November 16, 2022

Oleander wakes up, letting out a blood curdling screech. Lock jolts awake and fumbles as she falls out of the bed. Oleander sits up, sweating and looking around in terror. "L-Lock??"

Lock is tangled in a blanket and sounds muffled, "Eh?"

He looks around the room. "Are we safe-"

Lock manages to get out of the blanket "Yeah we're safe"

"Sorry for scaring you..." He says sheepishly

"No you're ok, wasn't having the best dream either," Lock gets up and stretches, "So, you ok?"

They shrug. "It'll pass... the dream was just worse then usual-" He says with a sigh.

Lock picks up her blanket and puts it back on the bed. She glances at an alarm clock befire grumbling under her breath, "I have school in like 6 hours"

"School??" Oleander looks confused.

"Something Cole signed me up for. Suposed to teach you 'basic' things," Lock groans, putting airquotes around basic.

"Huh.. I mean i know what school is but why is he making you go now??"

Lock shrugs, "Ask him, I can't understand it"

"Okay, i will later..." Oleander lays back down. "Your floors comfy'

"You could have asked if you needed somewhere to sleep"

"No, Im serious-" He chuckles. "Ive slept on a lot of floors. Yours is nice though,," They say with a smile

Lock smiles some, "That's sweet...also you're not allowed to sleep on the floor"

Oleander blinks in confusion. "I'm not? Why not??"

"I don't want you sleeping on the floor like some waste," Lock folds her arms

Oleander blushes. "I see,," They smile a little. "Thank you,,"

"Of course," Lock smiles back. "Im going to go make some tea or something. You want any?"

Oleander nods. "Yeah, ill have that and some cereal please.."

"Alright, see ya later," Lock heads out of the room. Oleander goes to the toybox. It watches from under the bed. It begins clicking. He looks over at the clicking and sees dull, white eyes under the bed accompanied by a faint unsteady breathing.

His eyes widen and he attempts to back up. "Um... hello?"

"There's a new one," Its voice sounds decrepit and scratchy as it coughs

"Uh... how long have you been there???"

"Longer than you-" It makes a watery cough. A few yellow butterflies flutter out from under the bed. "Don't let her fool you so easily"

"Fool me?? What are you talking about??" He notices the butterflies. It begins crawling out from under the bed. It looks like a dark canine of some kind, but more like a drawing of one had come to life. Its face and entire body is covered in markings and designs. It clears its throat again. A few butterflies flutter off its back.

"I've known her forever. You're going to be the third she does this to if you're not careful"

"Does what too???" Oleander backs up more.

The being stays where it is and huffs, trying not to cough again, "She threw us away, she will do the same to you one day."

Oleander sets his jaw. "No. She told me she wouldnt- I believe her. "

"I believed her too," it coughs as the door opens. The being fades out of sight as the light from the hall moves into the room. Lock walks in with two cups of tea and cereal.

"Here ya go!"

Oleander looks shaken up but takes the cups. "Thank you,," He says

Lock keeps one cup and sips the tea, "You dont have to hang out in here all day if you dont want to"

"Yeah- um, lets go to the living room." He gets up and heads to the door, glancing ay the bed. Lock nods and heads out. Before Oleander leaves, he hears the faint breathing from under the bed.