Harmonia falls into a lake. The water is warm and flowing. There's a waterfall nearby. The sky is black with a rose gold moon. The water is glowing slightly, some dragonflies floating above it. There are some trees surrounding the lake, mostly tall fir trees. There are some lights in the distance.

Harmonia swims to the surface and looks around before starting to swim to the shore, wondering where she is.

She makes it to land quickly, there's some muffled music coming from through the trees. It's dark.

Harmonia gets out of the lake and starts heading towards the music, trying to be as quiet as possible.

There are a ton of heavily vandalized mansions, there is lamp posts on the streets but they've all been replaced with varying bright LED colors, and there's a ton of robot-looking demons "fishing" for other robot-looking demons that have chains on their necks.

Yelling. There's so much yelling. Something about "punishment", "sinners", stuff like that. A lot of the ones that aren't chained up look like nonferal animals, aside from a few parts that look somewhat robotic, and the ones that are chained look like mostly robotic humans, with radios, TVs, speakers, etc replacing their heads.

Harmonia tilts her head and tries to get closer without revealing herself.

Upon getting closer she can see that some of the more animal-looking ones have canine-like ears and brightly-colored fur. They look organic. Their faces appear like screens in the vague shape of a canine snout, with lights that show eyes and a smile.

Harmonia tries to get closer but accidentally SNEEZES.

She can barely hear herself sneeze over the music and yelling, HOWEVER. Someone sees her. A short, pink-furred demon is STARING at Harmonia. Their ear twitches slightly. They wave, their claws appearing to be metal.

Harmonia waves back nervously. "Uhh- hi-”

They put their paw up to their ear and mouth, 'can't hear you', before walking over. They pull at her sleeve and start walking into the woods.

Harmonia follows, a bit anxious.

They make it back to the lake.

"You the weird kiss girl?"

"Wow," She stares at them. "Maybe I am.”

Their ear twitches. "Sweet. Whatcha doin here?"

"No clipped" She stares at them suspiciously.

"Weirdddd…” They kick at some pebbles. "Not what I expected you to look like.”

"Oh. So... where am I?" Harmonia asks.


Harmonia groans. "Ugghhhhhh.”


"How do I leave?”

They shrug. "Doors, I dunno?”

"Fuck my LIFE. So what were you guys doing back there?” Harmonia asks.

"Normal Lust stuff, punishing humans for their sins.”

Harmonia rolls her eyes. "God I hate this hell.”

"Yeah, it sucks ngl," They yawn. They pronounced ngl as enngeyull.

"I guess I should head towards the hall, right? That's how we got out last time.” Harmonia says.

"What time is it?” They ask.

"What do you mean?"

"What time is it!"

Harmonia checks her phone. "9:45.”

"Ok so wait ten hours to go to the Hall because you'll be killed in the Grey at this hour, or you could go if you wanna die lol.”

"The grey? Why would I be killed at this hour?" Harmonia asks.

"Treachery, extremely dangerous at night, night doesn't work the same there as it does on Earth.”

"Ah... gotcha... uh. So... should I wait in a tree or something?" Harmonia asks.

"You could probably find a door if you just looked around? They're everywhere."

"A door back to my world?"


"Alright, I'll do that. Thanks."

"No prob," They walk back into the woods. From where Harmonia is, she can see something behind the waterfall.

Harmonia tilts her head and walks to the waterfall.

There's a doorway into what looks like a cave? There's some greenish-gold light coming from inside.

She looks around a little bit before heading inside!
