July 19, 2022

Sparrow can see people moving outside the cell door. She walks up to the door to see what's happening.

They're moving something into an empty cell across from Sparrow's.

She can very vaguely see it.

Sparrow squints before heading to the fridge and shuffling through it. She gets some lettuce, puts in in a cup before adding a few drops of her own blood and swirling it around some.

She takes a breath and chugs it. She sits down on the sofa and grumbles to herself while thinking.

Sparrow's cell slowly begins to fill with a pink mist that makes her feel somewhat dizzy. She gets up, a bit startled by it as she grabs onto a chair. It continues to spread, and she feels herself become extremely tired.

She tries to fight staying up but slide down and sits on the ground trying to keep her eyes open, but she'd soon pass out!
