July 26, 2022

Harmonia runs into the living room. "WEEEE WOOO WEE WOOO TOURNAMENT TIME-" She starts brushing her hair.

Spider appears.

Cole walks in with a WW2 gas mask on and his black combat boots. "Heh?"

Melody walks in in the same outfit as yesterday but looks happier.

"What the fuck are you wearing??" Harmonia asks Cole.

Eurydice crawls in, exhausted and gasping for air.

"You good Eur-- er.. Orph-- erm... I can never tell. I am so sorry." Luna says to Eurydice.

".....stuff.” Cole's voice is muffled.

Eurydice gives a shaky thumbs up.

Cerberus's head peeks in.

Harmonia looks at Eurydice. "Need blood??"

Meloby boops Cerberus.

"THE airr was SPICYYY-” Eurydice replies.

Cerberus goes achoo (sound only).

"What did I miss?" Harmonia asks.

Isaac cautiously steps into the room.

"You missed Eurydice getting his ass kicked, lmao,” Cole says.

Eurydice scales Cole and uses him for support.

Cole chuckles and watches.

Cerberus grins at Isaac. "ʀⅇа𝓭𝐲 𝖙𝗈 𝗳𝙞𝗀ℎ𝕥 𝓪ռ 𝔞𝓃𝗀𝓮𝚰, b𝘪𝗀 𝔟𝙤𝘺?"

"An angel???" Isaac looks at Cerberus, a bit confused.

"𝚃ѡ൦ ၀𝘧 𝛠m, a𝖈t𝗎𝛂𐊊Iɣ!"

"I'm fighting one of them.” Cole corrects.

Isaac gets a bit quiet as the reality of the situation is starting to hit.

"Everyone ready?" Harmonia asks.

“Yeah!" Luna exclaims.


"𝛢𝐬 ϱ𝛎еᴦ," Cerberus replies.

“Ready.” Cole takes his gas mask off and snaps as a gas mask bag appears and he puts it in there.

Claire and Asphodel both walk in wearing the same thing as yesterday.

"AAACK-” Eurydice says.

“Just breathe, lmao,” Cole replies.

"𝚴ϱ𝙚𝒹 𝓼𝖔m𝔢 𝜶ⅈꮁ, 𝚑𝘶𝔫?" Cerberus asks.

"Ill BE FINE-”

Harmonia puts the key in the door and turns, making the entrance to Wrath. She walks in, Everyone else following.
