November 15, 2022

Lock heads into her funnyroom, Oleander following along. Due it being night the room is dark expect for some glow in the dark stars on the walls and ceiling. She heads over to her bed and takes the blanket off. She brings the blanket over to Oleander.

Oleander takes it, still shaking as he wraps it around himself and looks up at the stars.

"Those are pretty..." He says gently, looking to Lock.

" know I won't ever throw you away" Lock says a bit nervously as she looks off to the side. A different thought nagging at her

Oleander smiles. "Thank you... I just.." He looks down. "The thoughts are loud... telling me I'm just a tool... if a tools defective you throw it out and-" He looks to the side, tearing up. "Ive... never really had friends. Im scared to mess it up... im scared to make you not want me."

Lock thinks a moment, "I don't think you could make me hate you"

Oleander smiles again. "Thats a relief at least..." He wipes his tears away. His thoughts drift back to Nyx. "They didnt hurt you right?? Youre okay??"

"Not a scratch, don't worry" She shakes her head.

"Okay,, good..." He runs a hand through his hair, trying to distract himself. "So um- I've never been in this room before-"

"It's my room. Uh...well yeah it is," Lock sounds unsure.

"You seem unsure,,," Oleander comments lightheartedly

"'s a...very long story"

Oleander nods. "Fair enough." He sits down next to the bed and looks at the stars. "I wonder how they glow..." He whispers.

Lock looks up at the stars awell, "They reflect the sun I think. Like a mirror, or a delayed mirror"

Oleander nods. "Thats interesting but um..." He blushes in embarrassment. "I actually meant the plastic ones..." He says, looking to her

Lock looks at him, "Yeah I know"

He tilts his head. "Thats how they work?" This seems to confuse them. "Thats so weird..."

"I'm not sure how they do it but that's what I was told"

"Thats wild..." They smile slightly. "What else do you have in here?" They ask curiously

Lock glances over at a wooden chest by the closet. "Uhm...some things in there I think" She gestures. Oleander crawls over and opens the chest. Inside are most of the basic good toys any kid could think of, theres Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robots, rubix cube, rainbow slinkies, a G.I Joe, the etch sketch thing, several coloring books, and a yellow dumptruck. His eyes widen as he takes them out one by one, very carefully as though they were made of glass.

"Um... I know I'm too old but.." Oleander blushes and looks towards Lock. "Want to play together?"

Lock looks a bit out of it, "Uhm. Sure"

"Are you okay?" They ask, pausing.

"Mhm, yeah I'm ok" Lock nods.

"Okay,,," He starts messing with the slinky, a small smile settling onto his face. Lock watches quietly while hugging her knees. Oleander just starts playing with the toys like a little kid, though somewhat nervous. Lock slowly dozes off as she watches. After a while Oleander notices and attempts to pick her up and put her in the bed. As she's moved he can see something hidden under the pillow on her bed. They gently pull it out, tucking Lock in. It's a pocket sized, homemade sock fox that's seen way better days. It looks well loved.

Oleander smiles snd gently sets it next to Lock, watching her sleep for a small moment before cleaning up the toys and laying on the floor with the blanket, staring at the stars on the ceiling. It's fairly accurate to a normal night sky. He finds himself soon drifting off while thinking about the stars and their constellations.