Luna's Journal

Visitation 1 - November 12, 2022

Following their success in Ardat and Byleth’s Gauntlet, the Marked earned visitation rights with Nammu every two weeks in the Vast Meadow from 1 to 4pm. This is the first of those visits. Prior to the time, Luna contacted Roxy to let her know of this as she is Nammu’s adopted daughter. Then at 1pm, they all convened in the Vast Meadow.

Luna appears in the Vast Meadow with a soft pop. Roxy appears soon after with a crackle of purple distortion. Gem peeks in from the entrance. Ardat is already there to greet Nammu’s visitors.

“Oh hello.” Ardat says.

"Hiiii" Roxy waves to Ardat with a smile

“Is this everyone? Let me see if I can get her up.”

"Sup Ardat. I'm sure more are coming." Luna says.

“Oh good.” Ardat responds.

Nammu comes out clearly high. As she is still unable to speak due to her tongue being locked away, Nammu shows us various images and gifs on her phone to attempt to communicate.

"Hi mom!!!!" Roxy bounces on her heels slightly. "High as usual nowadays, huh?"

Nammu shows an image of Excel from Excel saga smiling, which seems to mean yes.

“I'll give you all some privacy and leave you to it. See you in a few hours.” Ardat says before leaving.

"I think that's a yes?" Luna wonders.

"Bye Ardat, also yea probably" Roxy says

"So erm, are they treating you well Nammu? I mean both Byleth and Ardat." Luna looks slightly worried.

Nammu shows a gif of someone showing a thumbs up, and then a rather long list of various drugs from Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. Specifically, "We had 2 bags of grass, 75 pellets of mescaline, 5 sheets of high-powered blotter acid, a salt shaker half full of cocaine, a whole galaxy of multi-colored uppers, downers, screamers, laughers, also a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of beer, a pint of raw ether & 2 dozen amyls.” Note, I have like absolutely no idea what most of these things are. I’m just trying to describe what we saw.

“So… drugs.” Gem replies.

Violet appears in the Vast Meadow next and greets Nammu. “Hello!”

Nammu shows a gif of some woman waving hi. Why doesn’t Nammu just wave hi herself?

“How are you Nammu?” Violet asks.

Nammu shows a gif of Patrick Star smiling perhaps too widely. Like think dsmile, but way more grotesque.

"...that's almost as big of a smile as Drake used to have, cripes." Luna is scared a little bit.

“Anyway I can help or at least try?” Violet asks.

Nammu shows a gif of someone shaking their head no.

"A smile is usually good, sooo..." Roxy shrugs

Nammu shows a gif of a cat exhausted.

"Normally, I would agree, but in this case...?" Luna looks a bit worried.

"Hm. So... uh. What's been up lately?" Roxy asks

Nammu shows a gif of the Pepe Silvia scene from It’s Always Sunny in Philiadelphhia

"THAT'S WHAT I'M SAYIN!!!!" Roxy quotes

Geminy sighs in distress, and Nammu shows a gif of two bears hugging.

Violet asks if Nammu had been trying to solve something, and Nammu responds with a gif of Kermit nodding.

Gem UwUs. “We need to break her drug problem and get her away from smelly Byleth and meanie Lili.”

"Stinky Ardat, if you ask me." Luna retorts with a chuckle.

"Probably the best idea." Roxy agrees.

Unfortunately, Nammu seems to disagree. She shows a gif of Gordon Ramsay facepalming. When reminded that they’re not her friends, she shows a gif saying “I know.” When asked how killable they are, she responds with Vegeta in shock at Goku’s power level. Clearly it’s OVER 9000!!!

"Thought so, perhaps a bit too powerful especially seeing how Byleth is a Demiurge." Luna adds.

"Hmmmm... We could always just. Kidnap Nammu and leave a decoy behind." Roxy suggests.
"Kidnap Nammu and take her where exactly? Harmonia's?" Luna asks. Nammu doesn’t seem to like that plan. She responds with a head shaking no.

"Harmonia's house is so unsafe Luna........" Roxy stares

Luna stares back, "yeah you got a point."

“Kidnap Nammie…okie.” says Gem.

Luna sighs. "So what's the puzzle you're trying to solve Nammu?”

Nammu shows the crest of synchronicity, a chick laying out some cocaine, then a key.

“Magic key?” Gem asks. Nammu seems to believe it’s mind blowing.

“Can’t we try finding a super strong project or barrier spell and then wait for Nammu to detox?” Violet suggests. Nammu shows a gif of a girl shaking her head no wildly. Perhaps the drugs are the answer.

“So…Nammie needs the drugs to unlock something.” Gem says. Nammu seems to agree with her.

The drugs seem to be important for whatever Nammu is planning. But why? The Marked continue to try and decipher Nammu’s lack of tongue until Sorath is brought up.

"The R053 project. Spider told me something about how she found a painting of Sorath but it had like elements of everyone who gave blood to Claire. Nammu's one of them." Luna explains.

“I know how Sorath and the whole R053 project have Sorath giving her form, but unsure of the how in how it works and what it has to do with Nammu.” Violet says.

An image of someone praising the lord and Sorath’s sigil are shown by Nammu.

“Her sigil?” Violet draws it on the ground, “But what does her sigil have to do with this?”

"Hi R053 project admin here I totally didnt space out UuhHhhh... I dunno how it works really either you'd have to ask Claire but considering Nammu took R053 and she's. a goddess. it seemed like the best idea to get some blood from her as well" Roxy says.

Luna nods.

Roxy continues on to say, "Literally the most I know is: I found a fucked up pile of notebooks in Raine's old house detailing using organic material, specifically flesh, blood, and other tissue, of people who take R053. Add a couple really strong computers and a program he designed himself and you've got basically all I know. Weird thing is, those notes were written like... years before R053 was ever made."

"This is some Serial Experiments Lain shit." Luna chuckles.

“Really it be like that.” Violet says

“So they needed someone under the influence of the drug?” Victoria asks

"I love Lain..." Roxy says.

"I do too. It was one of the first anime I watched when I was a wee Luna."

“I mean Nammu, me, and Roxy are the only people here that have taken the drug.” Violet says while Nammu shows Roxy and Violet an image of a brofist to show solidarity.

“What about Caitriona?” says Victoria

"Caitriona is, thankfully, not a R053." Luna responds with a sigh.

"Yeah basically. We have a couple people that we know would be good, AKA basically all nonhuman. Everyone else who's taken R053 besides those who've given blood are humans, probably. I don't keep up with the Church anymore,:”

At this point, it appears as whatever Nammu has planned is working. Nammu seems to need drugs, not as a revelry, but rather to get stronger. But she seems to need something else.
Two gifs are shown to the Marked: One of a 20, and another of a question mark.

“What are we trying to guess?” Violet asks.

She shows a song on her phone: ‘Just What I Needed by The Cars’.

“What Nammu needs.”

Victoria asks if she needs alcohol, and right off the bat, she was warm! Luna suggests Nammu needs more drugs and Nammu seemed to agree, then shows the image of Sorath’s sigil. She needs more R053.

"Hell is going to be filled if you ever die, Nammu," Roxy chuckles dryly. "How much R053 have you taken?"

Nammu thinks it over.

Roxy just kinda. stares. "Nammu. How much R053."

It seems to be a ton based off of the gif Nammu shows of Tom from Tom and Jerry going on an absolute bender through a medicine cabinet.
"That's. A lot of souls. Oh my god." Roxy groans.

"Souls what?" Luna looks over to Roxy.

"....Did you not.. know???"

“What?” Violet says


"R053, when ingested, forms a soul for the identity. Hence why they split into two entities upon death, in Sisyphean Hell's case. If we're going with Metamorphosis then, if I remember correctly, it's usually a shared body scenario." Roxy explains.

" wait, if Nammu just fifty times overdosed and then some more on R053, then she's got like a fuckton of souls in her." Luna reasons.

"Hell is going to be full."

“That’s… something.” Violet says

"Though, different World different rules. I have no idea what it'll do here."

“So Button’s is an actual person with feeling not just a weird quirky high from a drug?”

"Yes.??? Though the only reason you don't operate like Orph and Eury is because Sparrow tried altering it out of you."

Nammu thinks it over. The image of Caitriona is shown once more. Roxy asks if Nammu intends to R053 Caitriona, but that’s incorrect. Ardat Lili enters the fray once more realizing the Marked are struggling to solve whatever she’s saying and offers us the answer but only if we sacrifice 80 minutes of our already limited visitation time. We gracefully deny her offer and move forward ourselves.

I get the idea to ask about Caitriona’s last known whereabouts, since the last time I spoke to her was up in the GDA R&D lab. Nammu wanted dark matter heroin, yes this is a real thing in this veil, and Caitriona stopped me from retrieving it from there, requesting that I stop giving into Nammu’s demands. Anyway, Nammu doesn’t want the heroin, but instead needs Caitriona. I try messaging her on twitter but Nammu shakes her head sorrowfully.

Caitriona is missing. When asking about what happened to her, Archiacjinn’s profile was shown. And that’s when it hit me.

"Archaicjinn. Right, he would've been the last to see her. I believe he made a bracelet with her a few weeks ago."

Nammu nods.

"So Caitriona went somewhere unknown. She's not missing per se, but rather taking a sabbatical, if you will. So what do we do?"

Nammu lays out a 3 step plan with images:

1. Something to do with Sorath or R053.
2. Something with Caitriona.
3. Synchronicity.

What does any of that mean? Who knows. But it’s clear, both from this and from previous chats with her, that a plan is in motion. We just need to figure out what it is. The music videos seem to be part of this as well. It’s all connected.

For the remainder of our time with Nammu, Jori bonded with our Goddess who seemed to be really tired. Afterwards, we sent our goodbyes and left the Vast Meadow with the knowledge that we would meet again in two weeks.