November 22, 2022

A random R053 is hangin out in the city and wandering around, fliers and pills in hand. A can falls off the rack inside a small grocery store, viewable through large windows. They turn their head to the store, pivoting to head inside, sticking up a few fliers on the door. They make their way to the can. There's something hunched over the clerence bin tossing broken trickets and old dvd players on the ground. From the back they can only see a bunch of wires. They walk over to it, unfazed.

"Hey!" they smile and wave. It turns to face them. It's three screens that stares back. "Huh, you look a lot like that Claire girl's C. Nice!" They try to hand the thing a pamphlet. It moves back slightly while staring at the pamphlet. "It's a fun place, you should come out there sometime. Parties all the time, it's wild. And, hey, if you like a little bit of fun in your life..." They take out a bottle of R053 and hand a pill to it. It takes the pamphlet a moment before droping it and taking the pill. It stares at the pill as if inspecting it. It's a white and pink capsule pill with a little smiley face on it. There's something glowing inside the pill, giving it a slightly iridescent coloring. The slasher sticks the pill into a vent on one of the screens. "Metal," they laugh, leaning on a shelf.

There's a long pause as the screens flicker. "Sooo? Feel anything yet?" It stares back a long moment before the screens glitch out more. The wires real back in on itself as if in pain. The blades of the fan start spinning rapidly. "Hahahaaaa yeahhhhh, you know how to get down I can tell," they crack open a jar of pickles and start chowin' down. There's a loud buzzing as parts of the wires start melting. The screens turn white as theres a strong feeling of bad luck. "Uhh... you good?" they back up slightly. The screens stutter before falling on the ground and begining to melt. The lights in the area flicker and cut off as the emergancy lights cut on. There's sparks coming from the pile.

"Shit shit shit," they back away more before putting their fliers and pill bottles in their bag, readying to book it. Fur sticks up from the mess as they get a glimpse of a soul glowing. "What the fuck..." they start to walk towards The Blob Fnaf. The soul is covered as a nonferal covered in blood looks over at them. They look confused. "Holy fucking shit. Nice fursuit dude????"

The nonferal tilts its head some. The R053 says, "Realistic as fuck, can I get a picture? Loved the effects before it too haha, shit's rad."

It tilts its head the other way.

"Ohhh ok you're one of those ones who don't speak when in the suit right? Respectable, can I get a picture though?"

It stares at them. They take out their phone and snap a pic. They flinch some. "So uhh..." they shrug slightly, "Wanna head to the church?"

They stare, unsure what to do.

"..." They gently take the 'nonferals' hand. "C'mon."


The totally non feral is in a room that appears to be like a psych ward doctor's office. The r053 that brought them there is leaning on the wall beside them. Lucille walks in.

"Jeez that's the first time a nonferal's been R053'd in over a year what the fuck how did you do that???"

"What's a nonferal"

"....Nevermind, just uh... wait outside?"

The r053 heads out, closing the door behind them. Lucille examines the nonferal. They're a pure silver fox with orange eyes, presumably female. They have no scars or wounds and watch Lucille curiously.

"Hmmm..." a TV screen in the room turns on, showing the color blue. She gestures for the fox to look. The fox looks and seems unphased as it looks back at her and tilts their head. The screen switches to Orange as Lucille looks somewhat confused. The fox seems unaffected

"Huh." The screen flickers to an image of Moore Manor. She seems unaffected. A bell appears on the screen with a ding sound. Her ear flicks at the sound but nothing more. She looks around as they get bored.

"Hmmmm... how interesting." She turns to one of the cabinets and reaches inside, pulling out some sort of glove thingy. She puts it on and shoves her hand into the nonferal's chest, digging around for a soul. She looks a bit startled and Lucille finds the soul. She pulls it out and examines it. It's a normal soul for any human, not nonferal at all. She collapses.

"What the fuck..." She places it back in and takes the glove off, leaning on a counter. "You're the most powerful nonferal ever, I've decided. Your name will be Quillis."

Quillis looks around and gets back up. She looks confused. "You are Quillis." Lucille points at them. She looks over and is more confused. Lucille teleports them and herself into a room that looks like a fighting training area with lifelike dummies and blunt weapons. She hands Quillis Nonnon a bat. "Attack, my ferocious warrior." Quillis looks at the bat curiously. Lucille picks up another bat and starts hitting a dummy to demonstrate. She walks over and hits the same dummy with the bat, "Yes... hahaha... YES..." She snaps a slice of salami into her hand and gives it to Quillis as a reward.

She takes it and sniffs it before making a disgusted face. She drops it on the floor and starts beating the salami with the bat. "What do you eat. Do you like chicken. I can make you a rotisserie chicken." Salami carnage continues. Lucille hands Quillis Nonnon a strawberry with a look on her face. Quillis takes it and sniff it. Her eyes light up as she eats the strawberry whole. Her tail wags some. "You will receive another strawberry for every good deed you do," Lucille says while doing gestures to explain it to the non english speaking non non feral. There's no way in hell she understood any of that.

Lucille points at Quillis, then the bat Lucille's holding, then she hits the dummy, then she makes a strawberry appear. Her eyes widen some as she hits the dummy again. Lucille hands Quillis the strawberry. She takes it and eats it. She keeps hitting the dummy. More strawberries are fed to the fox.