October 15, 2022

Luna wakes up from her nap with a stretch and a yawn when a knock on the front door is heard.

"Ugh. I got-- oh wait, I'm the only one awake." Luna grumbles as she opens the door.

The 'scarecrow' is there. "Heyyyy is Isaac or Sparrow home?"

"Uhhh no? Honestly, I have no idea where they went, sorry fam." She shrugs. "Did you need them for something? Maybe Cole knows. Or Spider."

"Yeah I need them." She replies.

"Uhh okay, one sec." She opens her phone to message the GC, but no one responded. "Um, would you like to come inside?" She's looking really nervous, especially after hearing about whatever hell Cole and Isaac were in.

"Yeah!!!" She instantly goes to walk in

"Yeah... oh god help."

“ACCCKKKK God I’m bored.” Knight complains.

Sparrow is sitting on the sofa still looking at the bracelet she put on. The scarecrow walks in

Luna walks in right behind.

“oH SHIT ITS A SCARECROW” Knight backs away from the scarecrow.

"Yeah.. Just saying they're looking for Sparrow again." Luna sighs. 'For the third time this week.' she mutters under her breath.

“…it’s not evil?” Knight asks.

"Oh hey there she is!!!" She points at Sparrow who glances up.

"I mean I don't get bad vibes from them, but they keep wanting to take our nonferal friends from us? Soooooooooooo...."

Cole appears and leans on her German longsword as she death glares the scarecrow, "Whatcha doin?"

“The last scarecrow I encountered was the Nicole one so I’m kinda sus of it.” Knight explains.

"The Nicky one you mean..." She coughs.


Luna nods. "But yeah I remember that. The bear was the hard part of that fight."

“Yeah.” Knight says.

"Just pickin up my collectable" Scarecrow walks over to Sparrow. "Pardon?"

Cole is holding back a laugh.

"Excuse me, Sparrow is not a Gods Damned Pokemon card."

Cole stops holding back a laugh as she storms over to scarecrow and tries to grab them by the back of the neck. She gets pulled back "Woah hey hey hey calm down grumpy pants!"

"Where is Isaac's pocket spoon, one. Two, why the hell are you fucking with my family?" Cole's voice crackles as her eyes swap to pink.

"Well uhh again i just, I just need an old timeline nonferal"

"And we don't understand why you need one. There are others to choose from? Why Sparrow or Isaac???" Luna asks.

"For what? Why do you fucking need them?" Cole adds.

"Others???" They phase through Coles hand and walk over to Luna as they lean in. "Name others, go ahead!"

"Nicky." Luna grins.

Cole flexes her hand and groans, "Well if you find Nicky then I'll pay you a pretty penny to keep her in that hell of yours."

She turns towards Cole "MORE THINGS!?!? Just for taking a thing!?!?"

"Ahhhhh please not so loud.." She quickly defocuses on scarecrow.

"Oh I'll give you more more things if you take Nicky and make her all happy and giggly and unable to think." Cole smiles as she swings her longsword up and rests it on her shoulder

Luna looks over to Cole with a smile. {"Good idea?"}

Cole, ("good idea, great idea even, good job")

Luna does some finger guns. "I'll give you a couple things too. I got cool rocks in my bag."

"WHAT DO THEY LOOK LIKE?!?! What do they smell like- what do they sound like- what do they tast- where are they?!?!?" The scarecrow asks, seemingly hyperactive and excited.

"If you'll direct your attention to this wall," Cole turns to a blank wall and an image of Nicky is projected onto it from her eyes.

"They are the previous iteration's version of Juliet, so definitely a collector's rare!" Luna says to try and spice up the offer.

“To sweeten the deal I can bake you a cake?” Knight adds as well.

"Wait wait wait wait wait...This is Nicky?" She points at the image.

"Yeah. They used to be called Rose, or Drake, or the longer version of Nicky. Or Juliet." Luna says.

"Correct" Cole nods.

"Ok now there's the issue. I don't know if I can take that one" She says a bit quieter as she taps her chin with a claw.

"Um, why not? They're basically free for the taking, and your collection would look fucking awesome with her in it!" Luna realizes what she's saying and gets a teensy bit nervous.

"I would give you all the things, as long as I get Isaac's pocket spoon back and you keep Nicky contained."

"Ok but uhhh you know she's cursed right?"

"No. This is quite literally the first time I've heard that. Cole?"

"First time I've heard it too." Cole's eyes stop projecting. "Explain." She turns to the scarecrow.

"Well me and my friends as you could call em, we make bets on what nonferals in the timeline we like. That curses them and things get a bit more...difficult. Now since old timeline nonferals have yet to survive until this one Im not sure if the curse carries over or what exactly happens"

Luna closes her eyes deep in thought, unsure how to respond.

"Long story short it screws with their luck. And there might be nothing but bad luck trying to get her"

"...wait you guys control the luck?" She finally opens her eyes.

"Control is a strong word"

"What if I manage to capture her? What will you give me in return?" Cole smiles as she cracks her neck

"Uhhhhhhhhhhh a pocket spoon?"

"And that's how we save Isaac's spoon. We capture Nicky and give them to Scarecrow here. Sounds like fun???" Oh god help.

"..fuck it. I've risked my life for less." Cole twirls the longsword like it's a fucking keychain.

"I don't think you can pull this off solo. Can you let some of us help on this one?"

"......" Cole is thinking about it, her gears are turning.

"I don't say this to demean your efforts nor your power. It's just you got an entire fuckin cult to fight, plus Nicky herself, plus who the fuck know what else is lurking there."

"...I will be...right back." Cole starts slinking off to the hallway.

"Cole, I swear to the Gods, you better not go solo!"

Scarecrow blinks some as she watches

Luna sighs and sits on the top bunk.

“Can I join if you two go do that?” Knight asks

"I'd love that, but it's fully up to Cole." Luna smiles.


Cole walks in with her Halo armor on. "So...have you guys ever watched that one scene in Iron Man when he decides to go off on his own and try and destroy the weapons or whatever?" She is slowly inching towards the front door.

She's watching Cole like a fuckin hawk. "Don't fucking go."

“That is a terrible idea” Knight adds.

"THERE ARE MORE PEOPLE IN THIS HOUSE THAN YOU." She shouts also hurting her own ears in the process. "Also sorry in advance. Owwww."

“It’s okay.”

Cole grabs the door knob

"...did you ask Spider for my meds?"

"I forgor." 💀

"Oh those meds? The ones you threw?" Scarecrow says.

"Yeah?" Cole responds.

“Wait what?” Knight says.

"In a room with a ball pit" Scarecrow adds.

"Yeah those"

"With plenty of other things to throw? And you threw that?"

"It was the first thing I came up with!"

"Not the balls?" Luna asks confused.

"That's like throwing a vital organ cuz you couldnt think to throw a shoe. Anyway yeah I have it."

"I'm feeling really called out today." Luna groans.

"Can I have them...pretty please?"

"Yeah, costs another nonferal"

Luna, {"Vivian?"}

Cole, ("No I need her tech.")

Luna, {"Nyx then?"}

"..I'll bring you Nicky in just a moment." Cole bolts out the front door.

"BASTARD!" Luna yells.

“Could’ve handed me an empty bottle or container of them, bet I could reverse it so that it was full.” Knight says.

Luna sighs. "And once again, Cole goes off to beat up another crazed nonferal solo. Why do I even bother?"

"He does this often?"

"Maybe not super often, but it feels like it anyway. Maybe I'm just an idiot. Sorry. I'll get back to documentation."

Luna goes somewhat silent and works on her stuff. Time to collate notes into something readable for everyone else. "Um, while we wait for Cole, can I get you something to eat Scarecrow? Or maybe a beverage?"

The scarecrow goes to respond but is cut off by it teleporting out.