July 25, 2022

Harmonia’s in her room, getting prepared for the tournament.

Harmonia's key to Wrath starts burning, signaling it’s tournament time.

She takes it out, grinning as she walks to the living room.

Harmonia enters the living room, her long hair flowing down her back. Her horns are translucent garnet with black roses growing from them, the stems inside the garnet. Harmonia wears a red corset in the shape of a leotard with black detailing. Black ruffles adorn the neck and shoulders and there's a heart cutout on the chest. She wears black tights underneath it with combat boots. Her wrists are adorned with garnet cuffs and she has a bright smile on her face. The top is backless so it proudly shows her burns from Abaddon and allows easy movement of her wings. Luna whistles. "Wow! That looks great!"

Harmonia grins. "Thanks. Wanna look good for my fans."

Cole walks in and snaps as his shirt and jacket appear back on him and he has his eye back.

"No, I wasn't shirtless, shut up.”

Isaac walks in.

Luna closes her eyes. Upon opening them, she pulls her weapons from thin air, kinda like a magic trick, and equips everything.

Claire walks in wearing a black version of what she wore to the wedding with red accents, makeup to make her face look paler, and deep red lipstick with red eyeshadow. Her nails are also done with black stilettos. Black boots as well, black and red striped leggings.

"Isaac do you need a weapon?" Cole asks, turning to Isaac.

“Wait we’re really fighting? I thought that was a fever dream.” Isaac asks.

Claire is staring at Harmonia.

Harmonia turns to Claire, grinning. "Hello, pumpkin."

“No, we are actually fighting in Hell, you were not dreaming," Cole says to Isaac.

"Hi lovebug,” Claire says to Harmonia.

"Wrath is really cool. You'll see Isaac." Luna says, in her sloth form wearing a hoodie with Rei from Evangelion on it and black athletic shorts.

Harmonia is looking at Claire devilishly, scanning her for a reaction.

Cerberus enters. Barely. More like a head peeking in.

Harmonia looks over him. "Why are you in big dog form???"

"COOOOLEEE GARNETTT!!” Orpheus yells.

Spider is wearing her usual outfit jacket included, however, she's also wearing a pair of reinforced fingerless black gloves, she's leaning against the wall just watching everything happen.

"𝕸y 𝙛ս𝖼𝗸𝑖𝐧ƍ 𝘩𝛠𝚊Ꮷ 𝔀𝕖𝑛𝗍 𝙜੦𝑛ⅇ." Cerberus replies to Harmonia.

Cole stares at where his name was just called from. "OORRRRPHHHEEEEUUUUSSS!”

"Your head? What???" Harmonia looks at him, confused.

"Can relate,” Claire says.

"Oh, RIGHT." Orpheus sighs. "Wisteria CHOPPED his HEAD OFF apparently. I'm going to kill her next time she shows her face."

Cerberus stares at Harmonia. "𝑌օ𝑢 𝖨𝐨𐓪𝕜 𝓮𝘥𝖎𝒃l𝒆."

"Jesus Christ??? I'm so." Harmonia pauses, turning to Cerberus. "What does that mean."

Cerberus doesn't say anything else.

"Answer me." Harmonia orders.

"Orpheus, I'm going to have a word with Eurydice after this fight.” Cole stares at Orpheus with slight anger.

Harmonia does the thing where you put your hand up to shield your face when something is embarrassing.

"..oh right that.." Isaac says quietly.


"HEY. WHAT. WHAT." Eurydice squirms and barks at Isaac. "YOU SPILLED THE BEANS????"

Isaac steps behind Cole.

Cole's eyes glow pink. "Don't take another fucking step."

Cerberus whispers to Orphydice. "𝖼ꮁ 𝗼𝖈੦𝔡𝔦ⅼ 𝜚 𝘴၀ 𝞾 𝙋"

"GHHR BARK BARK BARK-" Eurydice chomps at Isaac but recoils back and bonks their head on Cerberus. "AWHG??"

They pause. "Hey. SO." Orpheus looks at Cole. "What did Eurydice do???"

Cole's eyes stop glowing but stay a shade of pink as he sighs. "Apparently he fractured his fucking arm and gnawed on the prosthetic hand.”

"I was. Asleep." Orpheus says.

"I fucking figured,” Cole says.

"Said he’d take my lunch money then said he'd make me make him a sandwich." Isaac mumbles.

Cerberus fucking CACKLES.

"STOP LAUGHING!” Isaac yells.

Cole takes a deep breath and closes his eyes for a second. “It's fine, I'm not mad"

Cerberus leans his heads into the ground and snickers more.

Harmonia’s trying not to laugh, her tail wagging.

Cole grumbles to himself and rolls his eyes

"..." Eurydice crosses their arms and huffs. "I could go for a sandwich still."


Harmonia screams and takes it off, letting it dangle. “Fuck!”

“Something wrong?" Cole asks, looking over at Harmonia.

"Oh, nothing just my key gets hot WHEN GOLIATH IS A FUCKING DICKHEAD!" Harmonia screams at the key as if Goliath can hear.

"Jesus Christ." Luna turns down the room by turning a knob in thin air.

"You want me to hold it?" Cole asks.

"Maybe start wearing it where it won't touch you,” Isaac says.

"No, it's fine." Harmonia sighs and grabs it, her hand a bit melty as she puts it into the front door, turning and opening it.

The key has writing inscribed on it; 'TOURNAMENT TIME TOURNAMENT TIME TOURNAMENT TIME GET YOUR ASSES OVER HERE CMON CMON WEEWOOWEEWOO' It's impressive how much he can fit on such a small key, to be honest.

"Awwright, back to Wrath we go!" Luna cheers.

The loud cheering of drunk and or otherwise intoxicated wolves echoes from beyond.

Harmonia heads in first

Cole checks all of his guns and nods as he finds all of them loaded and grabs Isaac's hand. “You ready to go?"

"Yeah.” Isaac replies.

Everyone heads to Wrath.
