October 9, 2022

Isaac and Cole, who had both taken the weird enaturalist genderbend drugs, are in Isaac's funnyroom, The Altar, looking through some of Isaac's old belongings. Isaac sighs as she puts the book up on a shelf, "Anyway, we should go or something"

Cole snaps out of it as she looks over, "Hmm? why?"

"Maybe so I dont spiral into a deep depression at realizing they are all gone." She says a bit coldly.

"....right....right we can uhm we can leave now" Cole starts walking to the door as her eyes swap back to hazel. Isaac follows him. Something in the room has changed. Cole stops in her tracks as she takes one last look around. A log had rolled out of the fireplace. Cole's head tilts as she walks over to the fireplace and inspects it. In the back of it is metal bars embedded into the brick, almost like a ladder. Cole looks around as she climbs on the metal bars He reaches a dark room. He cant see anything. Cole looks around for a light switch as she looks confused. She finds one. Cole flicks it on as she looks around.

He finds himself in another large hall with shelves of books lining the walls. There's statues here, but they're different from the ones in the main area of the Altar. They seem to be modestly clothed torsos of women.

"Huh, weird" Cole gets curious and looks for a book with her name on it. He finds one. Cole takes it and flips to the first page. She finds herself. HERself as drawings on the pages, all clothed modestly and smiling. "Damn I was expecting it to be a little spicy, but alright." Cole shrugs as she puts the book back and looks for a book that could be Isaac's mom. He finds a book with the same last name as Isaac.

Vivian Aurora Greco.

"It wouldn't be weird to just look once," Cole takes the book as she opens it to the first page. He sees a viper nonferal with fluorescent and shining blue scales. She's tall and slender with sharp eyes and snake pupils, Being a snake shes nothing but pure curve. Theres a hint of another snake hybrid in her as she has a smaller hood on her neck like that of a cobra. She seems like the kind of person that would either be the sweetest being on earth or the exact poisonous snake she is, no inbetween. Cole blinks several times, "God....damn" Cole quickly shuts the book "I'm....I'm gonna leave holy shit mother of God" Cole climbs back down the ladder.


There's a knock on the front door. Luna opens the door. "Hello? Can I help you?"

It's Vivian. "Yes, I was wondering if you've seen an albino crocodile around here?"

Luna shrugs. "I see a lot of things here. Some horrors, dromen, drug addicts. All of that fun stuff. An albino crocodile though?" She pauses, taking an oddly long time thinking it over. "You mean Isaac?"

"Yes Isaac Greco. Do you know him?"

"Yeah? I know him. Did you need him?"

{- Greco? -}

"Really??? Yes, I would to see him immediately!" She seems pleasantly surprised.

"Okay! Um, then come in, please." Luna holds the door open for her.

Vivian nods and walks in, Luna follows behind. Vivian glances around at the room, "My, what a lovely home!"

Lunacloses the door behind her. "I try to take care of it while the owner is out." Cole is watching Vivian.

Vivian looks over and sees Isaac "....well...I see some things have changed"

Luna goes to sit on the top bunk and watches the oddly pretty snek. Sparrow glances at Vivian and passes out.

"It's temporary, madame," Cole has shifted to chivalry mode involuntarily.

"So um, who are you? I forgot I never introduced myself. My name is Luna."

"My name is Vivian," she looks over at Cole with a familiar eyebrow raise Cole has seen a thousand times before, "And who might you be?" Spider appears, they sit down on the sofa.

"Oh I'm sorry madam I am Diane Genesone" Cole smiles at her

Vivian points at Cole and Isaac with a sneer, "I don't like how close you two are standing. Do me a favor and move over to the side some Diane?" Luna pulls out her laptop and puts some notes about Vivian in. Spider raises an eyebrow but don't say anything.

"No offense Vivian, but Diane and Isaac are dating." Luna says.

Vivian turns sharply to look at Luna "Them two???"

"Yes ma'am. Those two." Luna has an oblivious and kinda sleepy smile.

She leans over close to Luna and whispersm "And how serious? Is this another toss aside?"

Luna leans out of the way. She's super uncomfortable with her personal space invaded. "U-um, please, I have empowered hearing. You don't have to get so close. And uhhhh I'd say it's serious?" Help.

Spider's ear twitches, "I'm sorry who are you again?"

Vivian leans away, "Oh, I'm sorry. I'm his mother. And what's your name?" Cole is keeping a respectful stance.

"Spider, and now that I'm thinking about it how the hell did you get here?" Spider sits up slightly, just watching Vivian.

"Mighty long story, I'm unsure of it myself. Either way I haven't seen my son in forever, so if you'll excuse me," Vivian walks over to Isaac and hugs him tightly as she picks him up off the floor with ease. Isaac's eyes snap open.

"Hm. That's interesting." Luna notes that as well. Cole holds her tongue as she watches

"ushgoeiuhapisepoif?!??!?!" Isaac stutters out as she's realizing what shes woken up to.

Vivian sounds delighted as she talks, "Oh I've missed you dearly little Gecko!!!..." She pauses and sets Isaac down as she looks down some at her, "...those weren't fake." Enaturalist drugs. Crazy. Cole is still holding her tongue and watching with a smile. Kade is reveling.

Cole decides to speak up, "Madam would you like something to drink?"

"That would be lovely, thank you," Vivian gives Cole a warm smile before looking back at Isaac, "Now I don't want to know how much those cost you but at least it wasn't out of my pocket."

{- Cost exactly one nice rock. -}

Cole reaches into her jacket and with a quiet snap she pulls out a glass of water and offers it to her, "Here you go madam"

Vivian musters a fake smile as she takes it, "Oh wow...you're dating a magician...how sweet"

Isaac goes, "wha..."

"Magic? Oh right." Luna sighs in magical girl.

"Since she clearly didnt pay for it how did you get the money?" Vivian asks Isaac. Isaac is still in shock as she has mouth partly open.

"Oh I don't need money madam" Cole replies to what Vivian said about a minute ago.

"Yes I know, only thing you want is making people happy with your little tricks and trinkets," She says a bit snidely as she dismissively waves a hand at Cole.

Cole takes a deep breath and sighs, "That's not what I mean madam, I am the CEO of PepsiCo I don't need money because I already make a couple thousand in a week." Cole smiles with the tone of 'step off'.

"So you should be aware of your stock decline. Maybe less parlor tricks and better marketing, hm?" She smiles back

"Maybe you should be aware of your tone when you're speaking to a billionaire because I have the money to convince the police you killed someone, so I suggest you change your tone before your jail sentence is longer than your cellphone digits!" Cole keeps her smile while speaking.

Vivian's smile curls, "Billions are petty change to right person. Maybe settle this later with less eyes on us"

"Oh I'm not finished. How much money have you donated to charity? How many people are willing to die at your side? Hmm?" Cole leans forward slightly while keeping her smile.

Kade suddenly springs awake, and snaps his head in the direction of Vivian. He whispers a, "𝕳୦ו𝖞 𝐬հ𝔦𝖙 𝓜ɪꓡ𝘍Ѕ 𝓼𝚝𝓲𝖑𝐈 𝓮𝔁𝘪𝓼𝘵???" under his breath.

"Not to mention C-- Diane's saved our collective asses countless times to boot. She's a hero in our eyes." Luna says.

"Maybe dont be so quick to snap back if you're dating my son," Vivian

"Mom...seriously? Right now?" Isaac sighs.

"You are currently standing...." Cole thinks for a second, "Close enough for me to smell the Karen and wine coolers on your breath so maybe you should go home before your face is on a missing poster, got it?" Cole smiles devilishly. Vivian smiles and blows some air at Cole. Her breath smells of a 1992 Screaming Eagle Cabernet Sauvignon wine. Isaac rolls her eyes. "Ah so you're a rich asshole that enjoys cabernet sauvignon wine? Let me tell you something, sweetheart, drinking fancy wine and acting like you can walk all over people isn't going to get you very far, unless you're talking about six feet under because I haven't taken my meds today" Cole's voice is dripping with sass as she folds her arms.

"You know I don't have to give you the permission to date my so-" Vivian is cut off by Isaac.

"HEY, how about both you stop it?"

Cole turns on her heel to face Isaac, "Why? It's not like I'm the president of the free world and could call in...well anyone really to take her out like the garbage she is!" Cole's voice is serious in tone as she glares at Isaac's mom, who does not have it going on....

"She just doesn't like magicians, she's not usually this annoying," Isaac grumbles.

"Wait that's it? It's over her 'magic???'" Luna sighs.

"Tricking people isn't fun, its conniving and disrespectful....that kid who blasted a water bottle in my face in junior high will pay once I find them..." Vivian mutters.

"Hey guess what?" Cole faces Vivian with a smile.

"Cole please..." Isaac sounds desperate.

"What is it?" Vivian looks at Cole. Cole snaps as a gallon of the nickelodeon slime appears above her head and drenches her.She stands there and waits for it all to finish.

Isaac looks like he's just witnessed a murder before turning to Cole with pure rage in her eyes, "GENESONE"

Cole turns to Isaac, "Yes, dear?"

"IN THE HALL NOW." Isaac sounds fucking pissed.

"Isaac sweety it's just a disagreement, it's fine," Vivian adds. In laws.

"...well then," Cole looks slightly fearful as she walks past Vivian and gets some slime on her finger, tasting it as she whispers, "It's food-grade by the way," Cole walks into the hall.

"So that just happened" Spider sighs.

Luna blinks and a towel appears behind her. She hops down from the top bunk and hands it to Vivian. "Sorry about her, would you like a towel?"

"Yes, thank you," Vivian nods and takes it as she gets the slime out of her eyes.

"If it's the old recipe, it should just be applesauce and oatmeal mixed with green food coloring. Perfectly safe to eat." Luna smiles and gives Vivian some space.

"Well thank you for telling me. I hope Isaac's new date isn't always like this?"

"Usually, she's very chill. Diane's a protector for our survivor group, definitely saved our lives a few times."

"That's sweet and all but if this is how Im treated im not going to be too excited to visit my son that often"

"So another one who can just casually world hop, great," Spider mutters.

"In her defense, she wasn't aware of your distaste for magic. She thought you were blindly attacking her." Luna explains, "Basically a poor assumption on both sides of the coin."

"The last time my son tried to date a magician I was pranked and so I pranked them back 7 fold and she went home crying to her parents about all of her hair burning off in the oven." Vivian explains. Luna just stands there, trying to comprehend what the absolute FUCK she just said.

"Well you are just a wonderful person aren't you," Spider sighs.

"Uhhhh but if said magician didn't prank you, you would be fine with it, right?" Luna asks.

"I have yet to meet a magician that hasn't," Vivian gestures at the slime all over her.

"I mean how do you think I got that towel?" Luna grins. "It's perfectly clean, no worries."

Cole briskly walks in with a fearful expression as she snaps and the slime disappears, "I'm really sorry about doing that to you ma'am I promise it won't happen again, you have my word." Cole says quickly as she leans back on the wall and hangs her head.

Vivian glances down as it all disappears and goes to fold the towel, "Apology accepted, though I'm guessing it was due to outside influence?" She adds while watching Isaac walk in and leans on the wall near Cole.

Cole quickly shakes her head, "No ma'am"

Vivian looks between Cole and Isaac before setting the folded towel down, "Now where were we? Seems things got a bit out of hand there" Luna takes the towel and blinks it to the hamper in the basement. It's gone.

"I believe you were talking about Isaac's uhm...." Cole gestures at isaac's chest.

"As long as it's not out of my pocket you can have as much...of that as you wish," Vivian gives Isaac a smile.

"CAn we not talk about that right now?" Isaac's face turns red.

"I mean...I would gladly pay for it" Cole snickers as she covers her mouth. Isaacs face turns more red as she snaps over to looking at Cole

"Isn't that sweet of you!" Vivian smiles

"What the fuck?!?!" Isaac grumbles.

"I mean you're welcome to pay for more of mine if you wanna make it fair," Cole chuckles as she smiles widely.


"Oh, are you wanting to be male, Diane?" Vivian tilts her head some.

"No, no I was talking about increasing my" Cole gestures at her chest "ya'know." Luna giggles and hops back up to the top bunk.

"Mate, any bigger and your backs gonna start playing up so I wouldn't do that if I were you" Spider chuckles quietly. Isaac covers her face and whines.

"You know, I have a really good list of contacts of nonferal doctors that are rather trust worthy" Vivian says.

"Honestly glad I didn't roll poorly on the booba roll." No back pain for this catgirl.

"I meaaaaaaaaan.....I could just take pain meds" Cole smiles widely "Isaac wouldn't you like having bigger pillows?" Isaac shakes her head as she keeps her face covered.

"Oh yeah, I have baby pictures of little gecko here that I can embarrass him more with" Vivian smiles.

{"Oh no."}

"No, no I'm good I don't need to see baby pictures" Cole shakes her head quickly, "I've already seen enough" Cole snickers as she puts an arm around Isaac.

"You should have seen him right out the egg, already making shooting noises and trying to eat anything he could reach," Vivian giggles some. Isaac grumbles more

"Alright that's good enough, I really don't wanna know about Isaac as a baby"

"That's actually super cute, but I don't wanna embarrass them." Luna says.

"Fine fine, but he really was a big eater. I made a pie once and he ate it all before it could cool" Vivian chuckles.

"well....Isaac does know how to eat i'll tell you that," Cole snickers as she leans her head on Isaac's shoulder.

"Cole we really didn't need to know that" Spider shakes her head.