July 11, 2022

Wisteria and Marigold were poring over a vial, several screens around it, displaying microscopic views of what was inside, they were practically silent with each other, doing their basic work with marking its base properties in appearance. Wisteria looks to Marigold and nods, before pouring the contents, impurity, into a petri dish. The Impurity pours like a liquid but quickly solidifies, appearing like dirty roots.

Wisteria's eyes light up as she looks to Marigold and back to the impurity. "How interesting...." She pours water over the roots. It becomes liquid impurity.

"It spreads, then..." A few basil leaves appear in her hand, and she drops them onto the roots. They shrivel up, becoming black.

She nods, taking some notes before slipping on some latex gloves. She takes a breath, a certain gleam in her eyes, "This is where things get fun." She reaches out to try and scoop some of the impurity. It crawls onto her glove. She looks at it curiously, moving her hand around to look at the angles.

"It moves?" She brings it to her nose and sniffs it. Facehugger'd. It crawls into every facial orifice it can. It HURTS it BURNS.

She winces and stumbles back into the counter, "SHIT- WELL-... This'll be... INTERESTING... MARIGOLD TAKE NOTES ITS BURNING RIGHT NOW-" Marigold seems fairly calm, its not the most outlandish occurence so far. Wisteria's face begins to bleed black blood, though it appears different than normal Dromen blood. Wisteria peels the glove off and wipes her hand on her face, inspecting the blood,

"Well- THIS is new!" Her face is a mix of panic and excitement. The blood begins to spread across her fingers, piercing them with what feel like sharp needles, digging into them and embedding itself into her skin.

She cries out and holds herself up against the counter, "Well- it feels like needles in my skin-! And its not leaving-!!!" Her breathing is quick, and Marigold continues to take notes. She'd begin to feel and notice it entering her bloodstream, causing discoloration to the veins. Wisteria holds her arm up to the camera, in the corner in the room.

"Get this- this one Marigold this is interesting." It begins to burn more as Wisteria begins to feel her grip on reality slipping, she begins to feel disconnected from her body, her vision going slightly blurry. She lays against the counter now, pushing some tools off of it, "Marigold I'm feeling... weird. It's hard to see, and I'm feeling unlatched from things-" The Impurity begins digging into her mind, filling it with thoughts that are either undesirable or simply empty.

Wisteria sets some fingers on her temples, "N-negative mental effects, intrusive thoughts." Her skin begins to turn pale, most other features becoming dark and shadowy. Including her clothes, which become melded to her skin. She pulls at her clothes and her eyes go wide, the excitement beginning to leave her face, "This looks more permanent, shit..."

Marigold takes a step forward towards her, setting the clipboard aside.


"No! No don't get close." Wisteria begins to feel EVERYTHING go numb. She is no longer in control of her body, though still conscious inside of it. Wisteria goes limp, now silently panicking within her own mind while simultaneously trying to take mental notes on the experience. Marigold looks worriedly down at her, before backing up, and vanishing. The Impurity begins to settle in Wisteria's body, and she begins to feel as though she can move, though most of her movements feel. off. uncharacteristic. impulsive

Wisteria sits up, jerkily, gripping the table tightly as she stands, “Interesting…” She reaches out and snatches the notes Marigold was taking, almost as if she was trying to grab them before someone else could, and reads over them, before underlining some parts she found more important.