July 15, 2022

Luna, working on her various projects, finally realizes listening to the same music over and over is starting to get old. She wonders if FM radio still works but not having one doesn’t help. She messages the group chat, asking if someone has a radio. And, guess what? Cole does.

Cole walks in while carrying Isaac by the shirt and he sits down next to the couch on the floor.

Luna waves to them. "So, about that radio"

Isaac waves.

"Sup Isaac." Luna says

"Right," Cole sets Isaac down next to him and swaps back to his human form as he opens his mouth and starts scanning through frequencies. Luna listens intently, hoping to hear some classic rock or something good. Hell she’ll even take Weezer. Unfortunately, it’s mostly static for now.

Isaac watches Cole and remarks, "Fucking Stitch."

Cole tunes to a random broadcast as it says "Fuck you” before tuning off of it.

"Hey, it’s true."

"Huh?? Wait hang on, why did that one channel say 'fuck you'??" Luna asks, shocked to hear voices. "Can you go back?"

Cole tunes back to it and it's just a ham radio conversation.

"Man have you heard about the fucking hallowed?"

"Shit yeah I have I told one to fuck off the other day"

Cole then tunes off of it.

Luna sighs. "Just casually telling one of the Hallowed to fuck off. At least kill it and gain XP?"

The radio connects to what sounds like someone humming a tune but the connection is spotty.

"Wait... what's that? Keep it there." Luna concentrates on the humming trying to understand what the song is

Cole moves his head around trying to get a better signal.

It’s no song they recognize as the humming pauses and they hear a robotic voice "The right one at 28°12'57.7"N 71°29'39.0"W soft trees till you drop." Then the humming continues.

"...uhhh what the fuck?" Luna takes those coordinates and plugs them into Google maps.

"Carribean sea, not exactly Bermuda Triangle." Luna shows Cole on her phone. Cole taps out in morse code

"- .... .- - / .. ... / .. -. / - .... . / -... . .-. -- ..- -.. .- / - .-. .. .- -. --. .-.. . / -.-- --- ..- / ..-. --- --- .-.."

Isaac squints in confusion.

Luna flips him off. "I didn't realize."

Cole shrugs.

"So... that might be New Atlantic?? Positioning makes sense, off the coast of Florida and smack dab in the Triangle."

The humming continues repeating the same message before resuming humming

"Okay, now what do they mean by 'the right one' and 'soft trees until you drop?’ The right tree has come up before. Old pylon stuff."

Cole's hands and arms glow blue as he rips open a blue portal from thin air as he sticks his head in

"... that's where DATRRS was found before."


Cole takes his head out and looks so fucking happy as the portal slams shut.

"Did you just find DATRRS in the right tree?" Luna grins.

"Did you just give yourself a magic swirly?" Isaac asks.

The humming continues.

Cole taps out, ".. - / .-- .- ... / .-- .. -.-. -.- . - / .-- --- --- -.. ..."

"Fucking called it! We are back in business!" She fucking jumps up and cheers!! "It's not DATRRS precisely, but it's close. Logically, this world should also have a Moore Manor and it should be in the right tree near the front."

"What’s happening???"

Luna turns to Isaac. "We found another nonferal world. Fenrir didn't kill all of them. The Risen are back in business!"

Cole tunes off of it and closes his mouth "So guess what? The fucking non-feral timeline is like reforming."

"Timelines can do that?" Isaac asks

"Sometimes" Cole responds

"Timelines can do whatever they please, I guess. Regardless, I'm really happy about this development." Luna says with a huge smile on her face.

"I am too, god I am too." Cole says. Cole swaps back to his wrath form and vibes as his tail wags slowly

"So now what? Do we go over there, up into the right tree in front of Moore Manor, and yoink DATRRS?" Luna asks

"Why the fuck would we steal DATRRS?" Cole asks, confused.

"Uhhh so that no other assholes, such as Saints or Mighty, can smash it to pieces?" Luna suggests

"But won't it stop working if we bring it here?" Cole responds

"...good point. We don't even know who the pylon is. Could be Drake, could be some other Hadal? Hell we don't even know if this is a hadal timeline or a divulgar timeline."

Luna secretly hopes for a divulgar one. In any case, the excitement got her sleepy and she takes a short nap.

Later in the evening, Cole disappears.


MAX: Warning reaching maximum crush depth.

LUNA: 😬 What's his maximum crush depth by the way?

MAX: Current depth for the halo armor: 6,500 meters. Maximum crush depth: 7,000 meters.

LUNA: Thank you Max. Has he encountered anything while in the water?

MAX: No.

LUNA: Odd. Then why have a beach that's conveniently right next to a literal trench?

MAX: Warning floor unstable.

LUNA: Uhhh floor??

MAX: It seems Cole is on a shelf rather then the ocean floor.

LUNA: I see. Do you know if he's hit the Hadal zone yet?

MAX: I do not know what that is. There is heavy sense of bad luck however.

LUNA: ...Fucking hadals I swear. Thank you for the updates by the way.

MAX: Warning 7000m visor unstable.

LUNA: ...How the hell is he still going down?

MAX: Warning 8000m visor has shattered.

LUNA: He's nearing the ocean floor. Wait hang on, he must be being pushed down there. There's no way he'd just fall 1000m on his own.

MAX: Warning 9000m Armor getting close to crush depth

LUNA: wait what? So that's definitely not the Puerto Rico trench

MAX: 10000m Armor crush depth reached

LUNA: Max, is Cole going to be alright?

MAX: .....No.

LUNA: But he'll just go to the Death Realm and be like "yo dad, give me new body" r-right?

MAX: You assume that he is going to die.

LUNA: ... 🙃 I mean the man's at 10km+ below the surface and you said he won't be alright. So the assumption is reasonable in this case.

MAX: Welllllll. He is alive and suffering like william afton in a spring lock suit.

LUNA: Um. I have no idea what that means. I have never played FNAF before.

MAX: His armor has collapsed in on him and has broken his bones.

LUNA: Ouch. Honestly, I guess it could be worse?

MAX: Could be.

LUNA: As someone whose broken most of her bones (thanks Cole), I feel his pain.

MAX: So it got worse. 12000m


MAX: 🤷‍♂️

LUNA: The Marianas Trench doesn't even go that far???

MAX: It's not the Marianas trench.

LUNA: Clearly.

MAX: Cole has been to that trench

LUNA: It's gotta be some other trench, perhaps one that doesn't exist in our World. New Atlantic Trench or some shit. And, of course he has :rooShrug: look i've hit the point where i'm willing to believe cole's done it all

MAX: The man has been all over the world Luna, for better or for worse Cole has seen the good of every country and the bad of almost every country.

LUNA: Is it bad that I'm like fucking envious of him??

MAX: Eh.

LUNA: Dude's literally my hero in this whole mess. He's like everything I want to be in terms of sheer strength.

MAX: With great power comes great instability.

LUNA: This is true, but a girl can dream right

MAX: You can in fact dream. Cole's at the surface.

LUNA: Ah thank you.

MAX: Cole slow your breathing, you're alright.

LUNA: Bad luck?

MAX: Yeah, he's not doing great mentally.

LUNA: Wait, but he's on the surface right? Is the bad luck from below affecting him through the smoke copy?

MAX: Yeah. Well. The smoke copy is him. Just smoke.

LUNA: Right. That makes sense. So the only thing that isn't affecting him is the water pressure, since that's being placed on the Smoke Copy. But the bad luck feeling is fully on him.


Cole reappears, drenched in water with 2 black crowns of unknown material and a crystal claymore as he throws a crown at Isaac and flops next to him. Chris walks out to the living room, and flops down on the sofa.

"Holy shit. Sick claymore!" Luna says excitedly

"Dear?" says Chris

{- Guess we're not the only one with anti-hadal technology anymore? -}

Isaac catches the crown "What is this?"

Cole just starts fucking sobbing instead of answering.



Chris rolls off the sofa, and rolls towards Cole.

Luna sighs. "Cole's had a bit of an adventure tonight."

Cole speaks through his sobs and mutters "I know what William Afton felt liiiiiikeeee"

"Dear, you're alright?"

Isaac looks at the crown and shrugs before putting it on. There’s a slight feeling of good luck to anyone around him.

"I mean, if you crushed all of your bones simultaneously while feeling extreme levels of wet and scrunkled, you'd cry too." Luna notes the change in vibes. Feels good man.

Cole is just fucking sobbing and incoherently mumbling

"You're here, you're safe now." Chris says, consoling his husband.

"And we love you too Cole. Glad you're back home." Luna says with a warm smile.

Isaac is staring at the floor in thought

Cole's sobbing slows as he mutters "I almost became a shitty great value spring traaaap"

"Well what matters is you didn't! And besides, you would've been an Acher Farms springtrap instead UwU." She has no idea what she's talking about.

Cole snaps as all of the water disappears off of him. It's worth noting that his hair didn't even look damp. "I am never going in water ever again fuck all of that entirely"

"At least you got the smoke form" Luna adds.

"Never again" Cole mutters

Luna eyes the crystal claymore and wants to examine it. "Hey Cole, can I see the badass sword you brought back? In fact, speaking of claymores, I wonder if that crown is made of the same material my ichor claymore is. Could never identify the metal."

Cole hands Luna the claymore as he looks over at Isaac and snaps his fingers in front of his face. "You good?"

Luna examines the claymore with a glint in her eyes. So shiny! The sword has a handle of gold and a blade of some white crystal material.

Chris sits up, and looks at Cole. "You good, dear?"

Cole stares at Chris "Good question."

"This thing is amazing." Luna hands it back to Cole, slightly envious of his prize

Cole takes it and sets it next to him

"We both got claymores. That's so cool!"

"Yeah that's neat. I wonder if it can like increase the power of lighting or something stupid."

Cole snaps his fingers in front of Isaac's face

Isaac flinches "Hm? What?"

"You good?" asks Cole

"Yeah I’m ok"

"You sure?"

"Mhm" he nods

"Alright." Cole looks skeptical but shrugs it off

"Now I'm curious about the crowns. I wonder if it's the same material my claymore is made of." Luna claps her hands, summoning her ichor claymore to her person. "Can I see one of the crowns?"

Cole tosses the remaining crown to Luna

It’s rather heavy. Luna catches it with some difficulty. "Heavy fucker."

She tries to compare her ichor claymore's blade to the crown material, curious if it's similar to the same material. The material looks similar but lining the inside of the crown is a band of a form of white polished stone of an unknown material.

"Huh. Okay, so it's possible the crown is the same material my ichor blade is, the banding's weird. Pretty though. Also why did they have to make this fucker so goddamn heavy?? Who the hell wants to wear a heavy hat?" She casually hands it back to Cole.

"Heavy is the head that wears a crown." Cole takes it and puts it on

"I think the term is 'thick'." Luna snickers lightheartedly.

Anyone around Cole feels some bad luck

"Kiddin-- yeeesh, what the fuck." Luna backs away from the bad vibes.

Chris shudders.

"Something wrong?"

"Bad luck."

"Did I just got dunked again?" Chris asks

Cole flicks the crown off "Nope."

"Okay, so when you put it on, you give off bad vibes, but when Isaac has it on, the vibes are mellow and chill."

Cole stares at it and puts it right back on.

Backing up. Shudder. Backing up.

"I see no issue with it"

"Yeah, if you're gonna wear that, I'm gonna go to bed. Not a fan of the vibes."

Cole shrugs. "Go for it"

And she does exactly that. After returning her ichor sword back to inventory, she teleports out to get away from the bad luck.