes, and Harmonia's in her room again.