Eerine falls back into the shallow water with a splash, the water barely breaking her fall before she hits the hard tile. She's hit with buzzing fluorescent lights from above, and lands in what seems to be an indoor child's waterpark. The walls look half finished, some with plaster and wall paper, some being only the wood base and insulation.

"Domain 5... nice, I guess," she mutters to herself, "Thought I mastered the noclipping thing, but.. eh. It's whatever. More exploration for me." She gets up and starts wandering. She finds a small exit that opens up to a larger waterpark, the windows covered in a blinding white light. Theres a flash of a something coming down the waterfall before it slithers off into an unseen corner.

She turns to face the waterfall, slowly approaching, but her fingertips dont light up. It seems to be in a perpetual state of blurry flow of water, never coming in focus. As if it may be from a slightly old video. She walks towards it, noting it, and sticks her hand out to touch it. It runs over her hand like normal, but it never strays from its blurry nature.


She takes a small baggy from the pack on her thigh and tries to get some of the water inside of it. It fills up like normal. Eerine seals the bag and it vanishes in her hand. She turns around and starts to wander again.

As she turns a corner she finds a room covered in tile, knee deep water, and a spiral staircase rising up in the center.

She heads to the staircase cautiously, looking up. As she climbs, she finds a dark hall, lined with shelves that seem to rise into the dark of the roof, she can't tell how high it goes up, and the shelves seem to move out infinitely in each direction. It all has a different feel from the rest of the area she's been in, everything feeling... oddly hyperrealistic. The shelves are lined with what look like menial items.

She begins to walk, turning on the flashlight integrated into the suit. She makes sure to note all the objects as she walks. She continues to walk for a good while, the objects seemingly in no sort of organized pattern, there are mugs, jewelry sets, boxes, a suit of armor dismantled to fit the shelves. She eventually comes upon a door. Eerine carefully approaches the door, slowly opening it.

The door opens up into a sterile, white room. On first inspection, it looks like a lab of some sort, equipment on tables against the wall, and what seems to be a large glass box as a centerpiece of the room.

She squints, slowly stepping in, making sure not to create any noise. She inspects the equipment. It looks like average lab equipment, a few microscopes, a fume hood, various lab flasks and beakers holding viscous liquids, a single vile covered in a label that prevents from seeing inside. The label looks like an unintelligable mess of scribbling, it seems almost incomprehensible that this could have anything of meaning.

She notes this, taking a picture of the vial. She looks over to inspect the glass box. It's empty, with what looks to be a somewhat plush floor. The glass is freezing to the touch. Eerine looks around for anything she might've missed. There's a small bend in the corner, looking to be another small room. She slowly and cautiously walks towards it.

It's a small nook, with the ceiling oddly low. There are a lot of screens in the room, not plugged into anything. The screens show various things, following random people, all having something odd about them, one on fire, one shaking in what looks to be an empty cell, and what looks to be a bipedal wolf with a bone head, dressed like a frat boy.

She slowly approaches the screens, taking photos quietly. Any sort of background hum from the TVs, the kind youve blocked out years ago from being around electronics, goes silent. Eerine stops dead in her tracks. It continues to be absolutely silent. There's something behind her. Her horns glow silently as she telepathically takes notes. The fingertips of her suit begin to glow as she slowly turns around.

Theres a shadowy figure standing above her, it's probably looking down at her, but she couldn't tell, half of its body is cut off by the roof as it seems to clip through. No matter how much she looks at it, it just feels like the figure won't come out of focus.

"-̷ ̴-̸ ̴-̴ ̷-̸ ̴-̵ ̴-̶ ̸-̶ ̷-̸ ̷?"

Eerine is fucking terrified. "Wh-?" She stumbles back slightly.

It takes a step to keep the current distance.

"-̵ ̷-̷ ̴-̶-̴ ̶-̶ ̸-̸ ̷-̶ ̶-̵ ̷-̸ ̸-̷-̷ ̶."

"I-I don't understand-" She backs up again "What are you?-"

It takes another step toward her.

"/̴/̶ ̵/̶-̷ ̶/̸.̷.̵.̴.̴"

She is backed up against the screens, basically frozen in fear.

It kneels down, showing two hyper realistic eyes looking at her, unblinking. She reaches into the air and seemingly picks something from the air, before a small lilac flower appears in her hand.


It offers the flower to her.

Eerine slowly takes the flower, making sure to not make any sudden movements.

It seems pleased, and gives off a soft, comforting trill.

"Wwhat are you,?" she asks again.

Marigold looks down at her.

"-̷-̵-̴-̸ ̴-̶ ̸-̵-̵-̸-̸-̴-̶-̸ ̸-̷-̷"

"I, I don't understand-" Small noises can be heard from within the Nullsuit.

It gives some sort of head movement, its impossible to tell if its a nod, shrug, or shaking of the head.

She just stares. She attempts to take a photo of it. The photo is completely filled by the shadowy presence, nothing except the eyes visible. The image seems to give off.. a comforting presence as she observes it.

"C. Can I leave??" More noise can be heard from inside the nullsuit. It holds out what looks to be a hand. Eerine slowly and carefully takes it. She disappears, appearing in a flower field in Mexico, filled with marigold.